Omega Summoner

Chapter 1688 Hell Gate Defense II

Chapter 1688 Hell Gate Defense II

Chapter 1688 Hell Gate Defense II

The angels suddenly did a pre-emptive attack on the devil side due to their confidence of reviving. The angels like the devils can actually revive as long as their soul could reach the Silver City. Adrian already confirmed this as a special trait of the angels since the game must be compensating for their small numbers.

This is also one of the reasons why the angels are wary of Adrian or anyone that is from the Church of Life and Death. Adrian made sure to destroy the souls of the angel's way towards the Silver City. He personally delivered them to the afterlife ever since he found out about this detail.

"Each and every one is clear with our assignments. Please coordinate with the one that will lead you in the fight. Also, I wish everyone to stay vigilant as angels are beings of light. That is all! Dismissed." Adrian stated as all of his guild members came out of the guild house.

When Adrian came out of the guild house, he could see that there were some damages done. He also saw that the durability of the space pedestal was reduced by one. It seems that it was damaged by a stray attack which is why it is still relatively intact. The fact that some of the angels have evaded Sirius' detection is a bit concerning to Adrian. josei

"No… it would be more accurate to say that they did not meet as they used different paths. Sirius, move with the angel army and tell me when they will arrive." Adrian stated via their soul link, and he got a response.

"Master! The angel army suddenly started to march faster and faster. They would arrive at the location in half a day." Sirius stated as Adrian shared his vision.

Adrian's vision changed and saw the large floating castle surrounded by a blazing light. The floating castle seemed to be coated in a golden aura and also spread it towards the people below. The human army could be seen marching first which means that they would arrive a few hours before the floating castle reaches the Hell Gate.

Sirius was about to investigate more upon Adrian's insistence, but he felt a powerful killing intent which is why he immediately dove into the shadows. A player wielding large tonfa blades glowing in a radiant gold aura appeared where Sirius was observing. He clicked his tongue as he was not able to attack the wolf that he saw earlier.

"I missed. It seems that the Demon is already aware of what is happening." The player stated.

Sirius was immediately told to return as his presence has already been recognized. Adrian did not want to have him die while the distance was far away. The respawn would be longer if a soulbound dies away from its master after all. He also did not want Sirius to be detected by the angels as they would be able to kill him since their elements clash.

"Charon! I need you to drag the angels that are still hiding to me." Adrian commanded as Charon suddenly appeared behind him.

"As master wishes." Charon replied with a bow before suddenly vanishing.

"Guild Master Equinox!" A player that Adrian has never recognized before appeared.

"Yes?" Adrian asked as the player was from the Infernum guild.

"Our guild master and the other guild master's would like to invite you for an emergency meeting." The player stated.

Adrian did not neglect the offer and accepted as he wanted to see what the others would do. If they fail this then the quest would be for nothing. The chance to enter the treasury of the oldest devils is not something that anyone can ignore.

"Do not worry as I would take care of the guild while you and the other leaders talk." Levin Cloud stated.

"Thanks. I am counting on you." Adrian stated as he followed the Infernum guild player.

The meeting was held at a location that is located at the middle of the save zones. It seems that the guild leaders made sure that this location is optimal as they can monitor everything that happens. Adrian entered the large tent and felt something amiss.

"Greetings! Guild Master Equinox!" A guild master of a guild that Adrian is not familiar with greeted him as if they know each other.

Adrian looked around and there were only about six guild masters there. He did not see anyone that is familiar with him which he found strange. The atmosphere also seemed strange as soon as he entered as it suddenly became tense.

The only one that was not awkward, or tense was the guild master that was acting close to Adrian. Adrian could feel something was about to happen as he did not see other guild masters that he recognized. Adrian immediately smiled which somehow triggered the ones that planned all of this to act.

"It is so great to finally meet you!" The guild master that was acting close to Adrian stated.

Adrian noticed the attack that was aimed at him and immediately pulled the chatty guild master to the side. It seems that the chatty guild master that greeted him was not part of the plan to assassinate him as he was shocked to his core. Adrian also saw how he reacted and that was not just acting since he suddenly crawled like a child in fear.

"To think that there would be traitors in our midst, but I have already thought it was a possibility." Adrian stated.

"When did you notice? Well, that is not of concern since you are already trapped here until you kill our side." One of the hostile guild masters stated.

"What is the meaning of this!? I thought that we are here to ask him for aid!" The chatty guild master asked as he was still not processing the things happening.

"Yeah… you basically dragged yourself here when you overheard us about getting to talk to Equinox." Another of the hostile guild masters stated.

"I found you annoying which is why killing you would relieve my anger of the failed assassination." Another of the hostile guild masters stated.

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