Omega Summoner

Chapter 1692 Hell Gate Defense VI

Chapter 1692 Hell Gate Defense VI

Chapter 1692 Hell Gate Defense VI

[The Devil Gods cheer for what you have done.]

[The devils have found a new kind of respect for you.]

[You have gained the favor of the devils. All the devils will treat you with respect]

"I did not really do that to get their respect though." Adrian stated as he returned to his guild members.

"Wow. I have got to say but that was extremely brutal. I loved it." Levin Cloud stated as he gave a thumbs up.

"No wonder the devils liked it." Adrian muttered as he looked at Levin Cloud before returning to give directions.

The players that planned to rebel suddenly felt that they should not stay in the area. The guilds that were part of the heavenly army that are hiding in the midst of the devil army started to slowly back away. Adrian anticipated this and let them be but that did not mean that the other players will.

A slight civil war started to happen in the devil army where the guilds that were planning to become snakes are sent away. Some of the guilds were trampled while some were able to escape due to being prepared. The overall morale of the people is suddenly dropped as they did not expect that many traitors in their mix.

Some guild masters that were friends suddenly broke their alliances because they were revealed to be colluding with the angels. In the end, the devil army is now an extremely broken army that does not have complete trust on one another. If they do trust someone then that would be the Pantheon guild as they were the only ones that has a clear stand.

Numerous guild masters that are acquainted and not acquainted with Adrian paid him a visit. Solstice could be seen smiling and nodding her head in approval as her brother now uses the perfect business smile that he learned from their father. A tear could even be seen dropping from her left eye as if she was elated with emotions.

"Master! They are an hour away!" Sirius stated as he has finally returned to Adrian.

"Everyone, get ready. The heavenly army is now coming to us." Adrian stated as he told everyone to go into battle stations.

Adrian also alarmed all of the guild masters about the upcoming army as they are the ones that will share the burden of protecting the Hell Gate after all. Some of them had their suspicions but ultimately told their members to get ready as well. It did not take long for their scouts to return and inform them of the upcoming large army that will descend their way.

"The angels are coming!" One of the guild scouts for Valor shouted as they were the ones that wanted everyone to work together for this successful quest.

"I am asking this just to make sure since you rarely want to help other races. I thought that demons hate to have the world go into chaos. Why are you helping the devils when their dimension is also creeping out to the main world?" Levin Cloud asked Adrian a while ago.

"I am not helping the devils. I am maintaining the balance of the world. I am just getting some reward for it." Adrian replied.

"You are pulling my leg here. Hell is another world entirely that is also another dimension." Levin Cloud argued as the demons do not move unless the fate of the world's balance is in place.

"Do you wish to know the truth about Hell then?" Adrian stated as he smiled because he knows about it more than he lets on.

The other guild members also brought their faces closer as the guild master and the vice guild master were chatting about juicy information. Most of the guild members might not seem like it but they are also heavily invested in the lore of Pandemonium. It is also the reason why they got their hidden job classes as they were geeks when it comes to lore.

"The Silver City 'Heaven' as they call it and the Dark Kingdom 'Hell' are actually in one plane of reality that is fixed together." Adrian stated as he showed his left hand to represent Hell and his right hand to represent Heaven.

Adrian then clasped his two hands together to create two of his hands that are touching each other. The guild members suddenly murmured among themselves as they did not easily believe what their guild master is saying. If Heaven and Hell were in the same plane of reality, then why are they fighting against each other.

"Why are they so aggressive against each other then?" Creepysoo asked.

"Not everyone loves their neighbor." Adrian replied.

"You see their dimensions are actually connected because the devils and angels all come from the same creator after all. Even if some of them have been cast out and also become gods themselves, they will never erase the connection with their own creator. When the Goddess of Light Luminaria created Heaven, she also created Hell in the process." Adrian stated as he laughed as he saw that very record hidden in the tower of Babylon in the Silver City.

Adrian also felt it when he entered the Silver City when he infiltrated it. The dimension itself in the Silver City was cut as if it was torn away. He then felt the same energy from Hell when he entered it as well but there was something that maintained that divide.

"If I am right then the reason why the Dragon of Revelation is sealed in Hell is not only to monitor it but also keep the two places from merging together." Adrian thought to himself, but he does not want to say it since he was not completely sure.

"Why do they want to destroy the Hell Gate then?" Kabrakan asked as it seems that there was no connection between the Silver City and Hell. josei

"Heaven is stabilized by Hell which means that the presence of Hell in the main world balances the power that the angels received. Let me ask you this… when the Hell Gate was not yet opened, what were the angels doing?" Adrian asked them.

"They were galivanting proudly as if they were gods that descended." Peridot answered.

"Correct! What happened when the Hell Gate appeared?" Adrian followed up.

"They suddenly cooped up in their home and only came out in a few groups except for the players." Levin Cloud stated.

"That is correct! The energy from the Silver City that poured out to the main world was vast when they were first unsealed, but the Hell Gate suddenly opened and cut off their source of energy. The Hell Gate is actually releasing levels of devil miasma from it which is counteracted by the mana from the Silver City." Adrian stated.

"Then what would happen if the Hell Gate rampaged earlier as it was enlarged forcefully?" Ark asked as this started with the Hell Gate being used to let more powerful devils out.

"If that happened then you would have seen me destroying devils instead. I will not ally with the angels, but I would surely cut off every devil that came out of that gate to sacrifice. I am pretty sure I can use them to seal their own gate." Adrian muttered as an answer which made the skin of his guild members shudder.

"Our guild master might be more of a devil than an actual devil." All the Pantheon guild members thought as they no longer had any questions for Adrian at the moment.

All the people near the Hell Gate felt the pressure of the upcoming battle before them as they can feel that the sun seems to not be going down despite it having supposed to be night at this point in time. To be accurate, the sun has already set but a large floating castle that is the size of five large ten story buildings combined that is radiating powerful light could be seen on the horizon.

"Ten minutes remaining." The thoughts of every player on the devil side thought as they gulped in anticipation of what is coming to them.

The sound of horns could suddenly be heard as the rumbling ground is felt by every being there. The human army that followed the angels have also started to be seen by their naked eyes. The players defending the Hell Gate thought that the human army numbered only in the thousands, but their eyes could not deceive them.

"Reporting, guild master!" Awraka stated as she suddenly appeared beside Adrian.

"Proceed please." Adrian replied.

"The number of beings or rather humans on the side of the enemy are ten million. This count is only a rough estimate, but it was taken from the statistics of the enemy side." Awraka reported.

"No wonder we got powerful boosts to our stats just to protect one gate. The enemy is basically twenty to one." Adrian stated as they only had half a million combatants including the devils and players as a whole.

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