Omega Summoner

Chapter 170 - Finding The Last Two Fragments

Chapter 170 - Finding The Last Two Fragments

Adrian logged back in the game and immediately summoned his soulbounds. He wanted to level up his soulbounds to level 99 so they could level up to 100 after the raid. Since all of them are now level 96, it will only take a few more grinding for that to happen.

Adrian is glad that the last two probable areas are located in Nebulon which is the main world. If it was located in other worlds then Adrian would have a difficult time bringing them there. He can't just bring them with him to the Paradox Planes or find the portal in the main world.

Adrian found the spatial fracture for the next area that he has collected information about. This time he is the northern region of the central continent. It was cold as an ocean was just separating both the northern and the central continent. It was not a normal ocean but a frozen ocean so if anyone was daring enough then they could reach the norther continent by foot.

Some dared to do just that but some were unlucky and plunged into a cold ocean. Some could not bear the cold climate and froze to death on the way. If they were lucky they might encounter a Torigo which is one of the human settlers up in the north.

Sometimes the Torigo would go to the central continent to barter for food or any other necessities. Although they are friendly people, they are also fierce warriors because only the strong can survive in a frozen tundra. If you manage to be extremely friendly with them then they might escort you to the north but that was it. You are going to fend for yourself once reaching the northern continent.

Anyways, Adrian and his soulbounds arrived at what looked like a mountain covered in snow. If Adrian was right then there should be a city below this mountain. He read in the forums that this mountain is called Mount Nieve. The city below is called Snowport due to being near the frozen ocean.

The undead that sprung up here in this mountain are peculiar due to them having frozen elemental attack properties. Instead of zombies, it is read as Frozen Walking Corpse. Adrian is seeing one right now as they littered the place. The only problem now is finding the entrance to the dungeon.

Adrian does not know where the entrance would be located so his only option now is to search for it. He wanted to check if the Frozen Walking Corpse would have an area where they pop up but the way they spawn was interesting. The Frozen Walking Corpse would respawn by emerging from the snow as if those that died and was buried in the snow rose up to exact vengeance.

Adrian then speculated that the dungeon would probably be hidden inside the mountain. He was so upset because the whole mountain was covered in snow. He did think of burning the mountain snow using Kanlaon's breath but that would make a loud ruckus.

The city lord might send guards and find the cause of the disturbance if he did exactly that. His only choice now is to earnestly search for the entrance.

"Yeah…I am just going to blow away the snow using Quantum Repulsion." Adrian muttered.

So Adrian used all his in-game time that day just plowing snow in order to find the entrance. Kanlaon and Sirius would kill any monster that will attack them while Saena was sealed because she got frostbite. She was shivering the whole time so Adrian had to seal her for the time being.

Adrian was a bit fine but even he felt the cold building up. He would consume an item he purchased from Jianna that is called Warmth Pill. This pill generates heat inside the body but it only lasts for three hours and its effects diminishes over time. Adrian had to return to get a new batch from Jianna whenever he runs out of stock.

"Maybe I should ask for help now from Creepysoo. He might be able to know of what is happening here as he is an undead after all." Adrian thought and proceeded to ask for help from his undead player friend.

Creepysoo replied that he will be there in a few seconds so Adrian continued plowing the snow. He might find the entrance if he kept digging through the snow. Hard work always pays off in the end so he might luck out and find it.

Adrian was plowing through the snow when he suddenly felt an anomaly in space near his area. He then saw a wraith looking undead come out with a small pale faced boy. The wraith bowed towards Adrian and then to the pale boy before entering the tear in space and disappearing.

"Sorry that we are a bit late. It seems that when people of your kind is in an area, you guys unconsciously strengthen the fabric of reality or so. It is too mind blowing to me so I do not know half of what Du'an just said. All I learned is that to not use space attribute magic around your kind." Creepysoo cheerfully stated.

"Uhuh. I forgot that we did that so I guess it was difficult to pinpoint my location and transfer here. Anyways, we need to do something about your look." Adrian muttered as he cast Glamour on Creepysoo.

Creepysoo's look did not change but his skin tone now looked healthier than the deathly pale color it previously had. Creepysoo who saw that Adrian casted a skill on him was astounded by the change in his look even though it is small.

"Ooh. So this is what you used to turn human like." Creepysoo excitedly stated.

"Do not get too excited. It will perish if you get critically injured." Adrian stated.

"Anyways, I called you here because I think that a fragment is hiding somewhere around here. Look at the undead that are spawning here. They are obviously unique. I got the other fragments on locations with unique undead so maybe this location has one. Thankfully very few players visit this area as they normally get frostbite in just a few minutes." Adrian replied.

"Still we should not be careless as it might get unwarranted attention if they find out that we are of a different race." Creepysoo replied.

"Oh! It seems you matured quite a bit since we last met. Last time, you just blurted out everything that you know." Adrian replied teasingly.

"Well, a streamer player managed to unlock the Dark Elf race and he was apparently hounded by players. I do not do well in front of mobs of people so I do not want that to happen to me. He was constantly asked on how he unlocked it and such that he stopped streaming." Creepysoo stated.

"So another reason for me to not go with my original choice to become a streamer then." Adrian blurted.

"You wanted to be a streamer big bro?! I advise you not to because all your secrets will be revealed but you can go another route and upload videos on AtlasTube. Lesser money but generally safe as you can hide your face and names by editing the video." Creepysoo stated.

"I see. I will take your advice to heart. Enough of that then. Do you have an idea on what is the mechanism here on this mountain?" Adrian asked.

"I can feel undead energy but it is mostly from the roaming undead. I can feel something but it is faint. It feels like something is blocking me from sensing it. It is probably cloaking its power from me. It also probably hid itself from Du'an because I sensed nothing when we came." Creepysoo replied.

"If we move to the source, can you feel it better?" Adrian asked.

"Probably but that is not a guarantee." Creepysoo replied.

"We do not have any leads on this point so point us to the direction. We will protect you. Do you get frostbite?" Adrian stated.

"Undead do not get status conditions like fear, frostbite or stun and we have unlimited stamina. We do suffer a lot from holy attribute damage though." Creepysoo replied.

"Nice racial characteristics. All we have is Origin Magic and the inability to use any other magic other than that." Adrian said.

"I mean that is cool in and of itself. You are like godlike as your magic can influence the fabric of reality like bam bam." Creepysoo retorted while doing superhero poses.

"It is more complicated than that and a lot of restrictions. Like for instance, we must not travel to the past. If we do, we must not change the past as it might upset the present and change the reality we know today." Adrian explained.

"Awesome! You can travel towards the past." Creepysoo replied with sparkling eyes.

"Not me though. Only an elder in our race can. He wields time magic like he was born to use it." Adrian replied but then snow they are walking upon suddenly shook.

Sensing danger, Sirius immediately pushed Creepysoo out of the way while Adrian jumped back. The snow suddenly started forming into a gigantic body reminiscent of a golem.josei

"It seems we are going the right way." Adrian stated as they prepared for battle.

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