Omega Summoner

Chapter 1702 Angel of Chastity Jophiel

Chapter 1702 Angel of Chastity Jophiel

Chapter 1702 Angel of Chastity Jophiel

The Angel of Chastity Jophiel was made when the Goddess of Light Luminaria found inspiration from the word beauty. The Goddess of Light Luminaria wanted to make a perfect angel that can exceed the limits of what beauty can be regardless of if it was a man and a woman. Due to this reasoning, the Goddess of Light Luminaria took a piece of power from a celestial being called Gemini.

The celestial being called Gemini are twins that are actually considered as one being and that they are a boy and a girl. The Goddess of Light Luminaria thought that she would be able to create a powerful and beautiful being if she could fuse the twins instead of having them be separate. In the end, the Goddess of Light Luminaria was successful as the Angel of Chastity Jophiel was born.

The Angel of Chastity Jophiel was born incredibly beautiful that it even enamored the Asmodians that is said to be only attracted to their own race. The Goddess of Light Luminaria thought that she actually failed when she created the Angel of Chastity Jophiel as the latter was born as a female. It was only when the Angel of Chastity Jophiel displayed signs of morphing into a male body where the Goddess of Light Luminaria knew that she succeeded.

The Goddess of Light Luminaria was able to create the most beautiful man and woman in one go and that they are one being. This is also the time when the Angel of Chastity Jophiel managed to sprout their talent of becoming untouchable by those that view them as beautiful. It was then the plan of the Goddess of Light Luminaria came to be as she wanted a being that has Asmodian blood in it.

The Angel of Chastity Jophiel was used to procure the Asmodian blood which led to the creation of Mikhail and Samael, but it was the latter that had purer concentration mixed with angel blood. When the Goddess of Light Luminaria managed to create the two most powerful angels, she no longer paid attention to the most beautiful being that she created which led to the Angel of Chastity Jophiel thinking that they must exceed the beauty of other even more.

"I shall be the most beautiful being in the entire universe!" The Angel of Chastity Jophiel thought as they buried it deep and internalized it.

The ethereal beauty that the Angel of Chastity Jophiel made all of those that gaze upon them be enamored. The allure that the Angel of Chastity Jophiel targets both male and female as they have the ability to be viewed as the most beautiful being. There is a special way for this type of allure to be cancelled and that is for beings to either be blind or have a specific preference.

Creepysoo falls into the category of specific preference as he prefers the undead more than the living in the game. He saw the form that the Angel of Chastity Jophiel took but he was not ultimately enamored. Adrian was only able to not be infatuated because of his ability to negate status ailments.

"Not that pretty!? A bug like you dares?! Kill him for me my lovelies!" The Angel of Chastity Jophiel shouted as they changed to a male form as if to respond to the intense feeling of anger that he is releasing.

"Purify the status ailment!" Adrian stated as he slapped Levin Cloud on the cheeks to make sure that he snaps out of being infatuated.

Adrian's slap somewhat worked as Levin Cloud was not fully infatuated in the first place as his body is not that full of emotion. Leshies do feel emotion but not the kind that could incapacitate them. They are more plant that humanoids after all since they only take humanoid form to appear more benevolent.

The players that were infatuated by the Angel of Chastity Jophiel suddenly looked like horde of lifeless zombies and charged towards Creepysoo. The human army on the side of the angels were confused why the enemy suddenly turned on each other but even they became infatuated when they had a peek at the Angel of Chastity Jophiel' form.

The players that could not resist charged like mindless zombies, but they were still able to use their skills. They walked like mindless zombies, but they were using skills to actually cleave the way towards Creepysoo. Adrian suddenly saw this as strange because having all of your enemies be at your command would have made the fight an instant win.

"Why is he not commanding the infatuated players to kill themselves?" Adrian thought as he found it odd because that is the best way to defeat the enemies if you are in control of the enemy.

Adrian could more or less guess that the power to infatuate also has lots of restrictions. If Adrian remembered completely then the Asmodian Abel was controlled to kill his brother Cain, but the latter was not being controlled. Adrian could only give a conclusion that the Angel of Chastity Jophiel cannot command those infatuated with her to kill themselves.

"Mass Purification!" Levin Cloud shouted as Adrian also sent out Saena to purify the area that he could not cover.

All of the players that were infatuated suddenly snapped out of their status ailment. The players suddenly felt weird as they were conscious, but they have no control of their body. Some of them experienced being puppets of another powerful being for the first time.

"Thank goodness that I was not overrun by a group of fanatics that think that that thing is beautiful." Creepysoo stated which made the Angel of Chastity Jophiel incredibly angry once more.

"I shall end you personally myself!" The Angel of Chastity Jophiel stated as she suddenly changed to a female physique.

Two rings suddenly appeared that is as large as the body of the Angel of Chastity Jophiel. These two rings were actually large chakrams. At first the two rings looked like halos, but Adrian was able to see it clearly as soon as the light dissipated.

The two chakrams were incredibly sharp to the point that it would injure anyone by just touching it, but it seems to create handles when the Angel of Chastity Jophiel is holding onto it. The Angel of Chastity Jophiel's wings also seem to become a bit smaller when the two chakrams were being handled. With a powerful swing, the Angel of Chastity Jophiel tossed both chakrams towards Creepysoo with the intention of killing him.

Frankie suddenly stepped in front to defend Creepysoo, but he was suddenly turned into slices as the two chakrams were incredibly sharp. Mummie stepped up as soon as Frankie fell and used his bandages to stop the two chakrams but even that is not able to stop the two weapons. Mummies' bandages became sheared strips of paper in just a matter of seconds.

Robin Hoodie then fired multiple arrows towards the two chakrams which managed to hit the weapons accurately. The path of the two weapons then deviated by a slight margin but that margin of error was enough to spare Creepysoo from becoming sliced ham like Frankie. The Angel of Chastity Jophiel saw that her attack was blocked which is why she called for her Heavenly Weapons: Chakrams back into her hands.


Name: Jophiel

Level: 400

Race: Angel

Title: Angel of Chastity

HP: 100% josei

MP: 67%

Description: An angel that has been created by the Goddess of Light Luminaria to embody the word beauty itself. The Angel of Chastity Jophiel is also one of the Seven Virtues which are the highest of all angels and act as their leaders. The Angel of Chastity Jophiel views anything beautiful as justice and anything hideous by their standards to be subject to purge.


"Our Great Beauty, you do not need to kill these lower beings. We shall dirty our hands for you! Please command us to do so." The angels around the Angel of Chastity Jophiel stated as their fanatic worshipping eyes could be seen as they stared at their leader.

"Very well, my cute little birds. Kill them for me so that my anger will somewhat subside." The Angel of Chastity Jophiel stated as all the angels that were inside the Castle of Beauty were not your common angels.

The Castle of Beauty might be in a whole wreck due to it crashing to the ground but the angels that powered it up were still present and able to fight. About fifty angels were inside the main tower of the floating castle while the succeeding wings had fifteen angels each. There was total of a hundred and forty angels inside of it that had four wings.

All the angels that piloted and powered up the Castle of Beauty were all powerful in their own right. One could even say that these angels were the real core of the fighting force that the Angel of Chastity Jophiel has. All of the hundred and forty angels are covered in a bright golden light as they created their armors from light elemental magic.

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