Omega Summoner

Chapter 1799 Equinox Versus Pristina I

Chapter 1799 Equinox Versus Pristina I

Chapter 1799 Equinox Versus Pristina I

1799 Equinox Versus Pristina I

Adrian could not believe that an archaic system is able to draw out the power of the soul. He could even feel the pull on his own body since he was in soul form. Still, the magic circle did not pull him as tightly as it had for angelic souls. There is also a shrine where one needs to offer something of them so that they can be pulled to this system than the current one that the death gods use.josei

The shrine looks like a collection of angel feathers in small capsules. These capsules are connected to the magic circle via a hex line. Adrian wanted to study it even more because his curiosity is peeked to the extreme. He even forgot that he had to take revenge for the demons for a second but that was only for a short period of time.

"We might need a software update on the death logic of this world. The death gods will not be happy about this." Adrian stated as he manifested his physical body and used Enhanced Blink.

Pristina did not wait for Adrian to become hostile as she already launched a spell towards him. She thought that she hit Adrian, but she was wrong since he was able to easily dodge. She might have become at the same level as the Seven Virtues, but she cannot go ballistic in this special temple.

Pristina was given the utmost importance that no other being must know about this place. This is the source of the limitless revival of the angels. If they did not protect and keep this place hidden, then all of the angels will die a natural death. They would even be sent to the underworld as all living beings should have a karma that they follow.

"What is the source though? Should I start destroying it so that I can see where they are drawing that death energy from?" Adrian thought as he summoned his axe to slice an attack that was about to hit him.

"Demon Equinox! This place shall be your grave! I have waited for so long to kill you myself." The Angel Pristina stated.

"Why wait so long? You were the Pope of the Church of Light? You could have marched towards Avalon with the angels, but you could not. The moment you released all the angels in the Silver City is also the moment where you lost control of them. You just became a leader at the bottom of the ladder where even your subordinates from before no longer follow your commands to the exact words." Adrian stated as an insult, but he did not expect that he was hitting all the marks.

Adrian did not even guess that much but the reaction of the Angel Pristina was pure outrage. She did not want to admit it for the longest time, but she really felt that her voice was no longer valid. She loved the praise and attention she got when she was the most powerful of the angels but that all changed when Mikhail was unsealed. She is now regretting her decision to unseal the Silver City as even the Goddess of Light Luminaria is not paying as much attention to her.

Adrian did not even blink at the sudden ferocious attacks that Pristina did such as launching numerous light spheres towards him. He easily weaved through it as Pristina was not putting all of her power and attention to killing Adrian. She was carefully assessing the surroundings if her attack would destroy them as she needed to be careful.

Adrian did not fail to notice this as all the attacks that Pristina released would vanish before it made contact with the surroundings. She was controlling her power at a very detailed level that Adrian even acknowledges it. She was even doing while angry which means that she has yet to lose reason and have no care for her surroundings.

"Let me see if we can attack those angels that are praying." Adrian thought as he suddenly tossed his axe towards the nearest angel.

Pristina immediately created ten shields of light that were easily destroyed by Adrian's axe, but it did make the attack power lower. When the axe would have hit an angel, a loud ding could be heard as it collided with a powerful barrier. Adrian's axe even went flying back towards him at double the initial speed which he had to catch with more strength.

"An Attack Reflection Spell that can bounce even magic damage. Whoever created this must not want it to be destroyed but that only makes it even more fun. I want to search more but destruction is the way to go since I cannot investigate it. After all, I have heard that there is knowledge to be gained from disintegration." Adrian stated as he suddenly gripped his head.

"Chaos Pierrot!" Adrian stated as he knew that normal attacks will never be able to destroy the pseudo reincarnation magic circle that is protected by six layers of defenses.

Pristina suddenly felt a chill on her body which is not normal as this was not cold but fear. Pristina's instincts were actually screaming at her to run away. Contrary to her instincts, she did not run away but fully exploded in power as she must defend this place even if she gets killed. If she does not protect this place, then Mikhail would definitely outcast her.

Pristina looked at Adrian whose body suddenly vanished, but a clown mask remained in his former position. The clown mask then slowly released energy as the body of the clown started to materialize from it. The clown was indeed a clown, but its happy smiling mask did not make Pristina even a little bit happy. She could feel her body screaming to get out of that place now, but she has a duty to do.

"Please grant me strength my goddess! Activate the Throne of Faith!" Pristina shouted as her power suddenly exploded.

Pristina made sure that the angels chanting below her would be safe while she drew all the power that she could from what she collected from the people. She was the Angel of Faith as she draws upon the beliefs and awe of living being. She grows more powerful as long as the faith of those that believe in the Goddess of Light Luminaria and on her are not shaken.

Pristina could be seen wearing a beautiful golden gown armor while her staff became actual light itself. She could easily fire off any spell she chooses as long as one of the followers of the Goddess of Light Luminaria knows it. Her resource in using these spells is faith instead of mana which means that she can fire off spells wantonly as long as she has faith.

"You shall not taint the glorious Resurrection Hall of the Angels! Light Apocalypse!" Pristina stated as she cast one of her more powerful spells.

A powerful beam of light suddenly erupted from below Adrian and enveloped his body. Pristina even made this spell stronger so that she can kill Adrian in one hit. She knows that demons have tough bodies which is why she used a spell that can pierce even the most powerful magic resistance. She did use up a quarter of her collected faith for this spell to manifest fast to the point that even Adrian cannot react to it.

"Finally! I have killed you with my own two hands." Pristina stated as she believed that Adrian is killed by her Mythical Tier Spell.

"Marbles of Chaos!" Adrian stated as he was not even hit by the mythical tier spell.

Pristina looked behind her and saw a masked demon creating thirteen marbles. Each of the marbles then descended unto the thirteen praying angels. Pristina thought that the attack would be defended by the powerful barrier that is erected but she was taken back that these small marbles passed through the barriers as if a marble penetrating water.

"Chaos Blast!" Adrian stated as he snapped his fingers.

The Marbles of Chaos suddenly exploded in a powerful explosion which made all the angels scream in agony. To makes matters worse, the barrier that is supposed to protect them from outside forces bounced the explosion inward. It seems that the powerful barriers that were in place not only prevented attacks from outside but also prevented the praying angels to leave as well. All the angels that were praying suddenly stopped as the power of the blast hit them numerous times.

"Impossible! I saw you get hit by my spell! The angels! Healing Light!" Pristina stated as she could still see a clown silhouette getting blasted by light.

Pristina saw the agony of all the praying angels and attempted to heal them, but the explosions still continued. The barrier that protected the angels also became the source of their agony. Pristina's healing spell managed to cure some of their pain but that is only for normal explosions. All of Adrian's spells in this form is tainted by Chaos Energy.

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