Omega Summoner

Chapter 185 - Chenoo

Chapter 185 - Chenoo

The group climbed up the tower and they encountered lots of room with traps. One room had a trap that will immediately skewer you with sharp ice spikes that will protrude if you step on the trap tile. It was like a room version of an iron maiden which is a medieval torture device.

There was even a room with a slippery ice floor and they needed to cross towards the exit by finding the pattern. Some were not that good with this room that they decided to cheat. Adrian commanded Kanlaon to bring forth the person bad with puzzles which is Creepysoo.

It seems he was just bad at directions overall. Adrian did recall that he was with a death knight when he was escorted to the place the undead king was staying. Maybe the real escort is Creepysoo and the death knight was just there to actually point the direction because the former might be bad with directions.

They even entered rooms where two frost liches are guarding. Thankfully, they can easily defeat them due to their increasing synergy. There are bumps along the way as synergy cannot cover everything as they are fighting in an unfamiliar terrain. Some would miss spells or attacks due to suddenly slipping and that is understandable.

They have killed a total of six frost liches including the one Thanatos defeated. The undead spawning on the mountain finally reduced by 60%. They now only need to defeat four more but they no longer encountered frost liches. All the rooms are also only full of traps that are deadly or will make you out of commission.

There was even a trap that sent you back to the first trap room. They learned of this when the clay soldier that Peridot controlled was not broken but she lost her connection with it. The clay soldier moved to faraway for Peridot's perception and control to take over. This made everyone very careful as it took a lot of time to even get to the area they are now.

They arrived in an area where there are actually steel cages and little men with white fur all over are held captive. The little men had long white beards and looked like they were a type of race that is small. They were smaller than gnomes and they are the race that is said to be the smallest intelligent species.

Adrian is sure that they were an intelligent species. When he identified the little men that are no higher than four feet, it revealed that they were NPCs.

NPC: Birbi

Race: Barbegazi

Status: Weakened, Bound

NPC: Barba

Race: Barbegazi

Status: Weakened, Bound

The small furry white men are in cages of metal that had the same energy that the chains that bound the yeti used. There were about fifty cages but only half of them had a Barbegazi in it. It seems there are no guards in this floor also as the cages are near impregnable. It took Adrian all he got to even break the chain which means the cages are not any different.

The group got a closer look and some even tried to break the cage. Adrian has yet to tell the others that it is actually NPCs that are trapped not monsters. Suddenly one of the trapped Barbegazi spoke which shocked the rest of the group.

"Are ye lass and lasses adventurers?" Barba suddenly spoke as the small furry man assured that Adrian's group were not there to hurt them. The voice of the Barbegazi sounded like the accent that his father had when he spoke in English.

"Yes. We are adventurers who have ventured here. The spirit of the tomb owner wants us to defeat whoever is occupying his tomb and wrecking the place." Adrian replied.

"Then ye should be careful. The one who trapped us is the main perpetrator. It is one nasty beast that I can tell that it is the most fearsome beast that I have encountered in all of my life." Barba warned everyone.josei

"Do you know the thing that trapped you? Why are you trapped anyway?" Solstice was the one who asked this time.

"It is a beast that is a human yet not a human at the same time. It reeks of vile energy that is disruptive to nature like that boy there. It apparently trapped us because it thought that our kind is delicious." Barba replied and pointed to Creepysoo.

"Yah! I am not dangerous. Well, not to friendly people at least." Creepysoo retorted.

"It is true. He is here to help us." Levin Cloud stated so that Creepysoo would not throw a tantrum.

"Do you want us to help you?" Adrian asked as it might lead to a hidden quest or maybe even an item.

"Unfortunately for you adventurers, there is no way for you to free us unless you defeat the beast that imprisoned us. If you defeat that foul abomination then you can help us free from the cages. The enchantments will disappear as long as you defeat him." Barba stated with a serious tone and then a system notification appeared for everyone.


Free the Barbegazi

The Barbegazi are currently being used as sustenance by the boss of this dungeon. They want you to defeat the boss and free them from their prison.

Reward: Increased Familiarity with the Barbegazi

Failure: The trapped Barbegazi will be eaten by the boss of the dungeon.

Time Limit: 10 days

The group immediately accepted because they are going to defeat the boss of the dungeon anyway. What they did not know is that the boss is not a normal boss. They will soon find out as the group headed towards the next room. They promised the Barbegazi that they would free them before heading to the next room.

The group entered the next room which is like a new zone or environment. The room is actually not a room but more like a frozen forest with pines and such. The snow was also knee high as their feet would sink whenever they walk to the center of the forest.

They proceeded with caution as they proceeded to the center. After a few minutes of walking, they are finally in a clearing with a man standing at the center with his back towards the party. All of them got ready as they crept up closer to the man.

Before they could attack though, the man suddenly spoke and turned towards the group.

"I see that I have visitors. If you are here, those worthless servants of mine must have fallen already. I did create them to be expendable anyway." The man said as he turned to the crowd.

The man looked human but the group knew it was not. Other than the undead energy leaking from the man, he was topless with the center of his chest having an icy layer. Adrian knew that this is not the true form of the man as he could see a gigantic dark shadow when he used his evil eye.

"I thank you for coming here." The man stated as he showed an inhuman grin.

"You are not welcome." Solstice stated as she and Vayu nodded their heads and charged towards the man.

The snow impeded their speed a bit and their charge is not that fast compared to when they are standing on flat ground. Kabrakan also charged but jumped instead of run and his two towering shields glowed. Kabrakan would have landed on top of the man but what greeted him is a gigantic arm.

The two towering shields collided with the gigantic man's arm. Adrian who saw this scene also moved but he let Sirius charge first. Sirius emerged from Adrian's shadow and immediately used Portal Assault. Sirius reappeared behind the man but a giant arm actually grew from the man's back to catch and strangle Sirius.

Adrian saw that the man they are seeing now was nothing but a façade. The real enemy is actually the gigantic dark shadow that Adrian is seeing using his evil eye.

Monster: Chenoo (Boss)

Tier: Epic

HP: 100,000,000 / 100,000,000

MP: 50,000,000 / 50,000,000

Description: Legends say it is a human being who committed cannibalism or refused to feed the starving. This caused the human's heart to freeze and turn to pure ice, taking the shape of a small human figure. Once this happens, the person changes into a Chenoo. Chenoos are giants compared to humans and described as being both man and beast.

In appearance, the Chenoo is like a haggard, naked old man with wolfish eyes and may have chunks of flesh missing where it has eaten its own flesh. It will often cover its flesh in pine resin and roll in leaves and fallen branches to make a camouflage for itself in the forest. They live in the far, icy north and venture down to people of the forest when hungry in order to devour them.

"Kanlaon! Light him up." Adrian commanded as Kanlaon transformed to his dragon form and Adrian summoned Saena to join in the battle.

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