Omega Summoner

Chapter 187 - Netheros True Form

Chapter 187 - Netheros True Form

"Nether Domain"

[Your stats are doubled for the duration of Nether Domain.]

[Enemies will be affected continuously with Paranoia for the duration of Nether Domain.]

Mist of three colors rolled over on the battlefield and enveloped the snowy field that made it more ominous. Due to Adrian hitting level 100, the domain skill expanded even more and he summoned more energy to the mortal plane from the nether realm. The energy became more sinister for living beings and undead beings.

The rest of the party felt the energy and froze for a few seconds. It felt like an energy that would come from a world boss. Solstice who is also close to high level NPCs felt like his brother became something else.josei

Adrian's body became illusory and he had an aura that is similar to Solstice Vampire Progenitor which is why he is shocked. Meanwhile the parents that is watching the whole thing is eating popcorn and even drinking soda like they are watching an action movie or something but better.

Due to the amazing virtual reality, many good looking streamers even get hired to be an actor. Although this trend eventually fell because people want to experience real thrill and action that scripted things are seen as shabby. Due to this, many advertising companies or television stations would get a contract with a guild to broadcast their raids and adventures.

The top guilds are selective about the raids that they want to broadcast as it might leak secrets and such. Hou Yiwei that is the top ranker always get lots of views whenever he does a raid because of his skill and good looks. He not only looks cool but his class as a War Dancer makes his fights look awesome.

Going back to the fight, Adrian felt that his body is bursting with much more energy than before. He thought that his domain skill is empowered because of his increase in level but in reality it was that his body changed. Due to limited stats when he was below level 100, he cannot absorb much of the energy from the nether realm but the buffs still applied to him.

Now that Adrian has experience his first status awakening, he can now utilize more of the nether energy he summoned. Not only can he empower skills limitlessly for the duration but he could also buff himself as well. He can now experience 150% status increase thanks to being in an appropriate level. Still this is not the Netheros' true power.

Now that Adrian managed to reach level 100, he can now utilize his previously sealed skill.

Skill: Netheros True Form

Tier: Netheros Exclusive skill

Type: Transformation

Effect: Release the limitations put upon you by the mortal realm and transform into the true form of the Netheros. All skills and attacks will deal splash damage by 50% of the original damage. All enemies affected by Paranoia will have the 'Mind Break' status afflicted to them.

Mind Break: All enemies who cast spells and abilities when in the vicinity of the Netheros will have their spells and abilities cancelled.

Duration: 10 seconds

Cooldown: 72 hours

Cast Time: 3 seconds

Mana cost: 3,000 Mana Points

Adrian did not even bat an eye and immediately used the skill when the Netheros Domain manifested.

"Netheros True Form" Adrian stated and his voice sounded like it echoed as if three Adrian's said it at the same time.

The mist suddenly swirled and gathered towards Adrian. Adrian who was in the middle of something like a mist cyclone could feel that his body becoming larger. Adrian's form became large until he was ten meters tall which made him bigger than the Chenoo by two times.

Adrian's towering figure could be seen by everyone once the mist calmed down and dispersed back into the surroundings. Adrian looked like his body is entirely made of the nether mist. His legs became smoke and he looks like he is wearing a long robe made from the nether mist.

He had numerous dark violet glyphs glowing on his body and even his horns glowed in purple light. Adrian's wings also unfurled and it looked so badass that it might make even a proud dragon jealous. His wings are now like a river of shadows that is flowing of the nether mist.

Adrian's eyes became different as he now had black irises and a mask made of nether mist covering the lower portion of his face. Adrian's hands became covered in dark shadowlike gloves and he now had sharp claws. The sword Psyche Armament that Adrian carried also changed as it is now blurring in and out of existence and it is made with nether mist.

[You are now in your true form. Certain Species skill will now be unlocked.]

[You can now utilize Nether Flicker]

[You can now use Nether Blast.]

[The Chenoo is now affected by Mind Break.]

[The Chenoo will not be able to use skills during the duration of the skill Netheros True Form.]

"Twin Fang Form" Adrian stated and his voice became deep and cold.

Adrian now wielded two swords and his whole visual looked like he is a harbinger of death or something. He does not look like he did a hero transformation but more like a last boss transformation. Adrian is giving the vibe that he became an end game world boss due to how cool he looks.

Even Adrian is shocked by his transformation but he had no time to savor it as he only had 10 seconds to utilize for this skill. The only problem is that he did not know how to move using this form so he just fired off two Soul Searing Crescent Waves from his current position. Each wave actually dealt ten million damage points to the stunned Chenoo because of it being empowered by nether energy.

The Chenoo could only scream in pain and charge towards Adrian as it could not use its skills against him. Adrian did not know how to move yet so he just instinctively used Nether Flicker and set the area he target behind the Charging Chenoo.

Adrian's gigantic body disappeared from existence like he is going in and out of existence until he completely vanished. He reappeared like a mist and then his sword glowed in a red aura. This is due to his skill Nether Flicker.

Skill: Nether Flicker

Tier: Species Specific Skill

Type: Movement

Effect: Become intangible and appear at the set destination. Next attack will be empowered dealing two tomes the damage and will deal damage in a cone in front of the user.

Cooldown: None

Cast Time: Instant

Mana Cost: None

Restriction: Must be in Nether Realm of Nether Domain. Must be in Netheros True Form

Adrian swung his sword towards the Chenoo and the shockwave from the attack blew the snow with everything else in that cone that is about five meters in length. Since this skill has no cooldown whatsoever on top of being a movement, Adrian basically just used this skill until the Chenoo can no longer stand up.

Adrian would flicker in an out of vision and hit the Chenoo in its blind spot. He would evade the Chenoo's counterattack by using Nether Flicker. He is once again overpowering the boss but the others are also contributing by shooting skills at it. Kabrakan is keeping up his guard if the boss suddenly vanishes once again.

Each of Adrian's basic attack is so powerful that it deals five million in damage. He spammed this skill until his transformation ended. Just one second before Adrian's transformation is about to end, his other skill automatically activated.

All the mist did not vanish but instead collected by Adrian's core and his figure became loaded with energy. Adrian's body suddenly went became compact and he formed a sphere made of swirling black, gray and white energy. The swirling different colors suddenly revolved faster and faster until the sphere shrunk a little and finally exploded.

The blast did not even make a sound but it did create big shockwave that blew everyone away even his teammates are not an exemption. He did catastrophic damage to the Chenoo but it is still alive though barely hanging to its undead life. The Nether Blast skill is more powerful than Adrian thought it would be.

Skill: Nether Blast

Tier: Species Specific Skill

Type: Area Damage

Effect: Collect all the nether energy in the area in order to become a cataclysmic bomb that deals 1000% true damage in an area around the user. Those not inside the Blast radius will be knocked back by the shockwave. The user can choose to activate the skill but it will end the duration of both Nether Domain and Netheros True Form. Automatically uses the skill when Netheros True Form is about to end.

Cooldown: None

Cast Time: Instant

Mana Cost: None

Restriction: Must be in Nether Realm of Nether Domain. Must be in Netheros True Form

Adrian returned to his original form and landed on the crater created by his skill. The Chenoo is now missing its right arm and leg due to damage it got from the attack. The Chenoo though still hang onto its life that is fleeting. If undead could bleed then it would have been dead by now.

Adrian decided to finish it off using Soul Avenger. A giant sword materialized on top of the Chenoo and it landed onto the Chenoo. The intruder of the frozen tomb is finally vanquished. Gefroren's spirit showed itself to them when the Chenoo is finally gone.

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