Omega Summoner

Chapter 190 - New Psyche Armament

Chapter 190 - New Psyche Armament


The others could not resist looking at Adrian because he would suddenly turn his head. He turned his head so many times that it might just take off and fly away.

"Dude, are you ok? Is there something wrong? Oh no! Are you short in magnesium?!" Levin Cloud stated and added a teasing question at the end.

Adrian hit his best friend in the head because of his remarks. Adrian did not manage to control his strength and reduced his best friend's health by five hundred. Adrian did apologized because the whispering voices are really bothering him at this point.

He did explained it again to them but the others could only shake their head. It seems that only Adrian is the one hearing that voice. The voice would whisper to him all the time that he could not concentrate on finding an item that he likes.

"Ouch!" Creepysoo suddenly screamed.

The others were shocked because an undead should not be able to feel pain. The others rushed to his side as there might be an invisible enemy or an enemy that entered with them. The others could see Creepysoo's hand burning so the young boy immediately cut it off. It seems he can dismantle parts of his body as long as he focuses.

"What happened?" Vayu asked as he thought there is an enemy lurking by. Everybody also adjusted themselves so that they would not be hit by sneak attacks.

Barba who saw the spear on the floor immediately walked towards it. He checked if the spear is fine or if it had any deteriorations in it. He even shoved Creepysoo aside but Barba immediately apologized.

"I am sorry for shoving you lad. This is actually the weapon that the Ice King used to slay his enemies. This weapon is made using asmodian craftsmanship and it is said that it chooses its wielder. You picked it up carelessly which is why you are hurt." Barba stated while Adrian's eyes focused on the weapon.

"Asmodian?" Creepysoo muttered as his gaze went towards Adrian.

"Yes! Since the Ice King had asmodian blood running in his veins, he was chosen by this weapon. He was already great before he had that weapon. With the weapon, the Ice King became even more powerful that he became unrivaled in the north. At least that is what our elders told us." Barba stated.

Adrian though felt a longing in his soul when he saw the spear. He moved to the spear closer and closer until it is at arm's length. His hand unconsciously made a grabbing motion towards the spear. Barba is about to block Adrian's hand but the spear itself flew towards Adrian's hand.

Adrian who suddenly got the spear on his hand is shown visions. Adrian floated in the air as he is shown visions which are the acts of the previous users of the spear. The spear basically showed him the events that happened after the previous Omega Summoner retreated from battle.

The others who is seeing what happened to Adrian thought the latter is being attacked by the weapon. They wanted to separate Adrian with the weapon but there is a barrier that is protecting Adrian. They could not even pierce the barrier with their weapons so all they can do is wait for what is happening to Adrian to be finished.

Adrian though is once again sent to his sea of consciousness. The only difference this time is that he was in a place that looked like a post battlefield. There were numerous weapons on the ground that were broken while some are just stuck in the ground.

In that sea of consciousness, he could see the spear that he picked up and stuck on the ground like the rest of the weapons. Adrian instinctively went to the spear but an invisible pressure is preventing him from getting closer. Adrian who observe this could only think that the spear is testing him.

The previous Omega Summoner might be chosen by the spear but the current inheritor has yet to be chosen. It seems that the spear is a type of ego Psyche Armament or developed an ego due to the unique nature of Psyche Armaments. He wondered of the other Psyche Armaments also did the same but he decided to focus on the task at hand.

Adrian decided to force his way towards the spear because it did not want him to approach it gently. Adrian at first just used his natural strength but the pressure that the spear released still deterred him. He decided to use his next approach which is to use essences to strengthen himself.

After Adrian used his essence, the pressure released by the spear became bearable and he could approach it slowly. The spear also decreased its pressure a little bit because it felt a familiar energy. Although the spear eventually increased its pressure as it realized it is not its original master trying to come for it.

Feeling that the spear started increasing the pressure, Adrian frowned and could only increase his output of using his essence but even that is limited. His total essence count might have increased by 25 going to at a total of 125 but he is still consuming too much just to reach the spear. He tried using his Blink skill but it did not activate for some reason.

Adrian had no choice but to even use his nether energy charges. The spear felt the tyrannical energy coming from Adrian and increased its output even more. The unique thing is that when Adrian used his nether energy, he felt no pressure whatsoever from the spear.

Adrian noticing this walked calmly towards the spear and grabbed its shaft. Adrian is trying to pull out the spear but the spear did not want to accept its new master just yet. When Adrian grabbed the shaft of the spear, he could feel the spear's emotions.

The spear is actually feeling the grave sense of abandonment because its original master did not retrieve it. Adrian saw a scene of the Asmodian Omega Summoner threw the spear towards one of the leaders of the group that is pursuing the latter. The spear struck true and managed to pin down one of the leaders and mortally injuring it.

The pursuers did not bother with one of their fallen leaders and instead continued pursing the spear's master. The spear knew that its master is strong and would come back to him but the worst situation became reality. The war ended and the spear became one of the symbols of his master thereby assuring it that its master is no more.

Adrian who saw the scenes from the spears memories could only shed tears. (Even his parents were bawling their eyes out.) Even though the spear is an inanimate object, the emotions and memories it felt is genuine. Adrian could only console the spear that it would definitely not abandon it.

"I promise to always be by your side. Your original master did not leave you but he died preserving the peace. You should be proud of him." Adrian stated as he cancelled the effects of his essences and nether energy.

Adrian wanted the spear to genuinely accept him. He did not want to be accepted using force as Adrian did not think bonds or friendships should ever be forced. The spear as if sensing Adrian's sincerity felt Adrian's warm touch and gradually let the bonding begin.

The spear showed Adrian all of the skills it can use and even how to use them. Adrian listened attentively with intense focus to all the details. The spear Psyche Armament is different from the others as its skills are like dances. In order to use the first skill a set of moves must be made in order to activate it.

This made this Psyche Armament unique as it only uses low essences but it more reliant on a combination of moves in order to execute. Adrian thought this as a fresh idea and liked it very much as it is a new style of battling added to his repertoire. The ceremony ended with the physical manifestation of the spear disappearing into particles and seeping into Adrian's skin.

Adrian landed on the ground in his two feet while the others waited to see if he is fine. When Adrian opened his closed eyes, he is suddenly bombarded by questions. He explained to them that he just underwent the inheritance ceremony for the spear.

"Amazing. Even the Ice King could only wield the spear physically and not completely bond with it." Barba said in amazement.

"Anyways, we should go as there is nothing much to do here. We basically emptied out the place." Adrian stated but then they suddenly heard a shrill cry that sounded like a goblin.

"What is that awful sound!?" Peridot complained.

Creepysoo suddenly remembered the item he is keeping inside his inventory. He took it out and a small head of a goblin emerged. The eyes were sown shut while the mouth is sown lightly in order for the mouth to still move.

"What is that and why is it emitting a god awful sound?!" Peridot asked.

"This is a shrunken head. It is an item that allows undead to talk to one another. Since NPCs cannot use the chat system, this is our only method of communication. It seems Du'an is calling me." Creepysoo stated as he answered the call by pinching the goblin ear.

"My prince! You need to return. Valar has been compromised by the enemy. We might go to war. So please return immediately with the Champion of the Twin Gods." The voice of the Astral Wraith Du'an sounded from the shrunken head.

The news stunned not only Creepysoo but also Adrian. The Undead King's faction is actually going to war.

(Author's Note: Valar is the Ghoul Tyrant if anyone is wondering. He is introduced in chapter 133 Truth of Undeath. This also marks the end of volume 2. Volume 3 will come next!)

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