Omega Summoner

Chapter 193 - Piggy Bank

Chapter 193 - Piggy Bank

Adrian reappeared back in the Paradox Planes and headed towards Ascalor's abode. He briefed Ascalor on what is happening and the latter also called the other elders. Bronx and Koronn hurriedly went to Ascalor's place that they even used self-made portals.

Adrian relayed everything to them about what is happening to the faction of the undead king. They had worry in their face when they heard of the name "Lich King" but other than that they listened calmly. Koronn even looked somewhat bored while Bronx listened attentively because he is the leader of the Daemos Corps.

"I see. If there comes a time that war will come then we might intervene." Ascalor stated.

"What do you mean by might intervene?" Adrian asked as he thought that the Daemos would cooperate fully.

"We should hold balance in this world and that sometimes means only protecting what is made naturally. There would be changes though if the Undead King formed a covenant with the God of Death. But until that time, we will only protect the living people of this universe." Ascalor stated.

"We may be appointed as the protectors but that does not mean we should give up our lives blindly. The universe is vast and the Daemos are not that many." Bronx added.

"The only reason we took up the mantle of protectors is because we could freely travel to other worlds. It is not like the gods told us to do it. We are only doing this protector thing out of respect to the Twin Gods who created our ancestors which are the Asmodians." Koronn stated with a flat tone.

"I am sure that you might have heard stories about our kind that is not like what we do today." Ascalor stated.

"Ooh! I remember that back then the Imp race were playful and mischievous that the Asmodians had to give them timeout in another dimension." Koronn suddenly stated which made a vein pop out on Ascalor's forehead.

"I heard the djinn would grant wishes to random people but all they were doing is just transporting what is already made. The djinn basically became thieves that the Asmodians had to limit their powers using bangles." Ascalor rebutted.

"Okay. Stop squabbling like kids. You are acting like kids in front of the kid." Bronx stated.

"Huh?! I remember that the diabolons are such a rowdy bunch." Ascalor suddenly stated.

"Yeah! I remember that they always play so roughly that everything around them would get broken or trampled. They would often be sent to the meditating grounds." Koronn added which made Bronx suddenly participate in the mudslinging.

"Here comes their childish sides resurfacing again. Still it is very interesting when hearing about the past. It seems that some truths are mixed in the stories of the past." Adrian thought.

"Hey! You just thought of something very insulting to us didn't you?!" The three of them simultaneously said to Adrian.

"What!? You guys are just imagining things." Adrian immediately replied without hesitation.

"I guess he is in need of additional training." Bronx suddenly stated.

"Yes. I very much agree." Koronn replied.

"Should I teach him how to use spatial portals then? He has the strength to use them now unlike before when he is really weak." Ascalor stated with a large grin.

"After that we will have a turn." Koronn stated with a large grin.

"He is a Daemos Corps member so I should test him now and again." Bronx replied with an even larger grin.

Adrian stood up and is about to walk away but a portal appeared below him. He fell into the portal but he manage to scream something before he could no longer be heard.

"Crazy elderssss!"


Adrian logged back in the game but he still felt tired because of the torture (training) he had to endure. His mind was so taxed by Ascalor and Koronn's training while his body became a punching bag for Bronx. The other trainees in the training ground even pretended not to see him go through the beating. Nevertheless, the training is fruitful because he got three skills.

Skill: Teleportation

Tier: Epic

Type: World Movement

Effect: Allow the user to transfer to a location that the user have been in. Cannot be used during active combat. Can only be used on areas that the user has previously visited. Movement is limited to the current world the user is in.

Cooldown: 1 hour

Mana Cost: 10,000 Mana Points

Cast Time: 1 minute

Skill: Chrono Phase

Tier: Epic

Type: Evasion Passive

Effect: Have a 5% chance to evade damage by becoming unbound by the rule of time in the universe.

Cooldown: None

Mana Cost: None

Cast Time: None

Skill: Unyielding Tenacity

Tier: Epic

Type: Strengthening Passive

Effect: Reduces the duration of status effects if the user is in battle. It also increases the user's stats by up to a maximum of 10%. The longer the user is in battle, the stronger the skill effects.

Cooldown: None

Mana Cost: None

Cast Time: None

"The skills are great but the training was hell. It became even more horrendous when Bronx found out I had an instant revive skill. Better head towards the imperial capital." Adrian thought as he shivered and headed towards the portal toward the imperial capital.


Adrian appeared in a hidden alley at the imperial capital of Antares. He is already in full glamour as he is in his human form. Before he goes to the meeting place with Cersei, Adrian wanted to purify the corrupted spirit stone first so he headed to a nearby church of life.

The Church of Life located in the imperial is not luxurious to say the least. The main religion of the empire is centered on the Church of Light because of the rumor of the imperial family being a descendant of the sun god which is the son of the goddess of light. It is quite a sight though as it is the only building that is a mixture of vibrant plant life and stone.

Adrian entered the church and immediately searched for a priest that could help him. He immediately got a priest to help him but the priest looked at him strangely. It felt like the eyes of the priest is looking at him with adoration but it was not only the priest but everyone inside the church. This is the effect of his title Champion of the Twin Gods now showing its effects.

The priest and Adrian moved to a room that had a white flower in the center while the surroundings were full of plants. The priest told Adrian to place the corrupted spirit stone on top of the white flower and he did just that. The white flower suddenly started becoming black in color which alarmed the priest but he immediately sang a song.josei

The priest sang a song in a language that Adrian did not recognize but his scribe class could identify it.

[You are hearing the Song of Nature.]

[You are purified from all status conditions.]

[Your journal will automatically record the Song of Nature.]

The white flower suddenly started glowing followed by everything inside the room. The room looked extremely ethereal and Adrian thought that the flowers came alive and sang in a chorus with the priest. The corrupted spirit stone is suddenly coated in waves of white light as it floated above the flower.

Adrian immersed himself on the song that felt good to listen. After a few minutes, the priest finally stopped singing and the creepy aura of the corrupted spirit stone is no more. The name even changed into Spirit Stone signifying that it is finally cleansed.

Adrian also noticed that the corrupted energy diffused in the surroundings became pure energy which is then transferred to the plants in the room. The pure energy became nourishments to the plants that participated in the cleansing ritual. Adrian thanked the priest wholeheartedly and gave him the donation for successfully completing the cleansing.

Adrian now went to the meeting place that Cersei gave him which is an inn located in the imperial capital. The inn is named Hungry Cow and is located in the business district of the imperial capital that is separated into three layers with walls. The outer part of the city is where the commoners live while the middle is the business district where all types of stores do business. The last layer would be where the nobles stay and at the middle of that is the imperial citadel.

Adrian finally found the inn as the logo of the inn is actually a cute cartoon cow holding a beer mug while eating hay. Adrian entered the place and saw Cersei, Mariposa and most surprisingly Anastacia. There is also a plump looking man sitting next to them and is chatting happily with the three girls. The plump man is even getting death glares because how dare he hog three beautiful ladies all at once.

"Equinox!" Cersei shouted in a promiscuous fashion which made the men turn towards Adrian's location.

Adrian could only sigh and come close to them because he already gathered the attention of the others. If looks could kill then Adrian would be full of holes by now. Adrian just sat on an empty chair that must have been prepared for him. The others then introduced the man sitting with them.

"This man here is Piggy Bank. He is a member of the merchant guild and is the host of the player auction." Cersei stated.

"I see. Nice to meet you! I am Equinox." Adrian introduced himself.

"The pleasure is all mine. For the adviser of the Evergreen guild to hold you in high regard, you must be a great player. Hohoho." Piggy Bank replied.

"I know it is our first meeting and all but I am wondering if maybe you could sell something for me." Adrian stated and Piggy Bank's ears listened carefully. His qualities as a merchant were screaming that money is coming.

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