Omega Summoner

Chapter 204 - Danaya

Chapter 204 - Danaya

Adrian just waited patiently for Emera to return. He is looking at all the new skills that his two soulbounds gained when they reached level 100. He also took a closer look at this Trial of the Dragon King that Kanlaon suddenly accidentally participated in.

Skill: Summon Pack

Tier: Epic

Type: Summoning

Effect: Able to summon two additional pack members that will aid the user in battle. The stats of the two pack members must not be higher than the Alpha (Sirius). The level of the two additional pack members will always be one level below the alpha.

Mana Cost: None

Cooldown: 1 hour (Cooldown will only start if the summoned units are no longer in battle.)

Cast Time: 3 seconds

Restriction: Wolf or any monster with Canis strain

Skill: Enhanced Intelligence

Tier: Epic

Type: Passive

Effect: Any creature that has this skill will be able to use spells and abilities belonging to the respective element of the skill bearer. Can only learn one spell or ability and the passive skill will go on cooldown.

Mana Cost: None

Cooldown: 1 day

Cast Time: None

Sirius' new skill is interesting because it lets Adrian contract new monsters to fill Sirius' pack. The two new monsters are also not part of his soulbounds but acts more like they are in a master and servant relationship with Sirius. The limitation is that they should be of the same family as Sirius but there are like hundreds of dog family monsters and Adrian just need to find good ones.

Saena's new passive skill is akin to Kanlaon. She can now use spells that can deal damage as long as Adrian could find suitable spell books for her. She can now use spells that rely on the wind element and light element because of her unique blood trait.josei

"Why did I have to forget to but skill books? Seriously! That freaking half demon old man is to blame!" Adrian grumbled while the other guards are looking at him like looking at someone who have gone insane.

"Now let us look at this Trial of the Dragon King or whatever." Adrian thought as he looked at the quest notification log.



Kanlaon has reached the minimum qualification in order to partake in the trials held during the Festival of the Dragon King. Find the ancestral dragon homeland in order for Kanlaon to join the trial.

Reward: Unknown

Time Limit: Unknown

Failure: Kanlaon will not be able to participate in the next festival. Kanlaon could only join after proving himself once more by reaching level 200.

"Hmm… I do not know if this is troublesome or bothersome. If Kanlaon joins maybe he gets a title like dragon king or something but I am already busy enough as it is. I guess I will just proceed with it after helping the undead king." Adrian thought to himself as he is unaware that the ground is suddenly shaking a bit.

"Wait! Elder! Please calm yourself!" Emera's voice suddenly sounded. It seems her shout is loud enough that Adrian managed to hear it despite being inside the guard house.

A loud boom is suddenly heard and the whole room that Adrian is in shook. He wondered what is happening so he asked one of the guards but even they were scrambling. The sound of something being broken could be heard coming near towards Adrian. The shaking even started becoming more powerful as time passed by.

"I think it is coming towards my location?" Adrian thought to himself and suddenly the wall in front of him came flying towards him.

The wall facing Adrian suddenly burst inward which sent rubbles towards him and even doing damage to him. Adrian waved off the rubble that is sent flying to his body and stood up. He once again dusted his clothes because soil and dirt are also sent flying to his location.

Adrian then looked at his 'assailant' because he wanted to know the brute that could cause such havoc. He thought he would see a muscled being or something but instead a beautiful woman with platinum hair is before him. She looks like any other dryad but she had different clothes on and her hair is freely flowing with the wind.

She had a flower crown on that made her beauty like that of a goddess of spring. Her clothes are like that of what Greek goddesses wore but has more length on the arms and legs. Her dress looked like it is made of silk. Like her hair, the long parts of her dress flows freely with the air like she commands the air itself.

"Did you bring me something that Ascy wanted to give to me?" The beautiful woman suddenly asked Adrian which made him snap from his daze.

"Ascy? Who the hell is that?" Adrian thought to himself.

"Elder Danaya! Wait for me! It is not safe for you to just speed up." Emera stated while panting as she became out of breath. But what Emera is actually thinking is: "You are a walking hazard elder. You might harm others if you are not assisted."

"This is Elder Danaya? Damn, old man Ascalor is still in the game. If you think about it, this beautiful lady must already be an old hag." Adrian thought but Danaya suddenly bonked his head.

"Ouch! Why did you hit me?" Adrian suddenly exclaimed because he got hit out of the blue.

 "I suddenly got the feeling that you are looking down on me." Danaya replied with a smile that is not a smile.

"You hit me because you got a feeling. Seriously, you and that old man are very much alike. No wonder he liked you." Adrian grumbled as he soothe his head.

"Oh! I am starting to like you boy." Danaya stated as her head entered the clouds due to the supposed praise.

"Does this game not have any characters that are normal? They do say that only special types of people could become powerful. I guess this game proves that is true." Adrian thought.

"Anyways, where is it?" Danaya asked Adrian.

"Where is what?" Adrian replied.

"The thing that he wanted to give me dummy." Danaya answered.

"Oh! I have it but the old man said that I should give it to somewhere more secluded." Adrian stated.

"Why did you not say earlier?" Danaya stated.

Danaya made a bright smile but Adrian shivered upon seeing that smile. Emera had a hunch on what is going to happen so she acted fast but it is not fast enough. Danaya swept Adrian up in a princess carry position. A giant flower with rows of sharp thorny teeth suddenly grew from the floor and swallowed Danaya and Adrian.

"Not this again." Adrian thought to himself as he could only see darkness because he is swallowed by the plant.

"Elder Danaya bring me a…" Emera said but is unable to finish the words she is about to say nor was she heard as the two individuals disappeared from her view. She had no choice but to find where their supposed location is.


The man-eating plant sprouted in a room that is more suitable to be called a garden rather than an actual room. The man-eating plant spit out the two individuals it carried and the scent of flowers immediately assailed Adrian's sense of smell. He had to admit that this place smells divine and smells just like nature.

"Give it to me now brat." Danaya stated in an excited tone.

"The name is Equinox. I would give it to you as long as you help me with what I need." Adrian replied.

"Fine. You need help repairing a world tree do you not? I can easily solve that problem of yours so give me the box." Danaya urged in a rather commanding tone.

"Can we at least take a seat?" Adrian stated but all he saw are flowers.

Danaya then made some hand twirls and flowers that are enormous started sprouting from the ground. Two smaller flowers are used as chairs while a bigger flower is used as a table. Even Adrian got to admit that it is pretty neat. After the chairs and table are now present, Adrian gave Danaya the bejeweled box that Ascalor gave him.

As if recognizing the recipient, the bejeweled box immediately opened with a click as Danaya held it. Inside the bejeweled box is a seed that is shaped like a star and a note. Danaya immediately read the note and if Adrian bothered to pay attention to her face then he might have seen the immediate changes in her expressions.

She rolled the note once more and kept it in the box. She examined the seed and a smile so beautiful can be seen from her face. Giving a seed to a dryad is basically the most genuine gift someone can give and the rarer the seed then the more valuable it is. After verifying the items in the case, she immediately asked Adrian about his problem as stated in the second to the last line in Ascalor's note.

"What do you say is the problem with the world tree in the land of the elves?" Danaya asked.

"I was hoping you could tell me that because all I know that it is poisoned." Adrian replied.

"Did you just say poisoned!? Do you happen to have a sample?" Danaya exclaimed.

"I do. I have it right here." Adrian replied as he pulled out the vial from his inventory.

Danaya immediately swiped the vial once Adrian got it out. She also examined it like how Koronn examined the poison.

"How did you get this?" Danaya asked and Adrian immediately told her how he came upon the poison.

"It seems that dryad there is very lucky that you were in the vicinity. The poison used at the world tree is a special type that will show no traces after a day or two. The world tree in the main world is not the only thing targeted as other trees are secretly poured with this poison." Danaya stated which shocked Adrian.

"You can now leave, young demon. I will call for you if I find a cure for this poison. I thought the problem with that world tree you are talking about was minor but I am mistaken. I will contact you with this bulb if I find a cure. You cannot also stay here at Alfheim as some fae do not like visitors." Danaya stated as she gave Adrian a bulb that looked like a pink tulip.

Danaya wrote a note and told Adrian to give it to Ascalor. He is a bit perturbed because he became something like a carrier demon. Adrian said his goodbyes as he tore the scroll and disappeared in a burst of light. He did not manage to see the grave face that Danaya made when staring at the poison vial.

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