Omega Summoner

Chapter 212 - Herald Of The Dark Gods

Chapter 212 - Herald Of The Dark Gods

Eldritch is sent flying to a wall by Adrian but the former had the reflex to immediately erect a barrier so he would not take damage from the wall crash. Eldritch did take damage from Adrian's punch but it is only about 3% of his health. Adrian checked Eldritch' level in order to see what he is up against.

Name: Eldritch

Job Class: Herald of the Dark Gods

Level: 155

Race: Star Spawn

Adrian is not that shocked that the person in front of them has a different race because no normal mage from the base races could abduct a high level NPC. The only thing that Adrian wanted to know is what a Star Spawn is because it is not a common name. Even the elders of the Daemos have yet to tell him what that race is and they tell him anything as long as Adrian tricks them to spill it.

Adrian took a clear look at Eldritch before the former sent the latter flying to the wall. Eldritch has light gray hair now his eyes have black irises with red pupils. Eldritch is also wearing some sort of robe made of an unknown animal skin or leather.

Adrian also noticed Eldritch' neck when he punched him in the face. Eldritch' neck is not that of a human but looks like a tangled bundle of brown muscle fibers. Eldritch' hand also did not look human as it looks like decayed roots of an oak tree.josei

Eldritch also had an odd staff that is very disturbing. At the peak of his staff is an orb but it is not an ordinary orb. The orb of the staff has some kind of fetus of an unknown monster in it. His staff is something that came out of a horror movie. Adrian also noticed that the orb glowed when Eldritch prepared his spell.

"You managed to reduce the damage I dealt to you. It seems that you are no pushover." Adrian stated when he saw Eldritch recover from his attack. The pattern on the wall is dome which means Eldritch manage to conjure up a barrier to protect him from impact.

"Interesting. It has been a while since I last took damage. Those high level dregs could barely come close to me but you just suddenly appear in front of me. What is your secret? I want to know." Eldritch said as he disappeared from his position which alarmed Adrian.

"Creepysoo! Free Val…" Adrian said but he was interrupted.

A magic circle suddenly materialized beside Adrian's face and it released a burst of dark starlight. Adrian is sent flying by the direct hit. Eldritch reappeared a few feet away from Adrian only to scoff at the latter.

"Is that all you can do? I am a bit disappointed. I thought I finally can have a worthy challenge. Even that arrogant arrow boy could barely scrap my health." Eldritch sneered.

Adrian did not rise up immediately because he is afflicted by the confusion status effect. Adrian's vision became blurry and the world is spinning from his point of view so he could not stand up immediately. Eldritch thinking that Adrian just got a lucky hit on him focused on his companion.

Creepysoo used all his strength to free Valar from the chains but it would not break. Eldritch seeing this could only snicker at the pathetic attempt of the boy. Even Eldritch himself needs to exert quite a bit of magic to break or make the chains dysfunctional.

"It is useless boy. You will not be able to break those chains. Not with your petty strength. I am too lazy to deal with you. Mindless Ones! Take care of the undead boy but keep him alive. I need him to find the location of the undead king seeing that he is their prince." Eldritch stated in a tone that sounded like he is looking down at Creepysoo.

Valar tried to exert his strength to break away from his chains in order to help Creepysoo but it was useless. The unique golems march towards Creepysoo's location but the latter did not feel scared. Creepysoo grabbed his staff and started casting a spell.

"My brothers and sisters who are forsaken and abandoned. Rise from your grave and claim your revenge from those who wronged you. Undead Rise!" Creepysoo chanted.

Twenty magic circles formed around Creepysoo and each glowed in a pale light. Bony hands started to rise from the magic circles and skeletal undead are summoned but they are different. Cute skeletons that looks like something a Halloween themed children show will air.

"Hahaha! Is that your undead army? A bunch of cute looking skeletons?" You are more of a clown than that person over there." Eldritch pointed towards Adrian but the person in question is not there.

Eldritch suddenly had his guard up and immediately sensed danger from his right side. Eldritch dodge but Adrian is also fast so he managed to stab Eldritch at his right thigh using his right dagger. Eldritch is fuming with rage because this nobody managed to actually harm him.

Adrian recovered from his confused status while Eldritch paid him no mind. He immediately summoned his twin dagger psyche armaments and used the first and second skill of the armament which is Soul Emergence and Soul Impale. Adrian even added some nether energy to the attack to make it deal even more damage.

Eldritch screamed in pain not because it is really painful but because of the effect of nether energy on his character race. The scream Eldritch released is blood curdling and not something a human would make. The scream did not even come out from his mouth but instead from a mouth that sprouted from his palm.

"You little twerp!" Eldritch shouted as his staff glowed once more and five different magic circles appeared beside Adrian.

Adrian had no choice but to use another charge of Blink to immediately get away from danger. Like the attack that hit Adrian earlier, blasts of dark cosmic light came out of the magic circle and the trajectory of the beam would all hit Adrian's head. Eldritch wanted to blow Adrian's head away plus there is extra damage if you are hit at the head area.

"You should never take your eyes of the enemy. Ever heard of that saying?" Adrian stated casually but it did not trigger Eldritch anymore as he calmed himself down immediately.

"It seems that I have really severely estimated you but no matter. I do not make the same mistake twice. Corruptant Domain." Eldritch stated and a black cosmic light came out from the orb in his staff. If one could see the fetal creature there then they would see that it opened its eyes.

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