Omega Summoner

Chapter 231 - The Undead Marches North

Chapter 231 - The Undead Marches North

The draconic sense of the fire drake made its senses sharper and it could react faster to attacks. Though the skill is great, it also had a fatal flaw. The draconic sense made the fire drake susceptible to Kanlaon's roar as it would freeze every instance it hears the roar.

Adrian made use of this opportunity as best as he can. He managed to peel ten fire drake scales. The group did not kill the fire drake as Adrian wanted to seal it.

[You have failed to seal the Fire Drake.]

[You have failed to seal the Fire Drake.]

[You have successfully sealed the Fire Drake.]

Drakes as mounts are very pricey so Adrian wanted to sell it to recover the funds he used to upgrade his game pod. Levin Cloud said that he did not want to take any from the fire drake sale so Adrian gave him all the loot from the fire raptor king except the soul stone.

Adrian almost failed to seal the fire drake because it resisted big time. Adrian only has three chances to seal a monster. If he fails those three times then he cannot seal the monster as its soul has weakened due to the soul strain of failing to be sealed three times.

Adrian's luck stat activated in the third try and the added weakening due to the bleed effect. The fire drake had a look of indignation when it could not resist the sealing chains that Adrian cast. The two decided to look for more mobs to finish off so that they could level up.

The group managed to raise their level until Adrian and Levin Cloud is level 115. Adrian's soulbounds though are lagging behind due to their unique experience bars. Sirius became level 110, Kanlaon level 107, Saena level 108 and Charon level 99.

The group returned to the frost giant's forge because they could no longer continue on the deepest parts of the Lava Channel. The monsters also became much scarcer and the temperature became unbearable for the whole group except for Kanlaon.


After three days of grinding for experience, they returned to the forge on the fourth day. On the fourth day, Aurgelmir already finished the forging of the necessary materials to fix the crown. On the first strike of Aurgelmir's hammer on the first two crown fragments, an enormous energy wave is sent throughout the place that even reached the central continent.

The runes that Aurgelmir used to suppress the energy shockwaves did their work but the energy sent out is still powerful enough to only spread towards the central continent. If there were no suppression runes in his forge then the shockwaves might have reached until the southern continent.

The residual energy is enough for all the hidden powers in the central continent to pick up. The energy is also picked up by the entity that should not have picked it up. The Arch Lich Malus know the energy released by the crown fragments because it is made of undead energy.

The two best friends are closely looking at the forging technique of Aurgelmir because it is enchanting. Every time that the frost giant brought his hammer down on the anvil, the two would feel a thump on their chest that made their hearts race. Their concentration is broken by a rather sudden notification that no one would want to read.

[The Arch Lich Malus has sensed undead energy similar to that of the Undead King.]

[His army is now on their way to the frozen lands of the north.]

[You have 72 hours to prepare before the legion of undead that the Arch Lich Malus comes to your location.]

[Time Remaining before the Arch Lich comes: 71: 59:55]

Adrian could not control himself but curse out loud. Aurgelmir is still concentrating on forging the crown as it would fail if he suddenly took a break. The frost giant did say that he would have to forge the crown for full five days at least and it could even reach to seven days if he took breaks.

"What should we do? We cannot protect this place by ourselves." Levin Cloud stated as he knows the two of them would not be enough to prevent a legion of undead to come to them.

��I know. This time I am really panicking. Even I do not know how or where those undead will invade. Let us just hope that the Arch Lich himself." Adrian stated as he thought how he could protect the place.


The Arch Lich is not the only power that moved though as each kingdom wanted to know where that shockwave of energy comes from. Some fanatics even started spouting that the world about to end because even the common man could feel the shockwaves. The Arch Lich himself did not participate in the marching legion but instead it is a lich that is Malus' right hand man (lich?).

Each kingdom and even the empire sent their scouts to follow the trail of the shockwaves that kept on happening. Some hidden powers acted themselves to search for what is the source of this energy.josei

Inside a temple made of bones, the Arch Lich Malus is sitting on his throne of bones when he felt the undead energy shockwave. The black eye sockets of the Arch Lich suddenly glowed in ghastly blue light. The Arch Lich then raised his right hand and a doom knight is summoned.

"Find the source of that energy fluctuation. The undead king should be there. Get Gheist to assist you. If the undead king is really there then crush this bead. It will summon me to your location." The Arch Lich Malus commanded the doom knight.

"As you will my lord." The doom knight replied in a deep and dark voice and searched for the lich that would aid him.


In a gigantic church that resembles a white castle, the Pope of the Church of Light also felt the energy shockwaves. She knows this residual energy signatures because their kind revile this so much. Angels do not like undead because they are not natural. For angels, natural creation is beauty itself which is why they hate undead.

The angels also hate devils but it is for a different reason. Their hatred could only be rooted from their deep rivalry and if an angel falls then they would become devils themselves. The reason for their endless battles with the devils are erased from history records though.

"Find the source of that repulsive energy." The pope of the church of light stated but a messenger suddenly came in.

The paladins raised their sword against the messenger so the latter became even more distraught. Pristina raised her hands so that the paladins would not be too much on guard. The messenger calmed down for a bit before he said the message.

"Your Holiness, it has been reported that a legion of undead is marching north. It seems they are attracted to the source of the energy fluctuations. The emperor has asked to meet you in three hours to know how we will deal with the situation. The other church elders have also arranged a meeting in ten minutes." The messenger stated as he bowed deeply.

"For the emperor himself to ask to come and meet me. How large is this undead horde?" Pristina thought as she headed towards the meeting room of the temple.


The player community is buzzing with both excitement and sadness. The higher level players are excited because every kingdom that the undead legion is passing by is offering a reward to stop the undead march. Some players are sad because they are far from the marching undead.

News travelled fast that a legion of undead is marching north towards the source of the energy fluctuations that everyone can feel. The top guilds are already meeting with all their officers so that they could participate in the subjugation of the marching undead.

The big problem is that the undead just march straight and if they encounter settlement then it would be a disaster. The legion of undead is becoming bigger and bigger the more settlements and place full of monsters that they come across.

Even the emperor of the empire had announced a quest to subjugate the undead because if they are not stopped then about a quarter of the empire will turn into undead territory. Adrian who is currently browsing the forums could only smile as he could see that he did not need to defend by himself.

Levin Cloud is currently not with him because he is suddenly summoned by his master Elder Willow of the church of life. It seems all the churches are aiding each other because of the undead marching towards the north. Though each superpower sent scouts, they could now deduce that the energy fluctuations is somehow attracting the undead.

Adrian is currently happy that he would have some so called allies to help him stop the undead but he did not know that some wanted to snatch the source of the energy fluctuations.

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