Omega Summoner

Chapter 244 - The Undead Sailing North

Chapter 244 - The Undead Sailing North

Adrian waited patiently for Bronx to give him a decision even though time is heavily ticking away. He wanted to get an answer immediately because Adrian is sure that Aurgelmir is only halfway done. Adrian even thought that the quest that is given to him is actually doomed to fail because of the short time span he is given.

Finally after acting like he has no other options, Bronx finally gave him a group of individuals. Three Imps are tasked to accompany Adrian for only a limited time.

"You three will accompany my favorite student for two hours before you resume your duties. I hope you can understand my worries, Equinox. We are already stretched too thin on forces. You can only blame the twin gods for creating an ever expanding universe." Bronx stated as he told the instructions to the three imps accompanying Adrian.

The three imps then went out of the tent with Adrian in the front. Adrian then told them to introduce themselves. Their names were Une, Deux, and Trois. It seems that the three of them were siblings but they do not look the same. Though they do look downright gorgeous which really enforced how hard the developers worked on accentuating beauty.

Une is a female imp that has light purple hair like the other two but she dressed sexily. She is like the imp version of Jianna because of their same style of clothing. Deux is more like a warrior as he is heavily armored and has a great sword as a weapon. Trois is wearing robes like that of a typical mage and you can feel an air of knowledge coming from him.

There is an obvious sign of displeasure on their faces but an order was an order. Adrian could also feel that they are only putting up with him because of Bronx' command. Adrian could not bother increasing his intimacy with them because he can only command them for two hours so he had to put them to work immediately.

"We are heading to the far north so I hope you guys can tolerate the cold." Adrian stated as he looked at their statuses.josei

NPC: Une

Tier: Rare

Level: 170

NPC: Deux

Tier: Rare

Level: 185

NPC: Trois

Tier: Rare

Level: 170

The highest leveled individual is Deux and Adrian could see why. Deux looks more battle hardened than the other two which is normal because the three siblings do not belong to the same division.

Une belongs to the intelligence division where they gather intelligence using methods such as mind control, telepathy or seduction. Deux belongs in the warrior division and they are tasked to hunt outside or go on missions inside. Trois is assigned in the mage division where they mostly just research and monitor the "Demon Eyes".

The Demon Eyes are the special item that the demons spread in other worlds in order to monitor them. The Demon Eyes are effective but difficult to make and easy to break or find a location to put it in.

The demon eyes are usually placed in a place where there is a weak spatial integrity so that the other races would not be able to find them easily. No one likes to know that every move you do is monitored. Although the Daemos are essentially the new protectors, they do not solve minor problems unless those problems are world ending or cataclysmic to an entire race.

There are rare occasions when they do step up like when a dragon wanted to raze a whole world to ashes. It seems that the dragon's child is captured by the inhabitants of an area because it was causing problems. The dragon's child in question actually harmed itself so that its mother would come and get him.

This became so troublesome because the mother dragon was so angry that it burned the settlements his son was taken captive to the ground. The mother seeing her son's injury became enraged and wanted to kill every person in the world which is why the Daemos had to step in.

This apparently is the reason why dragons hated the demons or Daemos. Dragons are prideful creatures and do not like being subservient or being proved that they are weaker. Kanlaon is an exception because it imprinted on Adrian.

Long story short, the Daemos Elders made the mother dragon experience an infinity loop to calm her rage down while another elder scolded the child dragon. Upon calming down, the mother dragon is presented the recorded happening in the god's eye but the love of a mother is truly difficult to quell.

She still wanted to punish those who captured his child but the Daemos elders handled her the hard way. The mother dragon is beaten to the ground by one of the elders that forever scarred her pride. The dragon swore that every dragon in existence will forever be enemies of the Daemos and took her child with her as they escaped.


Adrian did not waste any more time as he told the three to come close to him as he would teleport them to the north. The three imps did not ignore Adrian as they were told to obey the imp in front of them to the best of their abilities. They do not want to get reported as insubordinate to a person assigned as their leader.

A magic circle appeared below them and they disappeared in particles of light. The four demons reappeared just outside the entrance to the forge of the frost giant. Elona was not there but instead it was the yeti army that she stationed that greeted the group with their sharp fangs.

The three imps thought that the person assigned as their leader actually teleported them into a trap but a female voice is heard from the cavern.

"Settle down my lovelies." The Ice Queen Elona stated as a cold breeze went outside the cavern.

The cold breeze brought with it snow and hail which manifested into the beautiful Ice Queen Elona. Even the two male imps had to stare at her beauty until Une snapped the two from their daze. The Ice Queen scanned the three people that is unfamiliar to her until she asked Adrian.

"Are they your companions?" The Ice Queen Elona asked.

"More like insurance." Adrian replied which made the three look either disappointed or hurt.

"So why did you have to ask for help from your people? I am pretty sure they are already swamped with work." The Ice Queen Elona asked as she knows that demons are busy as she encountered them once or twice in her lifetime.

"The Arch Lich might reach this location in less than a day unless we do something. Even my newly added helpers would be unable to do much if the Arch Lich is coming here." Adrian replied which made the Ice Queen race her brow.

"I am pretty sure that I can keep this Arch Lich at bay." The Ice Queen Elona replied as she is confident in her strength.

"I am sure you can if you are facing the Arch Lich by yourself but not if he is with his undead legion that is also coming here." Adrian replied which made even Elona second guess.

"I have found them using the Demon Eye placed at the frozen sea." Trois stated as the crystal projecting an image of a ghost ship coming towards the north is seen by the others.

The Ice Queen Elona is marveled by the projection but did not inquire about it because she would not expect a reply even if she asked. The projection could see that the ghost ship is coming at a fast speed towards their general location. Adrian also feared for the worse and the worst has come.

Standing at the helm of the ghost ship is the Arch Lich Malus looking at the direction of the mountain where the energy fluctuations are coming. Adrian is actually thankful that the gate that the Arch Lich came out of is a one-time use. If it was not a one-time use then the Arch Lich would not be boarding that ghost ship towards the north.

"Your highness, what is the old man's progress?" Adrian asked as he needed to know how much time he needed to add.

"He needs to connect three more fragments before he completes the crown." The Ice Queen Elona replied honestly.

It seems that Adrian bought enough time by destroying one ghost ship but something still bugged him. He still feels that something will go wrong even if the crown gets finished. It is this foreboding feeling that made Adrian feel nervous.

"So do you have any ideas on how we can slow them down while the undead are still skimming the ocean?" Adrian asked the four individuals near him.

A minute of silence could be heard until Trois finally decided to speak up.

"We can set up a loop so that they could be stuck at that location for about a day at least." Trois stated and his two siblings looked at him with concern.

"So how are we going to do it?" Adrian asked as this was the best plan that he is given.

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