Omega Summoner

Chapter 249 - Rise Of The Lich King

Chapter 249 - Rise Of The Lich King

A loud explosion sounded while the shockwave from it reverberated all throughout the surroundings. The explosion is not just loud but it also sent a shockwave of an unfamiliar energy that wiped out all the magic in the vicinity. Some of the flight spells of the Daemos like Djinns and Diabolons are cancelled which led them to be carried off by the Imps.

 Adrian is a bit unlucky because he is closer to a diabolon and they are heavier than others. He had to suck it up because all skills with cooldown had experienced a thirty second cooldown regardless if someone used it or not. He is trying his best not to drop the diabolon but he really is wondering why it is too heavy.

"Why are you so heavy demon senior brother?" Adrian stated.

"Probably the Gigant Swine I ate this morning. I did not really expect to be deployed today because it is my rest day today." The diabolon replied.

After a fight with gravity, all the Daemons can now use magic again. Since the beam is no longer firing, the elders tasked the greater demons to check the source. The elders of the Daemos are quickly fixing the rift in space while the greater demons descended.

The greater demons wanted to quickly swoop down to assess the situation but steam from the boiled ocean water deterred vision. The steam and fog created is not the only problem because now the greater demons are surrounded by hidden powers. They wait for the elders to finish before moving because they know that the bystanders are just waiting for some sort of slip up.

Fortunately, even those bystanders flying spells were dispelled which is why they are cautious. It seems some of the bystanders are impatient and even they want to know what is happening below. A person riding what looks like a wyvern used a wind spell that cleared up the steam and fog.

What lay before them are broken wreckages of the might ghost ship. The Arch Lich standing in the location with the waves frozen in ice as a platform. A hooded young man is also seen with a monstrous arm that is looks like it is a mix of a root and a tentacle.

The hooded young man then vanished in a black smoke leaving the now fractured undead army. The weird thing is that there are now only three undead on the ice floor that the Arch Lich created. The three undead were Arch Lich Malus, the doom knight and Gheist.

Gheist looked at the surrounding individuals and its body suddenly became a black fog that covered both the doom knight and the Arch Lich. Gheist which took the form of a black fog suddenly bolted away from the location back to the central continent.

Some of the hidden powers gave chase to the black mass that is Gheist while some clearly stayed. Those who stayed are actually glaring at the demons with either hatred or disgust. The elders of the Daemos also glared back at the individuals that are glaring at them.

The individuals glaring at the demons are mainly the dragonkin, elves, and the remaining angels that did not follow Gheist. There is a whole five minutes of silence before Ascalor finally spoke in a jokingly manner.

"It seems that our job here is done. We shall take our leave." Ascalor stated but a voice suddenly protested.

"Explain what have you done demon! You are not leaving here before you do!" A dragonoid woman who Adrian encountered a bit earlier with Elona stated.

"We do not need to explain anything to your lazy masters, dragonoid. Despite them proclaiming that they would protect this world, they are very lazy. They did not come investigate the disturbance themselves except they send their errand dogs." Koronn stated as he really wants to return as he is very busy with research.

"You dare say that demon!" The dragonoid woman stated as she released her draconic aura that suffocated others that are below her persona state.

 "A mere buzzing of an insect." Bronx stated as he released a burst of kinetic energy that immediately cancelled the aura released by the female dragonoid.

The angels that stayed decided that they would not be given the answer because of the enmity they had with the demons. The angels purposefully made no distinction between devils and demons because their leader also wanted total control of the main world.

The elves that came and are glaring at the demons also did not waste any more time. They left knowing even their elders could only keep one of the Arch Demons at bay and they only had one elder present. The dragonoids screamed at those that left as cowards but it only fell in deaf ears.

"Go back little lizard. Even they know that all of you grouping out will stand no chance." Ascalor stated while releasing his aura.

Adrian at the time could only be amazed at the elder's bravado. He really underestimated them as they were always either very happy or torturing him with tasks. This time the elders now showed to the world the might of the demons.

Of course not everyone knows their limits as the elders have disrespected the dragons far too many times. The three dragonoids all charged towards the three elders. Each elder dealt with the dragonoid that charged at them differently.

The dragonoid that charged at Bronx is hit by his tail and is sent down towards the ocean. The scales covering the dragonoids body and the layers of barriers it has all shattered like glass.

The dragonoid that charged at Koronn suffered a rather dull but miserable fate. Koronn just flicked his hand and it shattered all the magical barriers on the dragonoids body but the latter just suddenly froze. The frozen dragonoid could not move its body and suffered the same fate as that of the one attacked by Bronx and plunged to the ocean.

The dragonoid that attacked Ascalor suffered something even others do not want. Ascalor opened a portal and hurled the dragonoid across every possible auxiliary world. The dragonoid is sent crashing to boulders, lava and glaciers until Ascalor judged that the dragonoid had enough. The dragonoid just dropped to the ocean due to fatigue.josei

The onlookers did not help the dragonoids as it was always their agreement to not bother what the other party does. Actually they rather liked it as dragons are prideful powerful creatures that probably only demons could beat. This would serve them as a good reminder that those giant lizards are not that great.

The Daemos having fixed the fractured reality barrier no longer had any reason to stay. Adrian just returned to the forge hoping that Aurgelmir finished fixing the crown. If only Adrian observed the cracking reality barrier very closely then he might have seen that a tiny crack once again appeared after all the demons left.


Eldritch once again appeared at the place where the flowers bloomed forever. He laughed before he composed himself and went straight towards the middle of the magic circle. He took out the finger that he absorbed in his body. He liked the expression and tone that the Arch Lich used when he took the finger.

He looked at the finger and it is clear that it is not from a human. The finger still had human flesh and skin but all dried up. The most notable thing about the finger is the golden ring that emits a pale glow. Eldritch placed the finger in the middle of the magic circle and it already reacted.

Eldritch started chanting in a tongue that is not runic but something resembling that of many voices speaking simultaneously. The finger slowly but surely sunk into the magic circle and the runic letter started unlocking one by one.

The flowers in the middle of the magic circle started withering at a rapid pace until all the flowers, trees and grass decayed. The sky turned dark as if a huge shadow is cast by clouds but there were no clouds in sight. The beautiful magic circle that covered the area suddenly turned something infernal.

A frail hand that is like of a dried corpse suddenly emerged first. The hand that emerged could be seen missing its ring finger. Two arms suddenly appear and it did not take long for a figure of human to appear. The figure is actually a walking dried corpse but now it is currently kneeling as it is still weakened.

[The Lich King has been released from its seal.]

[The Lich King is currently weakened. Erase it from existence before it manages to wreak havoc.]

"Did you release me Envoy?" a spine chilling voice coming from the Lich King stated.

"I did." Eldritch replied.

"You have done well. I will properly reward you once I have properly restored my strength." The Lich King replied but Eldritch just laughed.

"You dare mock me envoy." The Lich King warned.

"You have done you part Star Mother. I will use your powers well." Eldritch stated in a voice that did not come from him.

"Azathoth! How did you discover this universe!?" The Lich King or rather the Star Mother stated.

Eldritch did not reply but used his tentacle root like hand to pierce the Lich King in the chest. The tentacle root like hand then covered all the body parts of the Lich King as a grinding sound could be heard. When Eldritch opened his hand, it could be seen grasping a yellow-green stone about the size of an infant.

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