Omega Summoner

Chapter 257 - The Treasury Of The Undead King

Chapter 257 - The Treasury Of The Undead King

"That was so embarrassing. Charon ate that poor guy's head. I almost fainted when he did that." Adrian stated as he walked to the direction of the treasury with Creepysoo.

"I am scarred for life." Creepysoo stated in a flat unemotional tone.

"Anyways, are the other here?" Adrian asked.

"Yeah. Though they protested that they did not deserve it because they did not find the blacksmith." Creepysoo replied.

"They still tried hard to find the blacksmith regardless so they should be awarded. Peridot though still is trapped in the eastern continent so she said that she would just forego the reward since she barely did anything." Adrian stated as they turned around the corner.

"Still, I did not know that the blessing of the God of Death would enable us to use parts of the deceased to become stronger. It is sick and appalling but still very cool in twisted way." Creepysoo stated as he was happy with the stat boost he gained from the fragments that Adrian gave him.

"The way you say it makes me regret trying that experiment with you." Adrian replied and then his sight landed on four people.josei

"What took you guys too long?" Levin Cloud asked.

"We got sidetracked by something on the way. Don't ask." Adrian said as he shivered upon suddenly remembering it.

"Oh! Blanche is here." Creepysoo stated as a beautiful woman dressed in all white floated towards them.

Blanche is one of the twin sister undead high level wraith. Even Creepysoo has yet to interact much or know about their abilities because they are said to be something like intelligence officers or spies. Blanche took out a key that has a skull with a crown on it.

The door does not look like a door but just a normal wall. Blanche made a motion like inserting the key in the wall. The long part of the key passed through the wall like there was a key hole in that position where Blanche inserted the key.

A huge then materialized when the key fitted perfectly. Blanche turned the key and the door slowly crept open. Blanche then gestured for them to go inside the room.

People think that a treasury of the king of the undead will have countless treasures or piles of treasures but it is actually far from the truth. All the items inside the treasury are actually in podiums like an art collection or art exhibit.

"Please pick one item that you want but a word of caution. Some items here are cursed so be very careful." Blanche stated with a casual tone but it terrified all of them.

"So what section is the least cursed?" Kabrakan stated as he hates curses.

"Just do not touch things before inspecting them then we would be safe. Probably." Adrian stated as he split up from them as the treasury is huge.


Adrian wandered in a section where you could only say that the things are of the occult. The item ranges from harmless looking amulets to the darker stuff like heart of some animal. At least Adrian wanted to think it is actually the heart of a monster.

The most notable thing that Adrian has seen is a weird figurine that emits life energy. He wanted to take it but the figure is a bit obscene as it features a naked woman that is pregnant.

"The life energy it is giving off is large. It would certainly be a nice catalyst to increase my mastery of that element." Adrian thought hard and long but then again he never really bothered what others thought of him anyway so he just held out his hand and grabbed the figurine.

"Yeah. Even holding it makes me feel bad." Adrian thought to himself as he went back to the entrance to wait for the others.

The others are also there and they agree to show off what they found. Adrian wanted to throw himself to the wall when they suggested that. Levin Cloud showed his first and it is actually a parasitic type of equipment that lets you generate death energy. The tattoo crawled until his neck part but it looked badass.

Soleil managed to snag this rotating mini sun that amplified fire spells by 10%. Vayu managed to find an egg of a creature but he said that he just felt drawn to it. Adrian tried to inspect the egg but it only said 'Egg of Hope'. Kabrakan found a cursed shield that turns into a spike ball so he let his growth type shield absorb that ability.

When Adrian presented his statue, Vayu immediately covered Soleil's eyes while Levin Cloud and Kabrakan shifted their gaze.

"I never thought that you have a liking for things like this big brother." Creepysoo commented which made everyone laugh.

"It is not what you think." Adrian rebutted.

"I agree. That is certainly the most beautiful find from the things you have picked. This is a primordial statue of the Goddess of Life Gaea. It emits life energy so pure that it might even make undead become living once more. At least in theory, we never tested it before because we could not handle life energy before." Blanche stated but it still did not make the teenagers stop laughing.

Item: Ancient Statue Depiction of the Goddess of Life

Tier: Legendary

Type: Miscellaneous

Description: A statue said to embody the most beautiful part of life which is birth. Numerous prayers has been absorbed by this figuring making it a holy item. If presented to the Church of Life, you will get a lot of contribution points.

"Why do you want this statue anyway?" Levin Cloud asked as he was curious as his best friend will not pick something like that.

"I need it in order to master life energy. I need it to become an Arch Demon. I already got the quest for it. At least the first condition that is."

Arch Demon Qualification

1.) Master another energy source or improve your current energy source.

2.) Not yet qualified

3.) Not yet qualified

4.) Not yet qualified

5.) Not yet qualified

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