Omega Summoner

Chapter 274 - Diao Chan's Request

Chapter 274 - Diao Chan's Request

Adrian is guided to a room that has the view of the small lake in the middle of the teahouse. Adrian thought that the one who escorted him to the room with be the one who will serve him tea but that is not the case. The attendant that escorted him bowed and left before saying that the food will be there momentarily.

She closed the sliding door and Adrian waited for the food. He observed the surroundings and he could tell that there are talismans embedded in the room that made it soundproof. It seems the teahouse that he entered is more than meets the eye. The sliding door opened to reveal the person who brought him the tea and food which was none other than the owner herself.

"Thank you for waiting, my lord. It would be an honor for me, Diao Chan, to serve someone as esteemed as yourself." Diao Chan stated in a flattering but restrained tone.

Adrian did not mind because he already guessed that the owner of the teahouse is not ordinary. Adrian called his soulbounds to gather as they are playing around with each other. The snacks that are presented are petite cakes that are colorful and cookies with exquisite design.

Adrian could identify some because he had tasted something that looks like them before. One of the snacks seem to be a mochi that has a sweet bean filling inside. Adrian likes this snack but the cookies were too beautiful to eat so he decided to take a screenshot of it before munching away.

Diao Chan then poured the tea that was prepared in the teapot in Adrian's glass. The smell of the tea permeated the room and it had a calming effect to anyone who smelled the aroma. Diao Chan presented the cup to Adrian and he smelled the tea first before taking a sip.

The taste of the tea could only be describe as divine. It tasted like the tea that his dad was gifted when a friend from the Himalayas visited. Adrian could tell that the tea given to him is very expensive and the teahouse owner has something in mind but he would not be the first one to speak up.action

Kanlaon was given juice since he did not like the taste of tea. He shared the juice with his fellow soulbounds. Adrian looked at Diao Chan when Kanlaon did this but it seems that the teahouse owner is not bothered by that interaction.

After Adrian finished his second cup of tea, Diao Chan finally poke her intentions.

"My Lord, Can I shamelessly ask you for a favor?" Diao Chan asked.

"I thought that you would let me finish all the tea first but it seems what you want is urgent." Adrian stated as he already guessed that this would happen.

Adrian might be young but he is very perceptive of his surroundings. He developed this talent because there were some of his classmates that approached him just because of his family's wealth. This is one of the reasons that despite being called a good person by his classmates is that he only has a small circle of friends.

"I can help you but I want something in return." Adrian stated.

"How much do I need to pay for your services? Money is not a problem as long as you can help me achieve it. Or do you want something other than money? Perhaps something only I can give." Diao Chan replied while exuding her femininity.

"I do not need money because I need something that is even more valuable than that. I am telling you this because if you tell me what I want to know then it might endanger your life." Adrian stated in a calm tone trying to erase in his mind the last sentence that Diao Chan said.

"What is it do you want to know, my lord? I will answer it to the best of my abilities." Diao Chan stated as she gave a deep bow towards Adrian.

"I want to know if you know of an artifact that can affect a person's soul. I was told that it is currently located in this city but I do not know where I should start my search." Adrian stated.

Diao Chan looked at Adrian with uncertainty before she finally spoke. "I think you are talking about an artifact that the local church parades which is the Soul Reflecting Mirror. It is said to be a powerful artifact that can calm the soul of those that gaze upon it."

Adrian felt a twitch in his soul when he heard the name Soul Reflecting Mirror. He felt as if he was familiar with this item yet it was a stranger to him. He felt this way when he first saw the spear because it felt like it is calling to him. Just by the mere utter of its name, Adrian could feel that they are connected.

"Is this Soul Reflecting Mirror a Psyche Armament? It should be possible because a Psyche Armament could manifest different abilities depending on the person that manages to unlock its powers. The monk probably used it to separate the soul of the two guardian birds. But why?" Adrian thought as Diao Chan poured another cup of tea.

"Do you have any idea where it is currently being held? It must be enshrined in a location since it is considered somewhat of a sacred treasure to all of you since it is paraded once a year." Adrian asked after he finished his cup of tea.

"I am sorry to inform you that the Soul Reflecting Mirror has been reported stolen since a year ago. The shrine monk are currently offering a reward to some who will return it." Diao Chan stated in a sad tone because she thought that Adrian might back out on his word as the item he wants is not in Shangri-La.

"I think someone from the shrine is spreading misinformation because I can feel that the artifact is here in the city but the energy signature it is giving off is not strong enough for me to pinpoint its location. What do you want in return for the information?" Adrian asked.

"An informant told me that it would not take long for the war to reach our city walls. I want your help in evacuating all my attendants, my lord." Diao Chan stated as she bowed.

"I will help you but only after I ascertain that the Self Reflecting Mirror is indeed the artifact that I am looking for. If it is not the Soul Reflecting Mirror that I am sensing then do not blame for not helping you run away from the war reaching this city walls." Adrian stated in an indifferent tone.

"That would be fine, my lord. I will pray that the Soul Reflecting Mirror is the artifact that you are looking for." Diao Chan stated as she bowed once again.

"Are you not wondering why I would want an artifact in your city?" Adrian asked because he just wanted to know where Diao Chan's loyalty stand.

"I am certain that someone as powerful as you will not look for a petty artifact if it was not yours. I also will not question the motives of our future savior. Before I leave to attend to tend to our preparation to escape. I would like to know our savior's name." Diao Chan stated as she bowed.

"You do not need to know my name because I am merely passing by. I am not your savior because we made a transaction. It is not final that I will assist you. It is up to the artifact if I will save you or leave you be." Adrian replied before Diao Chan left to finish preparations for evacuating.

One would think that Adrian would upset the timeline by saving a bunch of people but he was told by the two guardian birds that no one will escape alive even those that escaped the city. The city of Shangri-La is actually no more in the present world because it has been replace by Infernofrost Ridge.

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