Omega Summoner

Chapter 277 - Four Vajras

Chapter 277 - Four Vajras

Adrian wanted to know if his other abilities are grayed out or unusable. Luckily, he can still use his domain skills which means he has a chance to easily finish this job. The only reason he has not attacked is the aura that the four vajras that Chidaide is holding.

The four vajras is releasing an aura that is peculiar and distinct. Adrian has to test out the waters in order to see what those four vajras can do. He also did not know how long he will be trapped inside this mirror dimension.

He wanted to know if this pocket dimension is everlasting or just until one of them drops dead. Adrian is not even sure if their bodies are sent in this pocket dimension. The thought of having a Psyche Armament that transports their bodies is not ordinary so he is sure that only their souls is pulled to this dimension.

"If my soul is here then my body is either protected by the mirror or some kind of barrier. The only way out is to defeat that demented shaman but he is not making a move." Adrian thought as he stared at Chidaide.

Adrian has already filled the room with his improved version of the Quantum Spacemines. He added the ability to create miniature black holes whenever one explodes. Adrian waited for Chidaide to make his move and the demented shaman did.

The Vajra on Chidaide's upper right arm suddenly glowed in a yellow light. The demented shaman's body then disappeared from Adrian's sight. Chidaide then reappeared beside Adrian and the upper left Vajra glowed in a red light while the yellow light vanished.

Chidaide then sent a punch towards Adrian but the latter is already sent flying even if the former's fist is one feet away from the latter's face. It seems that the Vajra that glowed red could increase force of hits. Adrian is knocked back by a few meters but he managed to block the strike.

Adrian still got damaged even though he was sure he blocked the strike. It seems that red aura is the cause of Adrian getting damaged. The red aura can somehow bypass Adrian's defenses but it was not enough because he only lost 1% of his total health.

Adrian then used Blink to appear behind Chidaide in order to use Nether Soul Strike on him. The red light on the upper left Vajra disappeared and the lower left glowed in a blue light. Adrian's claws that were supposed to directly hit Chidaide missed as the latter suddenly became mist and reconstituted a few meters away.

Adrian tried to attack once more but the same thing happened. Chidaide kept his distance and the blue light of the lower left Vajra disappeared. The Vajra on the lower right glowed in an orange light and a beam is released from the weapon.

The beam went straight towards Adrian but he used Blink to get away. Adrian now knows what each of the power of the vajras are or at least have an idea about it. The one that emits a yellow light could probably increase speed.

The one with the red light can increase the force of any attacks that can knock anyone back. The one with the blue light can make the body incorporeal or turn it to mist which makes physical attacks ineffective. The orange light could fire off beams of orange light that carry off intense heat.

The battle came to a stalemate because no one could land an exact hit on anyone. The battle was something like a hit and dodge. In other words, if nothing changes then the battle will become a war a war of attrition. The winner would be the person who gets tired first and from the looks of it Adrian would be that person.

It seems that this pocket dimension has an effect that makes the user energized or not reduce stamina. The demented shaman is actually not even breaking a sweat or looking fatigued while Adrian is. It is either Chidaide not losing any stamina or the demented shaman being a great actor.

Adrian could only hope that his Enhanced Quantum Spacemines to do a good job. Adrian thought to use the mini black holes generated by the spacemines to trap the hands of Chidaide. He thought that making his enemy unable to fight back would be to his benefit but Chidaide always uses the yellow light Vajra when moving.

Chidaide moved very fast even for Adrian who is now level 500 and a thousand stats in agility. It seems that he now had to use his trump card. He had no qualms killing Chidaide because he is already dead according to Diao Chan. He will not be changing history if he kills the fake monk although the secret house might have been exposed but that is another problem.

"Nether Domain" Adrian stated and the nether mist rolled in.

"Netheros True Form" Adrian added and the nether mist summoned swirled around him.

Chidaide felt this ominous energy and tried to finish off Adrian before his transformation completed. Chidaide went near the swirling nether mist but he felt a pressure that scared him. He felt like he is being watched by something that made his soul quiver.

Adrian does not know but it seems that whatever thing he saw in the Nether Realm is now observing him. He cannot feel it but Chidaide can because he is the current owner of the mirror pocket dimension. Chidaide felt this presence and its gaze is suffocating his very soul so he took some distance away from Adrian.

"What was that!? It felt like a god is staring at me. That was the same feeling I got when the dark god stared at my soul for the very first time. It was not a dark god because they will not threaten the followers of others. Even the gods of this world are not like that when looking at mortal creatures." Chidaide thought as he stared at the swirling sphere of mist.

It seems that the Nether Mist is not affecting Chidaide that much because of the effect of the mirror pocket dimension on his soul. The mirror pocket dimension makes Chidaide's soul become much more powerful to the point that he is almost invulnerable. The only downside is that the effects lessen as Chidaide stays longer in the mirror pocket dimension.

Chidaide will no tell this fact to his enemy even though he is assured of his victory. He did not expect that Adrian would hold out long but he even won against a divine bird inside this pocket dimension so he is confident.

Adrian's form is finally revealed but it is quite different from his previous true form. His new form is rather more buff than usual. The non-existent legs that were there before is now the legs of a wrestler or Adrian has the body of a body builder on steroids.

Adrian's new form looked like a nether version of a diabolon except he only has two horns. Adrian also thought his transformation is strange but it became even stranger. Adrian could not move his body like he wanted to.

Adrian or rather his true form suddenly emitted a beastly roar. He did not know why his body did so but it seems that he is being controlled by something. Adrian's hulking figure charged towards Chidaide.

Adrian's body is about to collide with Chidaide when the demented shaman's body became mist. Adrian's body did not care though as he just charged towards where the mist is reforming. Adrian is shouting in his mind to stop his actions but it is for naught.

Adrian's uncontrollable body actually hit the half reformed misty body of Chidaide which shocked him. Chidaide's body became corporeal once more and he is actually bloody. Adrian's gigantic hands started to pummel Chidaide towards the floor.

The floor that was not cracking due to Adrian's attack before is now easily breaking. Chidaide saw what is happening to the mirror floor and his heart clenched with every crack. It seems that the mirror floor is connected to Chidaide's soul.

Fear started to creep into the demented shaman's heart as he fears what will happen if the floor becomes truly broken. Adrian though could feel that the pocket dimension become unstable. He wanted to stop rampaging but he could not control his body.

[You are currently in a berserk state due to the influence of a higher order being.]

Adrian did not know who this higher order being is but if he does not control himself then the pocket dimension might collapse on them. The Vajra with a red light suddenly glowed but berserk Adrian used an Enhance Quantum Spacemine just at the right time.

(Author Note: Berserk Adrian = Adrian not being able to control his body)

The mini black hole sucked the hand where the red glowing Vajra was. Chidaide became surprised at what happened and the mini black hole was not collapsing. He tried using the blue light Vajra but Berserk Adrian responded by instinct and did the same to that hand as it is sucked by a mini black hole.

"Dark God Eihort! Aid your loyal follower!" Chidaide shouted in desperation and his prayer is answered.

A pale light suddenly came down and shined towards Chidaide that knocked Adrian away. Chidaide's body became covered with multiple eyes while the vajras assimilated with the former's body. There were now eyes on Chidaide's torso, palms and arms. His mouth even disappeared to transform into an eye.josei

Berserk Adrian then opened his mouth and a sphere of intense energy started to gather. It seems that Berserk Adrian is gathering the nether mist he summoned. The intense energy made the pocket dimension shudder.

Chidaide also started to use his final attack as all the eyes on his body moved all the way to his chest to become a giant eye. He is also gathering energy for his last stand. The energy that he is gathering is also about the same with Adrian's power as it made the pocket dimension shudder. After a few seconds of gathering energy, silence occurred for a brief moment and the piercing sound of the beams fire by the two could be heard.

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