Omega Summoner

Chapter 287 - Shadows Of War Part 2

Chapter 287 - Shadows Of War Part 2


"STOP! This is the Kingdom of Blackheart! Move one more step and you will be fired upon." One of the soldiers announced to the three undead.

"My name is Creepysoo, Prince of the Undead. I wish to speak to your king. We are not here to start a war but to talk about diplomacy." Creepysoo stated which greatly shocked the guards.

The guards were shocked because they were taught that undead were mindless beings that hate and prey on the living. The only known intelligent undead are liches because they are wizards that became undead through magic but the undead in front of them is not a lich. He just looked like an ordinary pale boy that lacks nutrition.

"What should we do, Captain?" the soldier asked.

"Open Fire. We cannot trust the undead. They are scum of the earth. They want to meet the king? They probably want to kill our royalty." The captain of the knights stated in a cold tone.

"Wait! Do not become aggressive. Cease fire!" An old man in robes stated.

"Royal Wizard! Why are you here and not protecting the king?" The captain of the knights asked.

"Giving them hostility will be the death of our kingdom. The Prince there might not be much of a threat for me but the other two beside him are a colossal headache." The royal wizard stated in a panicked tone.

"What do you mean?" the knight captain asked.

"If they really wanted to attack our kingdom then why did those three bother to even show up in front of our gates? They could have just flooded the whole kingdom with undead as the holy churches are paralyzed right now." The royal wizard stated.

"You do not expect them to really meet with the king. They might try to assassinate him." The knight captain argued.

"That wraith over there could have easily blew apart our kingdom's walls if it wanted to but it did not. I will give them the benefit of the doubt and talk with them. If they really are hostile then they will attack me when I talk to them." The royal wizard stated as he conjured up wind magic to bring him in front the three undead.

Du'an noticed the magic cast atop the walls but did nothing because it was mere movement magic. The old man which is the royal wizard of the kingdom of Blackheart arrived before the three. Creepysoo looked at the old man and checked his attire. He could tell that this wizard is someone important because his robe is decorated with jewels and golden pins.

"Greetings, I am the Royal Wizard of the Kingdom of Blackheart Boreas. We did not expect visitors at the time of crisis so please do not be offended with the reception." Boreas stated while bowing to Creepysoo's group.

"I will introduce myself once more, I am Creepysoo. The Prince of the Undead. The one in-charge of the citadel west of this kingdom. I have come here to talk about diplomacy." Creepysoo stated in tone of royal dignity.

"Forgive me for not immediately succumbing to your wishes immediately as we need to assure that all of you will not bring harm to the royal family. Living beings have an immense fear of the undead so please be mindful of that." Boreas stated with another bow.

"Need I remind you Royal Wizard Boreas that you are not the only kingdom that is in our path. It does not matter to us if your kingdom be swept up in the war with the other undead faction. Undead we may be and the passage of time do not affect us but we offer only once." Creepysoo stated while the other two beside him are quiet.

The Royal Wizard Boreas could feel the truth about the words of the Prince of the Undead. If he interpreted the words correctly then the undead has two factions that are about to go to war. The faction closes to their kingdom wants to have a mutual relations agreement.

Boreas thought about the situation and the undead are correct. They are offering something much more to them other than bloodbath. Even the Royal Wizard Boreas could see that the alliance with the undead that do not seek bloodshed is much more optimal.

For royal wizards, the search for magic of powerful potency is the utmost importance. Boreas could feel that he would get access to magic that was previously unavailable to him. Boreas could see that they would be losing out in this deal if they do not accept it but the problem would be the empire.

Due to the empire stating that undead are all evil because the empire primarily worships the Goddess of Light, it would be very difficult to convince the royal family of the Blackheart Kingdom to accept the deal.

Creepysoo then took a scroll from Du'an which the latter got from a pocket dimension. Du'an's pocket dimension spell is made to be seen by Creepysoo's instruction because every royal wizard covets that magic. Creepysoo then threw the scroll towards Boreas.

"Take it as a gesture of good will. That scroll contains the grand magic that can cover your entire kingdom in a barrier to protect it from aerial threats." Creepysoo stated but before Boreas could speak someone else already spoke.

"I thank you, Prince of the Undead." Said by a young man in regal attire with black hair and accompanied by ten strong looking guards.

"Prince Lazul! Why have you come here?" Boreas asked and Creepysoo scanned the prince from head to toe.

"It is only right that another prince must invite a prince to the castle even if the other is a foreign one so to speak. Come in please. My father is expecting you." Prince Lazul stated as the gates of the walls opened up.

"It seems Blanche successfully sent the message to the King of Blackheart." Creepysoo stated as they marched towards the castle but the streets of the kingdom are empty due to fear. The Undead King's faction has taken a step towards diplomacy while the Arch Lich' faction continues the slaughter at the south east to increase their numbers.

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