Omega Summoner

Chapter 304 - Inside The Necropolis Part 2

Chapter 304 - Inside The Necropolis Part 2

Upon entering the small door, the three undead were surprised to see a pitch black room that even they could not see through despite the unique characteristics of the undead. The undead are born with Dark Vision which is a superior version of Night Vision. They should be fine seeing the inside of this room but for some reason they cannot.

"The darkness here is not natural but artificial. It seems that the Arch Lich made it so that even other undead would be lost here. Luckily, we have Blanche here with us or else we would be lost upon this darkness." Noir stated.

Even though Creepysoo knows all of the vassals of his father which is the Undead King, he rarely knows about Blanche's abilities because she usually does secretarial work. All that Creepysoo knows is that Blanche is called a White Lady which is a type of undead that is said to look like a lady wearing a pure white dress that is said to be one of the benevolent type of undead.

Blanche's pure white dress then shone in bright light while Noir receded here black smoke as she knew that her powers will clash with her sister's. The light that Blanche's white dress slowly glowed brighter until an area of about four meters could be lit up.

The surroundings can finally be seen and the inside of the room is more of a crypt. The walls are made of skulls while the floor is made of bricks that crumble a little upon stepping on them. Creepysoo looked at the compass to see if it can point towards the location of the life vessel of the Arch Lich.

The bony pin pointed north so they headed that direction with Blanche leading them. As they headed north, Noir tried to familiarize herself with the darkness covering the room as she wants to learn its composition. This is one of the perks being a named NPC which is that they can learn as long as they are in the environment well suited for it. There has been some players being rewarded due to helping named NPCs grow.

Creepysoo then suddenly stopped in his tracks. The bone pin on the compass suddenly started to go crazy as it spun in a circle. He did not know why it was reacting that way but Noir suddenly became alert.

Blanche seeing her sister's reaction suddenly illuminated the whole room for a brief moment. When the whole room became illuminated, they were shocked to see not one but numerous life vessels on the shelves of the walls but that was not the most shocking of all. A grotesque being that even the undead gets nauseated just thinking about is present in the room.

"A Corpse Eater!" Creepysoo suddenly shouted while reinforcing himself and the sisters with defensive magic.

The corpse eater is considered an undead that is the bane of all undead. Even the undead that does not show strong emotions will show intense hate towards a corpse eater. Even for undead corpse eaters are the revolting bunch as it not only eats the undead body but also the soul accompanying that body. Due to this, the corpse eater has no sense of self but only a sense of hunger.

Monster: Balbal (Corpse Eater)

Type: Named Undead Monster

Level: 180

HP: 100,000,000 / 100,000,000

MP: 10,000 / 10,000

Description: Corpse Eaters are said to be the most elusive of the undead as they secretly dig up the graves of the departed in order to eat them as its nourishment. Using its sensitive nose, it could sniff out corpses even if it is miles away. Upon digging up the corpse, it uses its magic to replace it with a tree log that is imbued with Glamour magic to disguise the corpse.

It sometimes does not even wait for a burial and just steals the corpse during the burial rites when the people are asleep. A certain forgotten church used to be in charge of burial ceremonies thereby eluding the Corpse Eater's sensitive noses.

"It is even a named one. What does the Arch Lich hoped to achieve by keeping one of this things?!" Noir stated as she grasped that the corpse eater in front of them is much different from regular ones.action

The corpse eater in front of them is actually fifteen feet in height compared to the normal nine feet high ones. It also has long sharp claws that are about one ruler in length while its long tongue is like a whip that is one meter long.

Its eyes are just like the ordinary corpse eaters as it is pure white and sunken. Its body might be bigger but it still looks like other corpse eaters. The corpse eater is like a cross between a gremlin and a hobgoblin but thinner and looks bruised all over. Its mouth can open up to a meter wide so that it can swallow a corpse whole.

When the corpse eater in front of them no longer ran around the large room, the bone pin on the compass also stopped going crazy. Creepysoo observed the corpse eater better and something hanging by its neck. The corpse eater has a necklace with a skull burning in blue flames as a centerpiece.

"That is the life vessel!" Creepysoo pointed at the burning skull as he moved the compass side to side to be sure of his assumption.

The corpse eater then shrieked towards Creepysoo as if by instinct or its limited intelligence to not do what the latter is planning. The darkness then once again covered some parts of the room that is not illuminated by Blanche. The corpse eater used the cover of darkness to move as the compass bone pin once again moved.

"Everyone huddle up and cover each other. It is using the cover of darkness to move. We are basically an easy target due to the light but we would be in a more difficult position without it. It could still smell us even if it could not see us." Creepysoo commanded.

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