Omega Summoner

Chapter 308 - Reaper’s Domain

Chapter 308 - Reaper’s Domain


The demigod undead that was revived and dubbed as The Reaper finally activated one of its more powerful skills. A domain skill is considered one of the peak skills not because it is difficult to get but rather its effect. The ability to change the terrain is something only those who have godlike blood possess.

Individuals who are said to have domain skills are often called as one who is closer to becoming a god. They are said to be closer to a god because they can change the very area that they walk upon which is described in the legends as blessed land.

Those who have domains are only called closer to a god because they can only change it for a moment unlike when a real god descends then the land itself will be transformed. The best example for this is what happened with the Silver Moore as it became a different area entirely. The whole terrain changed just because the twin gods descended even if the duration of their stay is short.

Another reason for people to say that those with domain skills are said to be closer to god because it is a requirement for one to become a demigod. All the demigods written in the history of Pandemonium are said to have a domain skill that is very much unique to them and no two domains are the same despite some sharing the same name.

A demigod's domain is also no laughing matter because it is so expansive unlike a normal domain that could only cover about fifty to a hundred meters. A demigod's domain extends to about a kilometer at least if they have yet to grasp the fundamental effect of their domain. The Reaper that activated its domain stretched to about ten kilometers which almost covered the entire battlefield.

The whole terrain changed into something so ominous that the undead actually felt fear and this time it was not ordinary fear but terror. The undead that is said to be completely immune to terror became afflicted by it due to one domain skill.

[A demigod has summoned his domain in an area.]

[The fundamental laws of the area will change to better suit the demigod that summoned it.]

[All enemies of the demigod will be afflicted with Terror regardless of the immunities.]

[All attacks made by the demigod will be afflicted with bleed if they are living.]

[Enemies that can bleed will receive double damage upon when damaged by the Reaper.]

[Enemies that cannot bleed will receive the shattered status ailment. Enemies with shattered status ailment has a higher chance of bone breakage.]

[The Reaper will have a higher chance of executing enemies when it hits them in a weak spot.]

[The Reaper will harvest the soul of those it kills. The souls will serve as nourishment to the Reaper thereby restoring its health. If the Reaper has full health then for every ten souls that it harvests will increase its stats by 0.1%.]

A flurry of system notifications are received by all those in the battlefield. This was a momentous occasion for the Pandemonium community because a demigod's power will finally be revealed but it was also disastrous. The players who are now present in the battlefield could only blame their luck and the Arch Lich for putting them in a difficult spot. Some will even develop a trauma towards demigods but that is a story for later.

The surroundings changed as an area of about ten kilometers changed so abruptly that the others inside could not even react. The clouds became orange with an outline of red and a storm could be heard forming. The hue of the surroundings became an ominous red that made the already sinister looking demigod undead even more frightening.

The aura that the Reaper emitted also changed from heavy bloodlust to maniacal slaughter. The Reaper even changed form as it finally has its hood off and some of its body parts were showing but some had the opinion that it was cooler when its face is hidden. The Reaper now showed its grotesque undead appearance that would shock even an undead.

The Reaper has half of its face rotting while the other half is still in a good condition. The most noticeable feature of its face was the small smooth horns it had on top of its head. Some of the live commentators speculated that the demigod undead is of the same race as that famous anonymous player that has risen in popularity lately due to the emergence of spatial magic spells.

The players that speculate might get it wrong but the Undead King knows what type of enemy he is now facing and it is one of the powerful ones that even dragons do not like to face. The Reaper is actually of the devil race which is said to be a race gifted with illusion magic.

The reason that the angel race have difficulty in capturing devils in the real world is due to their illusion magic that can fool even the eyes of demigods. Though the Undead King also noticed that the horns of the Reaper are not as big like that of a real devil as he already seen devils when he was still alive as a human.

"I see. The demigod undead is actually a Cambion. An individual that is half devil and half human. He is much more dangerous than a full devil if he has mastered both his devil and human side." The Undead King thought to himself as he gripped his great sword tighter.

A Cambion is a special type of offspring of the devil race and the human race. It is as rare as that of a half demon or Daemonio because they are rarely born into the world. An offspring that can maximize the potentials of both its heritage is said to both a blessing and a threat which is why some races explicitly prohibit these so called miracle babies.

A typical appearance of a Cambion is that of a human but it has the tail of a devil and half the size of a devil's horns. They cannot have bat wings because it is only a privilege for pure blooded devils. The wings for devils is a sign of reverence and authority.

This privilege is also a reason why the Cambion are hated by devil society. Even humans do not like Cambions because for the reason that they are different and it is taught to them that devils and their offspring are to purged from the world.

The liches that are in servitude to the Arch Lich all banded together in order to bring the demigod undead to heel. The liches combined all their magic to strengthen the spell of Perfect Servitude but they only brought the anger of the Reaper unto them. The Reaper disappeared from its position and appeared behind the chanting liches.

Though the liches have already cast a shield unto themselves, it was not enough for them to suffer the fate of death. The liches turned to dust and became nourishment for the demigod undead to restore the health it lost from the fight with the Undead King.

The Undead King could only scrunch his face because even he was not able to completely track the Reaper when it moved to kill the liches. The Undead King has no choice but to ask Du'an to cast buffs to not just him but also to everyone in his undead army.

The most breathtaking battle of the Undead will finally start while the army of the living is now marching near the battlefield to add chaos unto the battlefield. The spectators of the war between the undead are at an all-time high while another peculiar group will join in the war as it has now evolved into something that the army of the Undead King can handle.

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