Omega Summoner

Chapter 311 - Realm Of Dread Mist

Chapter 311 - Realm Of Dread Mist

The Undead King used the skill of the great sword to pull the Reaper to a different dimension. The dimension that they were transported to is a special space that the God of Death Abaddon blessed himself.

[Any individual with the blessing of the God of Death that steps forth in the Realm of Dread Mist will have a 20% increase in stats.]

People might say that the increase in stats is minimal but 20% is already a large difference especially if those in battle are high leveled. The Undead King did not wait in ceremony as he already swung his great sword towards the Reaper. The Reaper seeing that he was trapped could only direct its aggression towards the Undead King.

"Ho..w y..ou….food!" The Reaper's voice that is cold and dark could be heard slipping from its lips.

"Finally. I thought you were born mute or something. It would be boring to not be able to hear your screams of anguish." The Undead King stated with a smile.

The Realm of Dread Mist is a pocket dimension that is attached to the sword given by the God of Death. It is a pocket dimension that was made using some of the nether mist that has been converted by the God of Death to be more tolerable.

The nether mist is the most volatile of all the mists in the death realms because the God of Death did not create it. The nether mist was made into existence and the only reason that the God of Death can claim the Nether Realm is because no other god or goddess dared to.

The Undead King used the force of the great sword to send the Reaper flying away. The Undead King became unrelenting because he can only force the Reaper to be in this dimension in about fifteen minutes. He needed to finish off or deal the Reaper with heavy damage.

Sword waves are released every time the Undead King swings his great sword. The Reaper would then deflect this sword waves but it could not be deflected physically. The sword waves pierced the body of the Reaper as it is now stronger than ever.

The Reaper could only bear with the pain as the Undead King's attacks were being enhanced by the Dread Mist. The dread mist has the effects of the nether mist albeit toned down a bit but the lethal to undead or anyone with a soul is still there.

The Reaper did not know why it is being hurt so much because it did not feel pain even when it was alive. This new sensation made the reactions of the Reaper dull as it was new to pain. The slight jerk reaction to pain became its undoing.

The Reaper might be new to pain but it was still a skilled demigod warrior in his prime. The Reaper soon got used to the feeling of pain as it counterattacked. The runes engraved on the blade of the scythe started to glow and the Reaper activated the skill attached to the weapon.

The Reaper took some distance from the Undead King and took a large swinging stance. The blade of the scythe then became enlarged about five times the size. The Reaper then swung it as hard as it can and it released a large wave that cut space itself.

The pocket dimension suddenly shook but it repaired itself right as it was torn. The Undead King saw this attack and used one of his skills to counter it.

"Death Blade." The Undead King stated as his blade glowed in a dark violet color.

The dark violet aura covered the body of the Undead King as he charged forwards to hit the Reaper. The Reaper did not back down from the fight as it also charged forward to meet the Undead King in battle after it easily sliced through the energy wave it made. They may be only able to battle in the realm for a limited time but it felt like they are battling for an eternity.


The army of the Undead King is successfully pushing the army of the Arch Lich since it is now without a leader. They were about to easily win when a ray of golden colored light is poured upon all the undead at war. Low level undead immediately became sundered and turned to ashes when the golden light touched their rotting bodies.

The most that suffered from the shower of holy skill is the army of the Arch Lich because they are still made from miasma or has miasma running on their bodies. Holy attribute magic is not really made to deal with dark arts but rather used to purify miasma present in the bodies. All the undead of the Arch Lich are dealt with double the damage and their armors did nothing to help.action

The army of the Undead King is not that great either but they only about 50% increase in damage against the holy attribute magic. The covenant with the God of Death made all the undead that is worshipping him have slight resistance against holy attribute damage.

Even though they now worship the God of Death who is a legitimate god of Pandemonium, the core of an undead is still the same which is a heart made of miasma. Miasma is not all bad as long as it is natural. Miasma is made when those with magical affinities die and natural miasma is made when those beings die a natural death.

The miasma is then used to signal that the owner of the body is no longer without soul which is why the bodies decay and emit a strong foul odor. The God of Death just blesses his undead followers to not be as susceptible to the danger of miasma hence the undead have clear minds. Miasma pollutes the minds of the undead if kept unchecked and is the reason for their hatred of the living.

"Living beings have arrived!" The Doom Knight Cruz stated as he told the army to retreat for now.

"They arrived much earlier than expected. The humans who did accept our mutual benefit contract did warn us that they would intervene but it seemed they acted faster than expected." The Astral Wraith Du'an stated as he took out a shrunken head.

"My prince, are you okay? It seems that the size of the war is increasing as the imperial army has entered." Du'an stated but Creepysoo could not reply.

Seeing as the Prince of the Undead did not reply, Du'an could only worry as the Arch Lich would surely take their prince as prisoner. Du'an wanted to transfer to the location of the Arch Lich' Necropolis but he needed to trust Blanche and Noir.

"I just hope that the prince is alright." Du'an stated.

"You should hope that we would be fine after this. The imperial army means business as they brought a large amount of soldiers and priests. They came to smite us back to our graves." Cruz stated as he commanded the army to go in a tight formation.

The doom knight of the Arch Lich' army also took charge and not only him. The four giant skeletons that is holding palanquin also participated and swatted the aerial assault unit of the imperial army. The war just escalated and this time it was not only the undead going to war as the living also joined in.

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