Omega Summoner

Chapter 314 - A Demon Enters The War

Chapter 314 - A Demon Enters The War

The portal that Adrian conjured led them straight to the location of the Undead King. He thought that the safest location to be transported would be by the Undead King's side which is why he chose that location. Adrian actually never thought that the Undead King would already be participating in the war.

"Where did you even send us? Are we in a battlefield?" Levin Cloud stated as he ducked with Morte to dodge an incoming arrow.

"I sent us to the side of the Undead King which I thought as the safest place for Morte but clearly I judged wrong." Adrian muttered the last part to himself as he ducked to dodge a fireball.

"That would have been perfect if he was actually not participating in the war right now." Levin Cloud muttered to himself so that the Undead King would not be able to hear clearly.

"Sanctuary!" Levin Cloud casted as a golden light protected them from the incoming barrage of ranged attacks.

"Uhm…Any idea how we can get out of this your highness?" Adrian asked the Undead King.

"Du'an is already on his way. I was going to fight it out with that undead demigod over there but protecting the prophet must come first." The Undead King stated.

"How do you know that he is the prophet?" Adrian asked.

"He is oozing the same energy as the God of Death like you but yours is probably more potent." The Undead King replied.josei

Adrian then looked towards the undead demigod fighting the humans that the Undead King pointed at. The first thing that caught Adrian's eye was the scythe that the undead demigod is currently wielding. Adrian could feel being drawn to it like a magnet and he knew why because it was one of his Psyche Armaments.

"Priest Levin Cloud! How dare you betray the Goddess of Life and side with the filthy undead?!" An elven priest that was supporting the imperial soldiers against the Undead King suddenly stated.

"I did not betray the Goddess of Life. I am much closer to her than you could think!" Levin Cloud replied but his reply only fell on deaf ears.

Adrian remembered that he casted a Glamour spell towards Levin Cloud so he still looks like an elf. He would definitely be called a traitor because he is now by the Undead King's side and emitting the same energy that the Undead King has. It seems that Levin Cloud has yet to master masking the energies in his body.

Adrian wanted to use Teleportation but he would need to be protected for ten seconds to be able to use it. It would not be a good idea to whip up the temporal magic in the midst of battle and Adrian is still drained from the last spatial magic spell he used. He could not even take a rest to take out a potion from his inventory to drink.

Adrian had no choice but to wait for Du'an to fetch them. His first priority right now is to keep Morte alive. He is already sweating buckets that just one stray arrow could instantly one shot the kid and all his effort would be in vain.

Adrian wanted to focus on deflecting incoming projectiles but his mind just gravitates towards the scythe. It feels like the psyche armament is speaking to him but unlike the others this one feels different. The voice of the scythe is filled with malice and just hearing its voice would make one's spine tingle.

Nevertheless, Adrian needed to get the scythe if it really is a psyche armament like he thought he is. It might be just a weapon that has gained sentience thereby gaining a soul but he needed to try but he is not that confident that he will succeed.

The best thing that Adrian could think of is kill stealing the undead demigod but that would be difficult because the spear that the beautiful woman fighting the Reaper is also like a psyche armament. The spear that the beautiful woman is using is special. From Adrian's perspective, it felt just like his psyche armaments which is why he is confused if the scythe is really one of it.

The Undead King did his best to protect the prophet and the others as the God of Death sent him a message to protect the little boy. This is one of the absolute commands that the God of Death issued which means that success will yield a blessing while failure would mean punishment.

After a few minutes of protecting the group, the Undead King finally noticed that a portal is appearing behind them. From the portal, Du'an's form could be seen emerging with some of his robes being tattered. It seems that the Astral Wraith was busy that he could not immediately fetch the Undead King from his position.

Upon seeing Morte, Du'an almost involuntarily bow but the Undead King held his shoulder and acted as a cover for the Prophet of the God of Death as he entered the portal. The Reaper seeing that its previous enemy was trying to escape immediately vanished from its location and reappeared near Adrian's group location.

The imperial soldiers and holy priests were surprised but they did not back down as they continued pouring attacks towards them and the Reaper just became another target. The Reaper's scythe glowed red and it slashed vertically making a blood red shockwave that is aimed towards Adrian's group. The Undead King and Du'an wanted to react but the latter is busy keeping the portal stable while the former decided to just accept the attack using his body.

The attack of the Reaper travelled fast enough that the Undead King could not deflect it because he was busy with the imperial army's attacks against their group. Levin Cloud even closed his eyes and Morte's eyes while he used his body to shield the latter from attacks. Even the imperial army general could only watch as the attack is headed towards the group.

As the others of the group were preparing for the inevitable, Adrian had another idea. Before the shockwave reached their location, the attack suddenly vanished. The smoke cleared and a beautiful mirror with a moving demon eye could be seen where the attack vanished.

"I did not believe that it could actually work." Adrian stated as he coughed up blood.

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