Omega Summoner

Chapter 317 - Angels Intervene And A Devious Demon

Chapter 317 - Angels Intervene And A Devious Demon

"Dirty Apostate!" the female paladin shouted as she shed her mortal skin because she literally did so.

The female paladin's supposed 'human body' fell limp as if something left it. From the human body of the female paladin emerged a being that has golden blonde hair and clear blue eyes with a pair of white wings. She wore a white robe that perfectly emphasized her feminine appeal.

The angel also has two golden bracelets and two golden bangles adorning her wrists and ankles respectively. The golden bracelets and bangles that she wore had runic symbols etched on them and they also rotate as if the accessories are keeping her form stable. The most noticeable thing that screams angel beside her white wings is her glowing halo made of light.

Once the angel showed up, a flurry of white feathers started to flutter in the wind as if divinity came down from the sky but the blood devil only scoffed. This is understandable that angels and devils have an aversion towards the other because the latter is just a wayward version of the other.

The devils are actually just the fallen angels that the Goddess of Light has lost favor towards. The angels are the creation of the Goddess of Light and she is considered to be a perfectionist which is why she expected her creations to be as such. What she did not expect is that not all creations could be perfect and the way that she wanted too because all beings have different wills or souls.

The Goddess of Light kept the ones that she deemed as perfect while she cast the ones who were deemed as a failure out of the realm that she ruled. The Goddess of Light tried to hide her failures to a realm that was previously guarded by a deceased god. She figured that it was the perfect place to cast away her imperfect creations as the realm was filled with smoldering heat and fire that even angels could not tolerate.

The angels casted away by the Goddess tried to plead for mercy but she was not lending them an ear. The 'defect' angels wallowed in misery and torment but it also strengthened their wills as they promised to never again serve a god or goddess. The defect angels that were cast out shed their appearance that was given by the Goddess of Light and made a vow to never become their former selves ever again.

The former angels morphed into a being that could survive the harsh environment that they were thrown in. Not only did their shining white skin became redder in skin tone but they followed their own desires rather than follow the desire of the goddess that cast them away.

They no longer called themselves angels but devils to signify that they will no longer follow divinity but swore that they will become gods themselves. The Goddess of Light came to other gods for help in destroying her unworthy creations as she could not exert her influence on another realm without permission from the other gods.

The Goddess of Life Gaea argued that a god or goddess must not control the lives of others or decide to exterminate a group of people but the other gods were scared of an insurrection from the devils. Thus the gods placed a curse on the devil race that they could not tell a lie no matter how small it was.

One would think that the curse was not actually a curse but a blessing yet the devils do not think the same. The curse given to them made the devil race divided and scattered which made them lose faith on others because no one could tell lies. The instinct to not lie was not only pertaining to their words but also their actions which is why the devils could not even lie to themselves so that they could act chummy to others of their race.

It was not without reward though as devils are the most loyal of all the races. They make deep bonds due to not being able to lie. If other groups of living beings were not easily influenced by rumors and stereotypes then they would know that the devil race is not different from them. The Goddess of Light's revelation to her followers did not help the image of the devils.

Due to the biased notion towards them, the devil race decided to live in seclusion and away from others which made the rumors about them solidify because no one bothered to learn the truth. Though that was not the end of the rivalry between the devils and the angels because a devil managed to rise up to the status of a god.action

Once the angels learned of the truth that a devil ascended to a godly status, they waged war against the devils without warning. This battle became recorded as a Rebellion of the Devils but in truth it was the angels that started the war. The devils were once again blamed for a war that they did not even start but then again no one ever blames the ones masquerading as a good person. They rather blame the ones who have no chance to redeem themselves rather than find out the real cold truth.

"You call me dirty yet I am not the one who just blindly follows the will of one vain goddess." The Blood Devil Sanguina rebuked as she knows the real situation between the angels and devils as told by her father.

"I will rip that dirty mouth of yours that dare defame the goddess!" the female angel stated as she made a sword made of light and flew towards Sanguina.

An angel and a devil clashed which made the previous fight of the latter with General Alexandra a joke as the shockwave emitted by their classing is ten times more. The angel and the devil are clashing with the eradication of the other in mind.

What the others did not know is that there is one opportunistic devious demon waiting for both of them to become tired. He suddenly had the idea of getting two birds with one stone as each spell that the two released and would not hit the intended target will be absorbed by the imaginary mirrors that he scattered.

Adrian is waiting for his great opportunity and biding his time despite the released spells decreasing his health consistently because of the backlash. Adrian only absorbed the great spells that he deemed will hurt like hell. The ordinary spells and attacks like light spears or blood spears are not absorbed and he just let it get loose without conscience of the poor soul that will get struck by it.

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