Omega Summoner

Chapter 321 - The Daemos Interfere

Chapter 321 - The Daemos Interfere

The Arch Lich returned to the Necropolis wanting to find the perpetrator that destroyed his life vessel and is continuing to do so. When the Arch Lich Malus arrived he saw a pair of half elementals wreaking havoc of his Necropolis. He dealt with the miscreant easily although he had to admit that they put up quite a fight.

The Arch Lich tried to question them on how they got in and manage to even find his life vessel but to his dismay they were useless until he saw two figures escaping from the crypt. The Arch Lich saw a wraith that has two distinct soul signatures and a wight that seems to have taken the appearance of a boy.

"Are these pesky rats your friends, boy? The most laughable thing that I have witnessed in all of my undeath life is that a superior undead calls upon the help of Halflings. Arthur has surely fallen too far to even accept the help of those that are not like him." The Arch Lich Malus stated as he held Vayu by the hair and caged up Soleil using a bone prison.

Creepysoo stopped in his tracks due to what the Arch Lich stated and is actually surprised that he manage to return so fast. Creepysoo was given an artifact by Du'an to use so that teleportation magic could not be used in the area. He activated the artifact when they entered the crypt so that they could escape with enough time as soon as the Arch Lich noticed that one of his life vessel is destroyed.

Creepysoo is sure that the artifact activated properly because the system notification said so. The artifact would pollute the already miasma polluted air with a dense mana which would make spatial movement spells unable to activate properly.

What Creepysoo did not know is that the Arch Lich did not use a conventional spatial magic but more like a predetermined transfer. When the Arch Lich noticed that a peculiar wraith was among the ranks of the Undead King, the Arch Lich immediately made back up plans to counter any sudden mishaps when it came to using spatial movement magic.

The Arch Lich patiently studied the magic circles that the Daemos handed down to earlier civilization regarding spatial movement magic. The Arch Lich utilized the most tedious of the magic circles that cannot be interfered with whatever the condition of the space may be. The Arch Lich knew that there might be a surprise attack like this but what he did not expect is for it to actually work.

The Arch Lich Malus even hung one of his precious life vessels around the neck of his favorite pet which is the corpse eater. The Arch Lich Malus believed that the corpse eater would be sufficient enough in protecting the life vessel as he named it and is a lethal to undead.

"My prince, our fusion would soon end. Use the time that we buy for you in order to escape. I know that it is presumptuous to say so but you are not strong enough to defeat the Arch Lich. You must escape no matter what as he must not gain control of your body." Contraste stated as she pointed her blades towards the Arch Lich.

"I will not abandon you or my friends. We have to help them as the Arch Lich did not kill them. The Arch Lich probably thinks that he can use them as hostages for me to surrender." Creepysoo replied.

"It seems that I have missed a couple of things while I was sealed away. The fact that the Undead King had a son is of great news. Great news to me at least and he just walked inside my doorstep without me even lifting a finger." The Arch Lich stated as he started to smile and laugh.

"I want the wight boy and do not hurt him…much. Capture the wraith as I want to study her. It seems that Arthur has picked up quite a new ensemble of unique undead while I was sealed." The Arch Lich ordered and all the death knight in the Necropolis surrounded Creepysoo.

"Now what should I do with two half elementals? I always wanted to test my theory on adding elemental attributes to wraiths. You two will be the perfect guinea pigs. It is quite difficult to capture elementals as they are rather an elusive bunch." The Arch Lich stated as he examined his test subject to see if they were still fresh.

Contraste did not want Creepysoo to remain near the Arch Lich' grasp. If the Arch Lich controls a wight that has authority over undead then it would not be good for them. The Undead King would also be heartbroken if his favorite son were to become controlled by his nemesis.

Contraste had no choice but to sacrifice herself in battle if she had no other way to safely make the prince retreat. She slashed at the Arch Lich with her two swords but she was blocked by a group of death knights. The Arch Lich then used a lightning spell and hurled it towards Contraste.

Creepysoo did not sit idle by and provided support for Contraste as he erected a Bone Barrier to block the Arch Lich' spell but it was shattered easily. Although the Bone Barrier did not completely block the spell, it still gave enough time for Contraste to reposition.

"Monochrome!" Contraste shouted as she sent the X-shape sword wave towards the Arch Lich.

The Death Knights tried to block the sword wave but it was far more powerful than they could endure and they became ash. The Arch Lich muttered a spell and a shield dome appeared to block the skill. The Arch Lich had to admit that this attack is powerful but destroying only one of his life vessels is not enough to greatly weaken him.

A screech is then heard from the entrance of the crypt and from it emerge the named corpse eater with its body greatly damaged. The corpse eater saw Contraste and Creepysoo and charged towards them in blind rage. Contraste could no longer hold their fusion and finally split apart as Blanche and Noir but the Monochrome skill has yet to dissipate as the Arch Lich is still protecting himself.

The backlash from fusing bodies took a toll on the bodies of Blanche and Noir as they could not move for ten seconds. Creepysoo saw this and had no choice but to use his most powerful protection spell to survive the charge of the corpse eater.

As Creepysoo is preparing the spell an intense gravitational field suddenly enveloped the whole Necropolis which forced all the undead to crash to the ground except for the Arch Lich, Creepysoo, Blanche and Noir. Vayu and Soleil also disappeared from the grasp of the Arch Lich.

An old man that looks like an older version of Adrian then walked from behind Creepysoo. The old man then smiled towards Creepysoo after which two small vortices appeared behind the latter. The two vortices then spewed out Vayu and Soleil.

"It seems that an insolent lich has been endangering the stability of the barrier between realms more than I thought." Ascalor stated as he snapped his fingers and time reversed for Vayu and Soleil bringing them back to a state of full health and no skill cooldowns.

"You dare interfere demon! Your race's pride as the strongest will end here when I defeat you." The Arch Lich shouted as he unleashed two spells at once.josei

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