Omega Summoner

Chapter 325 - Skeleton Dragon

Chapter 325 - Skeleton Dragon

Creepysoo and the others saw a huge group of dark clouds suddenly form above them. A few seconds later, numerous lightning arcs came down upon the Necropolis and they thought that they were going to die.

Ascalor did not think much of the attack and focused on escaping the current battle as their group would just be a distraction for the imperial army. Ascalor used one of his dimensional wings to transfer all of them away from the Necropolis before the lightning could even hit them.

They were only able to escape only due to the unique properties of Ascalor's wings. Ascalor's golden wings that look like four spatial rifts with golden metallic outlines are extremely rare as he is not a normal demon. Ascalor's specific species is Kaiser Raumos which is said to be only born once every eon.

A normal Raumos could not easily manipulate space like Ascalor does which is why he is respected even by Koronn and Bronx. Even though Ascalor might have come to the Necropolis to destroy the Arch Lich Malus, he did not regret retreating as if he ran wild then he might have just destroyed the whole area in his fight with the Arch Lich.


The rain of lightning finally subsided and the imperial army could now see what happened with the undead inside the Necropolis. The normal imperial army soldiers and players could only keep their mouths agape as a reaction because the Necropolis is mostly untouched.

There are signs of areas being hit by lightning as there are parts of the Necropolis having been charred but the undead under the Arch Lich only took little or any damage at all. The thing that blocked the lightning strikes was a giant skeleton hunched down but with its eyes no longer glowing as if it was just killed. The bones of this giant skeleton crashed down but it collided with a barrier that the Arch Lich conjured up.

Seeing that the large area of effect spell doing nothing much, Emrys ordered the imperial army to move forward as it would lead to nowhere if they relied on his powerful area nuking spells as the Arch Lich would just block it either way. The Pope of the Church of Light blessed the imperial army with a buff that increases their damage upon enemies with miasma.

"Light of Guidance!" Pope Pristina chanted and bright sun rays pierced the dark clouds to bathe the imperial army with its glory.

[You are under the effects of the buff spell, Light of Guidance. All stats are boosted by 10% and 20% increased damage to evil creatures.]

[You have 50% chance to heal 10% of the damage dealt towards you and a 5% chance to heal the amount you deal as damage.]

[Miasma will not penetrate your body for the duration of the Light of Guidance spell.]

[Holy Attribute is added to your basic attacks.]

"Wow! As expected of the buff that the Pope of a major church could do. Usually area buffs are weaker compared to single person buffs but hers is just game changing. If only she could fix that attitude of her that disdains other races then she would have become the perfect leader." An orc player wielding two axes commented.

"This fight would have become much easier if White was with us. That bitchy Pope Pristina just had to send her to another battlefield." An elf sorcerer commented.

"If White is not with us then it just means that we have be much more careful than before. Being overly reliant on the support is not good for any party. Just do your best Tecton and Elyushia" Hou Yiwei commanded.

"Fine. But I still hate that bitchy woman. She treats us like we are her slaves or personal warriors. It is not easy to decline her request because she gives us better rewards." Elyushia grumbled as she used her mediocre buff skills to power up the two men.

"Are the other guild members prepared for the siege? Our guild Sun Piercers should be the one with the most achievements in this siege. We cannot let Infernum, Valor or Evergreen take the cake from us.

The reward for the most contributions is a piece of territory after all. A territory has never been given as a reward by the empire before so we must be the one to access its benefits first." Tecton stated the importance of the siege.

"I already briefed them on it and even Yiwei told them the importance of this siege. Whoever gains the territory first would be the guild that would stand above the others. They know how important this siege is as it will decide who will lead the new era. We might have Yiwei leading our guild but one person could not determine the fate of the whole guild." Elyushia stated truthfully despite Hou Yiwei standing next to her.

Hou Yiwei did not refute what Elyushia stated because what she said is true. Pandemonium is so big that one person could not possible change everything but he knows that one person could affect some parts of the future. The proof of this is him because everything changed when he unlocked the Dragonkin.

He changed the power balance of the game when he unlocked the Dragonkin race for the player base. Jobs that were previously labeled as useless became powerful while some top tier jobs classes became overshadowed into mediocrity. This is one of the reasons why the top guilds are scrambling their brains to recruit people with other races.

The Arch Lich saw that the demon left with the undead prince which made him vent his wrath on the poor corpse eater that he entrusted his life vessel to. With a crushing motion of his right bony fingers the life of the heavily damaged corpse eater came to an end. He did not waste the soul of his ex-favorite pet though as he wanted to summon one of the most powerful undead creature.josei

Using the soul of his ex-favorite pet as a catalyst, a huge magic circle appeared on the cursed ground. The bones of the defeated undead and even of the giant skeleton are sucked inside of the magic circle. The dragonkin of the imperial army suddenly felt a tingle in their senses. It was not fear but revulsion because of what the Arch Lich dare to turn into an undead.

"RISE SKELETON DRAGON!" The Arch Lich Malus shouted and from the gigantic magic circle that measured up to thirty meters in a diameter a monster of legendary proportions has risen from its grave.

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