Omega Summoner

Chapter 347 - Battle With An Anubis I

Chapter 347 - Battle With An Anubis I


Adrian's newly forged weapon finally materialized fully and shown its full brilliance. Even Diao Ziyun is astounded by the raw power coming out from Adrian's weapon. Adrian could now see the previously unknown rating.

Item: Cube of Paradox (Growth Type) (Character Bound)

Tier: Legendary (Upgradable?) (can be upgraded by assimilating better weapons?)

Type: Summoner Weapon

His weapon was already legendary tier which made Adrian cry tears of joy because he can now steadily save up some gold coins. If the player base knew that someone had a legendary weapon, then they would surely hound that person because Epic tier equipment was still difficult to get despite higher drop rates beyond level 100.

Most of the player base are still using rare tier equipment since epic tier items sell for quite a lot as they are much more difficult to find. Legendary tier items do not even exist in the market because who would be foolish enough to even sell things like that and not use the for themselves.

"Thank you very much for the opportunity of letting me enter the treasury. With this, the debt that your ancestors owe me has been repaid." Adrian stated.

"It is our pleasure to aid the great benefactor of our clan. Even though the debt has been repaid, we are still going to be friendly towards our great savior and ask that if we are ever in trouble in the future that you would help us also like what you did for the past clan head." Diao Ziyun stated as she knew how powerful and mysterious the person in front of her is.

Adrian did not bother replying with words but smiled instead. He knew that if he made a verbal promise right now then it would haunt him in the future. Seeing as their whole clan is in seclusion would either mean that they are hiding from someone or decided to lay low for a while. In other words, there is a reason for their seclusion that Adrian did not want to even know.

"I thank you once more for helping me." Adrian stated as he teleported to the Paradox Planes with his new weapon.


Adrian found that he was performing much better than he expected. He only has one task remaining in order to change job class, but it was also the most difficult one. The first four task would be completed with time and effort with the help of a few connections.

Adrian now realized that having connections could be very beneficial to a person. He would not easily find the Pure Spirit Bea if he did not have a connection with the Heihudie Clan. The last task however will be a test of his collected battle experience.

Requirements for Twilight Summoner job class advancement:

1. Reach Level 150 (Complete)

2. Collect All Seven Psyche Armaments (Complete)

3. Obtain the Pure Spirit Bead (Complete)

4. Combine All the Psyche Armaments to awaken the hidden power of the Pure Spirit Bead (Complete)

5. Battle with a Judge of the Dead and succeed (Incomplete)

The last task would be the most difficult thing that Adrian will have to accomplish. The Anubises are basically like gods of the underworld that is arbitrating limbo. Adrian also knew that they were masters of combat and each Anubis specializes in a different weapon.

[Do you want to go to Limbo for your last job advancement requirement?]

"Should I already challenge one just to test the waters? I want to at least know what I need to prepare for." Adrian thought as he can challenge as many times that he needs in order to obtain victory.

"If master would go to Limbo now then the chance of victory will be determined by how prepared you are." A robotic sounding male voice suddenly stated which surprised Adrian.

"Where is that sound coming from? Am I hearing things now?" Adrian questioned himself.

"It seems that I have awakened to a rather foolish master despite being born due to pure coincidence." The robotic sounding male voice once again stated but now Adrian could pinpoint the location of the voice after looking at all directions.

"Did that voice come from you?" Adrian asked as he tapped on his floating weapon.

"Obviously, is there any other intelligent being in our area besides me?" the robotic male voice stated in a condescending tone.

"Did my own weapon just insult me?" Adrian asked himself and looked at his new ego weapon.

The Cube of Paradox is really a cube, but it looks more like a Rubik's cube that is only one color which is purple. The middle of each face of the cube is a golden demon eye that looks alive. The weapon also exudes the characteristic of a legendary weapon in which it has its own aura. It emits a combination of a light blue haze and nether mist.

Adrian inspected the weapon thoroughly…very thoroughly. He even licked it to see what the reaction of the weapon be. This is the first time he owned an ego weapon that even insults its owner. He took his time engaging in conversation with the Cube of Paradox. He even named the weapon as it does not want to be called you.

"I shall call you Paradox because that is what you really are." Adrian stated and if a cube could blush then it would have. The system prompt once again popped up to see if Adrian was ready for battle.

[Do you want to go to Limbo for your last job advancement requirement?]

"Fine. Send me to Limbo for the last challenge." Adrian replied and his figure vanished from the Paradox Planes.


When Adrian regained his vision, he was inside of a giant ruined colosseum which made him think that he was sent to the wrong location. The only thing that he could ascertain that he was really in Limbo is the sky that looks like dusk is approaching. The Anubises that surrounded him also made him sure that he was really in Limbo.

"I did not know that we would meet so soon, Shephard of Lost Souls." An Anubis stated with a rather pleased tone.

"For you, it might have been a short time but for me it has been quite long since I was summoned here in Limbo." Adrian replied.

"I see. Immortality can really mess with someone's sense of time. This time though it is your whole body that is sent here as you seem to be much stronger than before. Are you ready to surpass your previous self both in body and spirit?" The Anubis with a spear asked.

"Ready as I will ever be." Adrian replied rather half determined.

"If you are ready then it is time to start battle. Do not worry as we will be fair and match your exact power level." The Anubis stated as its unknown level became the same as that of Adrian.

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