Omega Summoner

Chapter 355 - Soul Chamber

Chapter 355 - Soul Chamber

The details about the origin of summoning magic made Adrian glad because that means that his job class is special. It would also mean that it is highly unlikely for another summoner to be the same as him. Some job classes are basically just offshoots of the base class with just different specializations.

"What I am really curious is the Soul Chamber? How would I be able to go inside it?" Adrian muttered but Pann finally answered him.

"You should be able to easily visualize it because you have been in your subconscious before. Except this time, you would enter in another door because the Soul Chamber is located at the magic circle that is carved in your heart." Pann stated.

"I see. Thanks for the tip old man" Adrian stated as he waved Pann goodbye, but the latter was not finished with the former. 

"Do you need something, old man?" Adrian asked but what was really on his mind is, "Do not tell me that this old man will ask for a compensation." 

"Do it here." Pann stated.

"Do what here? I cannot believe that you swing that way, old man. Scary!" Adrian stated in a joking manner, but he whacked in the head. Arian was hurt a lot but only one health point was deducted from him.

"I see. It is imperative to hit master when his joke is not funny." The Cube of Paradox suddenly stated which made Pann's attention shift to it momentarily.

"Interesting ego weapon. Never show that to that eccentric blacksmith or else he might dissect it. Now as for you…" Pann stated while his gaze intensified towards Adrian.

"Fine. I will meditate here. Just do not let one of your babies to distract me as I can easily get disturbed." Adrian protested.

"I am only telling you to meditate here because you will need someone to guide you. I will be your guide so that nothing goes awry. You do not want to suddenly get a heart attack due to making a mistake." Pann stated as if he was doing Adrian a favor but the latter really knows what the former wants.

"You just want to see the new form of my soulbound." Adrian grumbled.

"It is not like Life Eaters evolve in the wild. You are actually quite lucky to even get one. Most undead would either kill it or absorb its power to become powerful. The Lick King did not become a Lick King suddenly you know. Now no more word and get to meditating. The faster you finish then the quiker I can return to my duties." Pann stated in a grumbling tone.

"Duties my butt. You are the most leisure person here anyway. Even the Elders do not like to question you." Adrian thought as he would get in serious trouble just by muttering it.

Adrian then sat cross-legged and inhaled and exhaled deeply. Pann then started to guide Adrian on properly accessing his Soul Chamber.

"First, you must place your soul weapon near your heart. In your case, that weird thing must float near your heart. You will have to channel your will at it because a soul weapon acts as a conduit between you and your soul chamber." Pann instructed.action

"Do not call me weird, old man." The Cube of Paradox stated but the strong glare from Pann made it immediately float near Adrian's chest.

Adrian then started to channel his subconscious mind to the Cube of Paradox and closed his eyes to concentrate more. Adrian's dark vision suddenly shifted to that of being inside a room. Pann knew that Adrian has successfully entered his subconscious because the greater demon started floating in mid-air while meditating.

"It seems that this brat is more intuitive than he looks. He can easily enter a meditative state in a few seconds. It just goes to show how strong his mentality really is." Pann stated as he told Adrian to proceed through the door if he can see one.

Adrian then looked around and saw a pale looking door that has a mirror. He went in front of the door and came face to face with the mirror, but his reflection did not show. He even stared into the mirror, but he could not see anything.

"If you see a door, it will mean that it leads to your heart, but it would not open. You need to be open to seeing through your real self in order to enter that door. I do not know how to assist you in doing that as only you yourself can unlock it. You will be on your own when you enter that door." Pann instructed and he no longer said anything else after that.

Adrian is in front of the door and is now wondering on a way to open it. He was never really that kind of person to easily open his heart as he is rather introverted himself. He kept to himself more rather than telling people of his worries as he believes that one's own problem should be solved by oneself.

He then tried to remember his talk with his inner greater demon. The inner greater demon stated that they are a manifestation of Adrian's thoughts which creeped him out and amazed at the same time. Adrian then touched the mirror as he remembered his fight with his inner greater demon.

Adrian closed his eyes and if he opened it then he would have seen his inner greater demon smiling back at him in the mirror. Before Adrian could open his eyes, the door opened with a creak and he was led to a hallway with four doors of different designs.

The first door that he saw was a door with a wolf sigil that seems to be emitting a black aura. Adrian touched the door and could feel the power of the shadows that he is somewhat familiar with because of Perfect Assimilation. 

"This must be Sirius' room. I am curious but helping Charon right now would be my priority. I would visit each one of them when I have the time." Adrian thought as he moved to the next door.

The second door is decorated with a dragon sigil and is made of frosted glass colored red and blue. The left side of the door emitted frosty aura while the right side emitted a fiery aura. Adrian could obviously see that this door is Kanlaon's due to the blatant elemental design.

"The Festival of the Dragon King is almost upon us, but I have yet to see where the dragons are living. I should prioritize that next while searching for the world boss, Fenris." Adrian thought as he proceeded to check the next door.

The next door is rather charming and peaceful to look at. The door had a white bird sigil that is standing on a sturdy tree branch. The door also emitted a peaceful aura that calmed the soul.

"This should be Saena's door." Adrian thought as he just touched the door and proceeded to the last door.

The last door that is in Adrian's Soul Chamber should be Charon's, but the sigil of a cute skull is not there. The door is blank as it was not decorated with anything, but Adrian could feel the energy of death from the door. Adrian pushed open the door and was greeted by a dark world.

The room that Adrian entered is dark because even his night vision could not penetrate to it. Adrian then started to look wander inside the room as nothing would be done just by standing there. He looked back and saw that the door that he entered was no longer there.

"It seems that finding and helping Charon would be the only way out from here." Adrian muttered as he searched for Charon.

After wandering for about an hour, Adrian felt that he was going nowhere and not even a sign of Charon could be seen. AS he was finally started to give up, Adrian suddenly heard Charon's cute but creepy giggle. Shadows also started to shift but Adrian was all alone and nothing could be seen.

"Charon! Are you here?!" Adrian started calling out, but the sound of Charon's echoing giggle started to become more distant.

Adrian had no other choice but to move towards the giggle that he heard. Unknown to Adrian that he was getting further and further into the depths of his soul. Adrian's body started to also change as it started becoming his true form.

Meanwhile outside in the real world, Adrian started to release Nether Energy from his body which terrified the creatures on Pann's farm. Pann immediately erected a barrier to stop the leakage of Adrian's terrifying aura. Even he himself is amazed because the energy that Adrian released was not anything that he felt in his lifetime.

"This kid really does have a bunch of surprises but whatever is observing him is rather troublesome." Pann stated as he felt someone or something looking at Adrian when he released his terrifying aura.

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