Omega Summoner

Chapter 358 - I Want A Slime

Chapter 358 - I Want A Slime

Adrian is extremely happy that Charon has evolved, and he is now more of a magic tanker. Charon has forgone the low health and now its health is in the big enough to become a decent tanker. 

"The only thing missing right now is a physical tanker that is immune to physical attacks. The only creature that I know that has physical damage immunity is a slime, but they are said to be extinct due to being hunted because of a misconception." Adrian sighed as he did not know how to get his hands on one.

Adrian actually wanted to have a slime as a first summon due to it being the trademark enemies of beginners in RPGs. He did not expect that slimes were not available in the early game and thought that the beta testers do not have footage of them because they are rare.

What Adrian did not expect to know is that slimes are said to be extinct in a book he read. He also looked at the forums and saw threads saying that slimes are no longer around because it was believed that they are the spawn of a Shoggoth. josei

The Shoggoth is a dark god that is the condensed filth of the world at least that is what the history books talked about it. Adrian asked the elders about the slimes and they could only become solemn because slimes became villainized due to one dark god.

Ascalor told Adrian that a dark god that lost in the war possessed a slime and managed to become a Shoggoth to enact its vengeance. Since slimes could not talk, the dark god that is mistaken for a slime led to the downfall of all slimes. 

Due to misunderstanding that slimes that eat the flesh of a dark god will turn it into a natural calamity, the slimes became a target of extermination. Since slimes have a core in their body, they were easy to kill once magic hits that core. Physical attacks do not work on slimes because of the gelatinous or viscous body that repels kinetic force.

"The only way that I could get a slime would be to do something illegal." Adria thought to himself then he got whacked on the head.

"Brat! Why are you spacing out?!" Pann stated as he has been calling Adrian for the past two minutes.

"Sorry about that. I was actually thinking of what my next three soulbounds should be. I can now have seven soulbounds in total but choosing upon the multitude of monsters in Pandemonium is difficult." Adrian stated as he rubbed the area he was whacked.

"By the way you were thinking deeply, it would only mean that you already have an idea but do not know how to get them." Pann stated then Adrian looked at him with serious adoring eyes.

"Old man, you look so energetic today! Do you perhaps have any idea where I can get slimes? Do you have slimes that you are hiding in your ranch? Maybe, I could get one of you have some?" Adrian asked as he activated his ultra-instinct or 100% kiss-ass attitude.

Pann just flicked Adrian's forehead that made the latter become outbalanced. Adrian landed on his butt due to the gravity shifting. It seems Pann is not a fan of over flattery.

"Sorry to burst your bubble, brat. I do not have them because they were exterminated before I could even save one of them. I was far too busy looking for other rare creatures when the slime extermination was taking place." Pann replied in a grumpy tone.

"Do you think that some slimes may have survived?" Adrian asked in a serious tone.

"If they had then there should have been reports about their emergence should have been circulating. The poor creatures did nothing wrong but due to one dark god possessing one of their own led to their extinction.

You do know that slimes were considered as Janitors of the Forests because they eat any dead material in the forest. The dryads and leshies loved them because slimes made their jobs of maintaining the forests easier." Pann stated while remembering the peaceful times.

"It would not be illegal for me to…you know…go back to the past and get one, right?" Adrian asked hesitatingly.

Pann immediately scanned the surrounding if anyone was listening in on their conversation. Thankfully, no one really likes going to Pann's territory due to his temper. Pann then gave a big smile that is fille with mischievousness.

"You just thought of a great idea, brat." Pann stated with a smile but Adrian shivered at the sight.

"But I was taught that going to the past and messing up the timeline is not acceptable or against our rules." Adrian added.

"It is not illegal or against the rules as long as you do not mess up event of the past or become a prominent figure there. You would have to be quick though as I can only give you an hour of protection from the Gods of Time. 

If we asked Koronn then we might increase that to a day because he specializes in time magic, but that brat is a stickler for the rules despite not acting like it." Pann stated with excitement.

"So, you are saying, I should just pop in an out? I will seal a slime and return immediately upon doing so." Adrian asked.

"You would get two slimes. One for you and one for me of course. Seriously, I would not do it for free you know." Pann added.

"Why can't you go? You are more powerful than me anyway." Adrian stated in a panicked tone.

"I cannot do that because the more powerful the Daemos then they would be up for observation by the Gods of Space and Time." Pann stated in a smug tone.

"Why would those gods observe us anyway?" Adrian asked what he was really curious about and he did not like the answer.

"To give us divine punishment of course. Do you really think that our powers hold no cosequences?" Pann stated but Adrian could only gulp and try to escape from the situation he created himself.

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