Omega Summoner

Chapter 361 - Slimes Are Cannibals?

Chapter 361 - Slimes Are Cannibals?

"The den is below me, but I do not know how far below. Every meter I phase through would be a thousand mana which means that I can only go down below 27 meters. Let us hope that the descent will be easy." Adrian muttered as he phased down the floor of the cave.

After about ten meters, Adrian finally saw the hollowed area that is the slime den. It was not something that he has imagined a slime den would look like. It was mostly rocky area that are dried out of moisture and slimes eating one another.

"Slimes are actually cannibals!" Adrian uttered as he immediately looked around the surroundings.

"I see. They are forced into cannibalism due to being locked inside this den, but slimes are said to be always wandering about looking for food. Does that mean that there is no way in or out of this place?" Adrian thought as he disabled his Soul Form Transformation so that his mana could regenerate.

When Adrian's body became corporeal, the slimes suddenly all seemed to look at Adrian's direction despite having no eyes. Adrian could finally have a good look of the slime's physique. Just like what is drawn on the picture books, the slimes have a jelly like consistency.

The bodies of the slimes have different colors depending on their supposed diet but that does not hold to be true. The slimes that Adrian can see in the den have varying colors despite living in the same environment.

(Author's note [Slime Look]:

The slimes bodies are more like viscous snot due to how sticky looking they really are. Slowly but surely, the slimes started to gather towards Adrian as if drawn to him. Adrian who saw this could only think of one thing and that is him becoming registered as food in their eyes despite slimes having no eyes.action

"Is their core acting like an antenna that transmits a sound wave that only slimes can hear? There is no other explanation on how they have found me. Let me try isolating the area I am in using spatial magic." Adrian tested his theory as he has spare time seeing that the slimes before him are only level 30.

Adrian used his mastery of Origin Magic to isolate the space around him. Just as Adrian suspected, the slimes that are moving towards him suddenly stopped and continued feasting on each other once more. If Adrian published what he discovered, then he might earn an award from the Summoner Tower but sadly slimes are already extinct in his timeline.

"So, it is true! Anyways, the slimes here only have a normal soul rating. I must head deeper and find the one that has a golden soul." Adrian muttered as he proceeded deeper while properly maintaining his magic that became a shell that covered his body.

The deeper that Adrian went, the more powerful the slimes that he encountered. Some slimes even had multiple colors, but Adrian knew that did not meant that they are special. Adrian judges using the color of the souls.

Monsters with average strength and no potential to evolve would have a white soul. Monster with some talent and can evolve have silver souls. The best one would be a monster with a golden soul as those are the ones that can reach the pinnacle. There are cases where mutation might occur but that is very difficult to control. There are also cases where monsters have a mixed soul color.

Adrian wanted a slime that may be weak now but has the potential to become a monster in the future. He also wants a slime that looks sturdy. If he sees a metal slime, he might immediately go for that one as slimes have a fatal weakness and that is their cores.

They are basically the physical tank version of Charon. If a monster should be immune to something, then the only way to balance it is for it to have a fatal weakness. For Charon, it is holy attribute magic. For slimes, it is their cores.

"I saw some silver soul ones, but I would just return to them if I cannot find the one with the golden soul. Seriously, slimes are ugly. If I find one that says something like 'I am not a bad slime'. I would immediately go for that one." Adrian muttered to himself as he enjoyed that game where he played as a slime. It seems that slime became popular due to its iconic line which landed it having spin-off games.

Adrian checked the time, and he has 15 minutes remaining before he is sent back. He immediately started to seal one silver soul one if he ever fails to collect more. He did not even look what slime he sealed as some slimes are clustered against one another.

Adrian just focused and thought of sealing the silver soul one without checking. Ten minutes are left but Adrian has already reached the end of the den. Adrian finally gave up finding the golden soul one that he managed to see from above the den.

"It seems to be much elusive than I thought. Might as well seal another silver soul slime." Adrian stated as he turned around, but he suddenly noticed that there was a crown behind a boulder.

"Ooh! Treasure!" Adrian shouted as he went towards the crown.

Upon getting closer, Adrian is greeted by an enormous slime that is about his size. The slime had a golden body and a glorious royal crown. It even had a mantle of a king on which rings true to its name.

Monster: King Slime

Level: 100

Description: A slime considered to be the last evolution of a slime. Its body is firmer compared to a normal slime and it is said that even physical attacks covered with magic cannot easily pierce its body. It is said to have the power to propagate ten slimes a day without the aid of fission.

"The golden soul one!" Adrian muttered as he prepared to seal the King Slime.

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