Omega Summoner

Chapter 368 - Information On Fenris

Chapter 368 - Information On Fenris

The history that Adrian blurted unintentionally made those of the Erebian race speechless. Not only were they speechless, but they also felt a tingling sensation when Adrian mentioned the name Erebus. Their spine made an odd sensation like when someone realizes they were missing an essential part of their lives.

[You have given knowledge to a Mythical Tier NPC about his origins.]

[You are rewarded +5 to all your stats due to this feat.]

Adrian is utterly shocked because of what he witnessed in his system notification. He got free stats just because of his blabbering mouth. What made him even more skeptical is the fact that the vampires and werewolves do not know their real origin.

What Adrian did not know is that even if another Erebian tell of the truth they would not believe it because it did not come from the mouth of an Asmodian and Adrian is already half of it. Still, Adrian is praising the heavens as he did not mind getting free stats as he does not get them from visiting other realms.

"I do not know why but I feel like your words ring true. I will trust your suspicion for once and investigate the group that my son is suspecting that will start a revolt. Do it covertly and do not act out unless necessary." The Duke of Arkadia Lycaon stated as he gave them a quest.



Those That Plan in the Dark

The Duke of Arkadia wants you to find out if it there really is an alpha werewolf out there that is planning a revolt. Although he is confident in his strength, he wants to be one step ahead of his enemy.

Condition: Find out if there really is another Alpha planning a revolt and report back to the Duke of Arkadia. You will fail this quest if you are known to be siding with the Duke of Arkadia.

Reward: +1 Level

Failure: The revolt will happen without the Duke of Arkadia knowing. Loss of two levels if you are killed by the other faction.


"This is what I hate about higher order quests. They punish you more than reward you more." Adrian suddenly grumbled.

"We will not fight anyone as it is a covert mission not a subjugation one. So, it makes sense that the punishment is much more severe if we are discovered by the enemy." Lycan stated but even he does not know how they will proceed.

"Are you a scout?" Adrian asked Lycan as he seems to be familiar with these types of mission. 

"Nope. I am Blood Brawler. So, we are basically not prepared for this mission. I cannot really go undercover because they already know my face." Lycan replied a little embarrassed. 

"Do you have a summon that can grant something like invisibility? That would work right?" Solstice asked Adrian.

"I do not. Seriously, why do the people close to me make it out like I am omnipotent or something. But I do have a skill that can turn us into our soul form so the answer to that question would be yes." Adrian replied as if he gave up reasoning.

"Then why do you have to complain anyway. Just get on with the quest and let us go." Solstice stated as she walked towards the door with Adrian in tow.

"Solstice, you do know that we o not know the exact location of that alpha right? They do not meet here in Arkadia but in a neighboring town." Lycan stated which made Solstice act cute intentionally by knocking on her head and sticking out her tongue.

"The cringe is real. Also, even if we go in soul form, don't werewolves have like a sixth sense where they can feel spiritual entities or something?" Adrian asked as he was curious, and he also nursed the bump on his head that Mina made.

There have been reports or it is popular belief that animals or beasts have a sixth sense that can see or feel ghost entities. This phenomenon is the foundation of the belief that if your dog barks at something invisible then a spirit is near you.

"The demon boy is correct. We werewolves have a sixth sense that tells us if someone is there even if nothing is there. You should go look at the books in my study and read up on werewolves. I have been trying to tell my son to study but he refuses to even pick up a book." The Duke of Akadia Lycaon stated as he went back to his desk work.

Adrian took up on the opportunity and decided to see one of the books in the office shelves. The others did so as well as they want to know details on evading an alpha's sharp senses. Adrian did not pick up a book about werewolves, but he picked up one about wolf species.

Adrian flipped the pages of the book and he was drawn to the picture of a white colored wolf. More specifically, it was not Adrian himself that is drawn but it is Sirius. Their soul link amplified Adrian's curiosity or rather Sirius' curiosity.

"White Moon Wolf." Adrian uttered as tears flow down his eyes.

"Are you okay? Why did you suddenly cry?" Solstice asked as she thought that Adrian is experiencing some post traumatic memory or something.

"Huh! I am crying?!" Adrian stated as he did not realize that tears are already falling down his face. 

Adrian snapped out of his trance like state and wiped the tears in his eyes. He then flipped the next page of the book. Upon flipping the page of the book, the previously crying Adrian suddenly flared up in bloodlust.

The whole room froze upon sensing the intense rage and bloodlust that Adrian emitted. Even the Duke of Arkadia stopped what he was doing and stood up in fear that an assassination attempt is going to happen. The whole room then focused on Adrian that emitted the bloodlust as he uttered the reason for the sudden feeling of bloodlust.

"Fenris!" Adrian muttered as half of his body slowly turning into a wolf.


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