Omega Summoner

Chapter 374 - Moonshine Village

Chapter 374 - Moonshine Village

The Griffin leader that was left I suddenly covered in a faint orange aura. The winds suddenly became turbulent as four strong tornadoes surrounded them. Even Kanlaon's control over the wind pressure could not protect them.

The four tornadoes started releasing wind blades while slowly converging towards their location. Kanlaon used all its concentration to conjure up two large spherical barriers with different element. The flame sphere weakened the wind blade while the frost sphere stopped the weakened wind blades.

The spherical barriers did not stop the incoming four tornadoes though. The four tornadoes kept clashing on the barriers that Kanlaon is already pushing his mana through its limits. For Kanlaon to fly, he still needs some mana for it which is why Kanlaon does not regenerate mana when flying.

"Orion's Wrath!" Adrian chanted as he flew up above the barrier.

Adrian fired three Shooting Stars in succession in order to hit the nonmoving griffin that is channeling its skill in order to control the four tornadoes. The first shooting star did not hit the griffin due to an invisible wind barrier but that immediately cracked upon the second hit.

The third Shooting Star damaged the griffin and stopped its channeling. The griffin is tougher than it seems due it not falling down despite receiving the attack. Adrian did not stop though as he immediately told everyone to hang on because he is already planning their escape.

"Chrono Lag" Adrian casted that to the injured Griffin.

"Chrono Shift! Kanlaon full speed ahead. Everyone, please hold on tight." Adrian casted that to Kanlaon as he warned the two after.

The Griffin tried to follow Kanlaon who is now flying at full speed, but its initial start was so sluggish that it lost motivation to follow. Though the group was able to escape the pursuit of the griffins, the extremely fast flight did not become easy due to them hanging for their lives.

Kanlaon's control over the temperature has yet to reach the extreme so it is understandable that he could not deflect the most extreme wind pressure. The good news would be that they reached the destination much earlier than expected.

They hovered on top the clouds to avoid the detection of the Alpha if that individual is in Moonshine village. Adrian took the hair strand and the Faceless Mask out and fed the first item to the latter. A look of disgust came from both Lycan and Solstice upon seeing the already horrific mask devour the hair strand.

"Let me cast Soul Form Transformation on you guys first." Adrian stated as he made the two become ghosts.

"The transformation would cancel immediately when you guys use an attack against a corporeal body. You can fight spirit type monsters in that form without worry though. Also, you guys will receive twice the magic damage in that form so be sure to evade magic spells because you are still vulnerable to that." Adrian explained.

He then wore the Faceless Mask again in order to transform himself into the werewolf that Lycan got the hair strand from. The mask affixed into his head like before and it spread throughout his body until he became a faceless and genderless being.

"Wow! That item really gives you the fright. It even transforms you into a hideous beast." Solstice commented.

"This is what the Faceless Ones look like in their default form. They are a worshipper of a dark god so if you see someone like this then you need to report it to a holy church so that they could order a subjugation." Adrian stated but him just having a mouth made the other two become horrified.

"Can you just transform now? Your current form is giving me nightmare fuel." Lycan commented.

"Why? I think it is kind of cool." Adrian thought as he always like the strange and horrific.

"I am pretty sure that if he happened upon a character that is part hideous monster then he would have become that." Solstice thought as she knows the tendencies of her little brother.

[Please choose a form to transform into.]

Adrian then saw three panels which has a human, an elf and a werewolf as pictures. Adrian saw that the werewolf that he will transform into looks like a human and has the same stature as Adrian. It seems that Lycan took in consideration what Adrian's real physical body looks like so that he can easily maneuver in the new body.josei

The werewolf that Lycan chose is about in his mid-twenties that has the same height as Adrian. His hair is brown while his eyes are green. Adrian chose the werewolf transformation and his featureless body started shifting to that of the individual he chose to transform into.

"Wow! You are actually a carbon copy of that person that I took the hair strand from. The resemblance is uncanny and creepy." Lycan stated in shock.

"No wonder the description of that mask is like that. Though your clothes are still the same." Solstice commented.

Adrian then changed into his beginner clothes. He then saw that the Cube of Paradox still floating beside him, so he stored it in his inventory first. He then unsummoned Kanlaon to the surprise of the two because they thought that they would plummet to the ground.

Contrary to their expectation, it was Adrian that fell down, but he used Teleportation to arrive safely at the ground. He chose an area hidden in thick bushes so that he can evade the sight of others. Solstice and Lycan just floated down to the ground.

"Maybe tell us next time that we can float in the air in this form before suddenly sealing our flying mount." Solstice grumbled but Adrian looked around the area before he answered her.

"Sorry about that. I am in a rush because mom sent me a message that dinner is ready, so we got to finish fast. We should check in an inn here at Moonshine Village before logging out so that we are not suspicious." Adrian told them but from an outsiders point of view it looked like he was talking to the wind.

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