Omega Summoner

Chapter 386 - Becoming A Chain Quest

Chapter 386 - Becoming A Chain Quest

[You have delivered news of a servant of the Dark Gods to the Duke of Arkadia.]

[Since he is a member of the five races, even they know of the danger of a dark god follower.]

[The quest line has been transformed into a chain mission.]

"What the fudge!" Adrian stated as he knows that a major headache is about to ensue. His sister, Solstice, is actually doing a victory dance as having Adrian help (basically do all the work) on a quest is much easier for her.

"I know that I am asking a lot but even the demons do not like followers of the dark gods. You must find a way to lead them to a location where we can save those poor werewolves." The Duke of Arkadia Lycaon stated with utmost conviction.

[The quest 'Those Who Plan in the Dark' has been upgraded into a chain mission.]



Save the Young Ones 

The Duke of Arkadia wants you to hatch a plan in saving the young werewolves that are under the fake Alpha. You must succeed no matter what.

Difficulty: S

Condition: Save as much of the young werewolves.

Reward: 5% experience points per werewolf saved.

Failure: Unknown. Level -1

Time Limit: Five Days


"As per contract, you must help us, my cute little brother!" Solstice stated in a teasing tone.

"Haha! Did you not read the last line in the contract, dear sister? You will pay me 50% more now as it became an S rank quest." Adrian stated with him having the last laugh.

"What are they doing?" Duke Lycaon asked Lycan.

"That is just their playful banter. I got used to it when we were on the road." Lycan replied.

"Even if you tell us to gather the young werewolves, we have no idea how. They already imprinted on that monster masquerading as Eirene. The most devious thing is that she is not even encouraging them to have revenge.josei

She is using the loving mother tactic so that she can brainwash them early. She is using their weaknesses and their pain so that she can mold them into the perfect killing machine. She is using their anger and guiding them into mass slaughter. In other words, they creepy as hell." Adrian argued.

"Be that as it may, we cannot let them do as they please now that we know that a servant of the dark god is with them." Duke Lycaon argued.

"Fine. I cannot consult this with the elders since it is only one servant. Plus, they are currently too busy to entertain me anyway. I really wanted to learn time magic now." Adrian stated as he ducked down and started drawing circles on the floor as he accepted his fate.

"Will we get some reinforcements from you, Duke Lycaon? You do know that we cannot round them all up as we are just three people." Solstice argued.

"I am with her on that one. They are almost as powerful as us and the betas that surround her is much more powerful than us. They also move as a unit and each unit consists of a beta." Lycan stated as he noticed how their group moves when hunting.

"They could have also moved by now. They are nomadic in nature, but I think they are targeting nearby villages with werewolves. They are currently filling up their numbers." Adrian added to the conversation.

"It makes sense that they are recruiting again. A lot of werewolves attacked that vampire hideout, and they were basically wiped out as one of the Vampire Dukes was visiting there at the time. Even a beta werewolf of that level would not survive when confronted by a Vampire Duke." Solstice explained.

"You three would be too little if a group of ten attacks you. You need more people, so I am assigning the Shadow Wolves division to you. They are five werewolves that work as my intelligence unit so them not being here would not take a toll on my manpower. If you could also kill that fake Alpha, then I would increase your reward." Duke Lycaon stated.

[The hidden condition to your quest has been revealed.]

"Killing her would be difficult though. You could also incur the wrath of the young werewolves that imprinted on her." Adrian commented.

"You are thinking way ahead. Let us do his step by step." Solstice stated.

"Anyways, Shadow Wolves!" Duke Lycaon called out loud.

"Assist my son and his friends in capturing the young werewolves that they will gather. I want them alive but incapacitate them if they are not cooperating." Duke Lycaon commanded and the intelligence unit al nodded in unison before becoming invisible once more.

"If the Duke of Arkadia is letting us use his intelligence unit then that means he is serious." Lycan stated as they headed to the outside.

"Are the Shadow Wolves the most powerful groups under him?" Adrian asked as there is no main intelligence unit in the Daemos Corps. The demon eyes scattered in all the world is basically the intelligence unit minus the manpower.

"They should be toe to toe with the Duke's personal knights in terms of levels, but they are more akin to spies than warriors." Lycan replied.

"Then that lessens our burden as it would be inefficient with just three of us rounding each werewolf that is part in that group." Solstice stated.

"I hate to break it to you guys but servants of dark gods like the faceless ones do not move alone. Eirene might have only been that we identified but I am sure that there is more. Faceless Ones are a hive mind type of monsters.

When I destroyed their altar, I also destroyed every faceless one created by that altar. Although the altar that I destroyed then is not powerful because I was higher level than the faceless ones that it created. I am not sure if I can even destroy an altar that spews out a level 200 faceless one." Adrian stated as he told them how he defeated a group of faceless ones before.

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