Omega Summoner

Chapter 388 - Greater Faceless One

Chapter 388 - Greater Faceless One

Solstice and Lycan headed to the other village next to Moonshine Village called Moondew Village. They headed there by running with the three members of the Shadow Wolves with them. They chose the closest one as the only one of them who has a mount is Solstice. 

Adrian and two of the Shadow Wolves rode Kanlaon to the next village that is about five days away. The two Shadow Wolves were a bit uneasy at first, but they easily adjusted after ten minutes of flight. 

Adrian did not command Kanlaon to fly at its highest speed but in a moderate speed because they could miss the group mid-flight. Adrian is looking using his evil eyes to see if a group of souls are moving in unison. He will then report it to the two Shadow Wolves in order for them to check.

The Shadow Wolves will be teleported to the ground by Adrian as the height the are flying is not safe to land without tools. So far, Adrian's group only saw groups of players but suddenly Adrian saw a soul that is so dark and murky that he believed that they finally encountered one.

Adrian also saw ten other souls that is of normal color with the tainted soul. Adrian reported it to the two Shadow Wolves, and they prepared for battle. Adrian did not teleport the three of them to the ground as they were too close to the group. They were hovering just above them.

Adrian unfurled his wings and carried the two members with him. He asked for their names, but they refused to answer because only their master could know their true names. They even told Adrian that the name that their leader gave earlier is also a codename and not her true name.

Adrian did not flap his wings, but they slowly descended on the group as the group in question is not moving. When they were about ten meters away from a tree, the two members of the Shadow Wolves released their grasp on Adrian. 

The two members of the Shadow Wolves descended on the trees without even making a slightest sound. Adrian is very impressed and could only relate them with the ninjas that he saw on the eastern continent. He then hovered just above them to assess the situation.

He could not just show himself to the young werewolves. He must think of a plan to isolate the one with the disgusting soul. He wanted to use his Nether Domain skill, but he is afraid of becoming crazed and not be able to control his character once more.

Adrian even reported that his skill might be bugged but the reply he got stated that nothing is wrong with his skill. Due to this, Adrian decided to not use Nether Domain or Netheros True Form for the time being. 

"I told the two members of the Shadow Wolves to wait for my signal before they round them up. I need to separate them from the one with a disgusting soul. They should give me a sign if they really are werewolves." Adrian thought and he just thought of the simplest way while waiting for the Shadow Wolves' sign.

As if Adrian's thoughts are read, a beam of light suddenly hit his face. The beam of light came from a small mirror that one of the Shadow Wolves possess. This sign meat that the group are indeed werewolves.

The Shadow Wolves know that the group before them are werewolves because of the scent that they give out. Young werewolves are not yet trained enough to hide their scent from other mature werewolves. It is also the Alpha's duty in training their young members to hide this scent.

Adrian immediately activated his evil eyes upon receiving the signal and used the Quantum Concave skill to target the ten souls that is not tainted. He just waited for the time that the skill finally activates before swooping down to battle the one with a tainted soul.

Adrian learned that beta werewolves are official members of the pack which means that they can somewhat control their shapeshifting abilities. If this was true, then werewolves in their wolf form will have a 50% increase in stats. Lycan even told Adrian that the transformation has no duration. The werewolf's stamina would decrease a lot faster while transformed though.josei

Suddenly, a loud ruckus could be heard from below as the ten werewolves are suddenly pulled towards each other. All the young werewolves were pulled except for the beta that is leading them. The young werewolves could not pull away with their strength as it was gravity that pulled them.

The ten young werewolves all crashed against one another. Before they could adjust themselves, two shadow figures descended near them. The two individuals that descended took a straw out from their clothes and blew on it.

From the straw, five needles came out per individual. The young werewolves who were still disoriented could not dodge the incoming needles and they were cleanly hit on their necks. The needles that pierced them were hardly painful, but they suddenly felt weak.

"What did you do to us?!" One of the young werewolves weakly stated as he mustered all his strength to stand up.

The other young werewolves tried to muster up their strength as well, but they could not do so. Their limbs became soggy noodles as no force could be channeled through them. Adrian who saw this immediately surmised that it is Wolfsbane.

The book in the Duke of Arkadia's office stated that Wolfsbane is a special type of herb that can mess up the mana circuits of a werewolf. For powerful werewolves, the herb would not have that great of an effect as they have inhaled it a couple of times to strengthen themselves as training.

Young werewolves however are a different situation as they are sheltered from this herb because they could accidentally consume it. The consumption of Wolfsbane is not deadly to werewolves but there have been cases of werewolves dying after consuming the herb due to wild monsters or assailants. This is the reason why elder werewolves heavily controlled Wolfsbane from circulation.

"Aspen, help us!" One of the young werewolves stated as they are being tied up by the two strange individuals that suddenly showed up before them.

Aspen, the beta with the tainted soul leading the group, suddenly charged towards the young werewolves. A look of fury is written all over his face which made his eyes glow orange. Aspen is furious but that uncontrolled rage is suddenly gone like the emotion that he portrayed is a lie.

Adrian who saw Aspen's emotion suddenly die down is shocked upon this discovery. For a moment, the tainted soul of Aspen became distorted and almost split apart. He just let this thought for a second in his mind though as he needed to deal with the enemy.

"Greater Summon: Sirius," Adrian stated as a magic circle appeared below Aspen.

Sirius emerged from the magic circle and tried biting the beta werewolf, but Aspen had great reflexes. Aspen kicked Sirius' head and used that to jump backwards.

"Kanlaon, use your breath." Adrian commanded as Kanlaon who was just hovering above them released his Soul Form and blasted Aspen with his breath attack.

Aspen could not immediately react with a great beast appearing before him and is hit with the breath attack in full swing. The weird thing is Aspen did not even utter a scream of pain upon being hit by two opposing temperatures. The normal reaction would be to scream upon getting one's skin burned and frostbit.

"ASPEN! You monsters!" the young werewolves shouted as they saw their group leader burning and freezing to death.

"Monster?! Now that is an understatement. Have you people not realized that your group leader is not even screaming from the pain?" Adrian stated as he descended to the ground.

"You attack us from nowhere and expect us to believe that you are not monsters!?" One of the tied-up werewolves shouted weakly.

"I see. Then foolish ones, let this demon before you break the illusion that you have been subjected to." Adrian stated as he summoned his other soulbounds. He decided to summon them all as the enemy before them is not normal.

Monster: Greater Faceless One

Level: 190

Health: 95% / 100 %

Mana: 90% / 100%

Description: A monster created by a dark god who goes by any faces. It has perfected its shapeshifting ability to the point that it could copy some of the targets, memories upon transforming into them. They could utilize a 100% of the transformed individual's abilities but are still subjected to the weaknesses of a faceless one.

Adrian who read the description can only curse his luck as the faceless one he encountered is a perfect mimic. The ones he battled before have reduced abilities due to being low rank faceless ones. The fire and ice burning Aspen finally ceased and they were greeted by a mannequin looking individual with patches of burned skin.

"Aspen!" The young werewolves cried.

"Sorry to disappoint you but that is not Aspen. That is the real form of a faceless one." Adrian stated and the faceless one once gain morphed into Aspen's form.

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