Omega Summoner

Chapter 401 - Finding A Relic

Chapter 401 - Finding A Relic

  "The Sands of Time?" Adrian asked as he looked towards Koronn.

"Are your crazy? That relic has been lost in the passage of time. You know that it is almost impossible to find. The location of that relic has been lost through time. You know that relics that powerful are guarded by their own wills." Elder Danaya stated.

"A relic could contain a will!? Then how is it different from ego weapons?" Adrian suddenly thought.

"You do not have to worry, Equinox. You do not have to search to hard for that relic because I managed to find its source. It is currently in this timeline." Koronn stated but the words he said only puzzled Adrian even more.action

"Why did you say it is in this current timeline?" Adrian asked just to be sure that this is what he was really told.

"Just like its name, the Sands of Time is a peculiar relic. Well, all relics that is as powerful as it is very peculiar. The Sands of Time does not show up in the same timeline twice once used. All powerful relics have that restriction because they can be used to change something fundamental in the universe without damaging it." Koronn stated.

"It should be because they are pieces of the dead gods that manifested a will. Some righteous, some playful while some are jut plain deadly." Elder Danaya stated as she glared at Koronn for suggesting Adrian to fetch that item.

"You do not need to worry about the kid too much Danaya. He handled far worse than you have think. He could easily get that relic and pass the test of its guardian." Koronn stated with confidence but Adrian is weighing his options.

Adrian then looked at the weakened Ascalor. He then remembered all the things that Ascalor has done for him which made Adrian ball up his fists. He needs to do what is right and repay the favor for Ascalor who treated him like a spoiled grandchild.

"I will do it, but can you explain what is this guardian that you talked about?" Adrian asked as he needed all the information to succeed.

"The guardians are basically the wills of the relic fashioned from the personalities of the dead gods. They basically determine if you are worthy in using the power o the relic. The Sands of Time has appeared in many of the history books that is in my library." Koronn stated.

"If it appeared in history then can we not just steal it before it jumps to another timeline?" Adrian asked as he knows that Koronn is very proficient in manipulating time.

"Whenever the Sands of Time is present in a timeline, Chronomancy becomes wonky or does not work perfectly. If it did work perfectly then I might have alleviated Ascalor's condition even if it is just a little bit." Koronn stated in a serious tone.

"Since you said that there is a guardian, is there any information about it? You did say that history books have written about this relic after all." Adrian asked.

"The history books are not really accurate as there are different accounts per person that discovered the Sands of Time. One of the books wrote that it is a lion. Some wrote it was a humanoid. Some even wrote that it was a bird. 

The history books are not to be trusted with absolute certainty as it is written with the perspective of the writer after all. History could only be written by the victors after all. But from the information, I could say that the guardian has no distinct form since each account is different." Koronn stated.

"You are not actually thinking of doing it? It is far to dangerous for a greater demon such as yourself to come across a relic of a dead god. Even if you are the Champion of the Twin Gods, it does not mean that you have the privilege to ask for their help.

They might even feel a slight hate from seeing you as they might be bitter. The feelings of resentment could have been transferred to them after all. But the guardians should still show respect to you as you are the champion of greater gods. Then again, guardians are not always that friendly as they are unpredictable." Elder Danaya stated.

"You speak as if you have encountered a guardian before." Koronn asked as he has yet to actually meet a guardian.

"I have once when the Heart of the Forest was still in the possession of the dryads and leshies. It was a wonderous item that birthed young ones of our race. I should know because I have been born using that relic." Elder Danaya stated.

"I see then you are much older than you have told Ascalor then. You basically stalked someone younger than you." Koronn jokingly said to lighten the mood but he noticed a piercing gaze directed at him.

"You mean this Heart of the Forest is a relic that can produce more dryads or leshies?" Adrian asked.

"Yes. It is the relic made from the true ancestor of the dryads and the leshies when he fell from battle. The Daemos also has something like that. But those items were lost because of the followers of the dark gods hiding them." Elder Danaya stated which surprised Adrian.

"What is the name of the relic that birthed the Daemos?" Adrian asked as he was curious.

"From what I remember, the relic that birthed some of the Daemos is called The Eye of Origin. It was gone because of it being stolen. If that relic was still in our possession, then we would not be short staffed by now." Koronn stated.

"If I am correct, the Eye of Origin would be the item I needed to unlock the Daemos so that the other players can choose it as a starting race." Adrian thought but Koronn snaped him out of his deep thought.

"Anyways, that is enough about other relics as the most important one right now is the Sands of Time. Do you accept the mission despite its risks?" Koronn asked Adrian one final time.

"Yes. I accept the risk." Adrian replied.

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