Omega Summoner

Chapter 406 - The World Is Not As It Seems

Chapter 406 - The World Is Not As It Seems

Adrian who activated his evil eyes saw a world where everything is ruined but only on the area covered by the spires is in this state. The floating pyramid is no longer as beautiful and perfect as it seemed when viewed normally.

The floating pyramid became broken. Pieces of rubble from the floating pyramid are scattered below it. The main take from what Adrian saw is that some of the rubbles are floating freely in the air like those rubbles are suspended in space.

Each of the spires also have something new as a fire is burning on top of each one with the written characters glowing in an eerie light. The odd thing about those fires is that they were not flickering with the wind. It feels as if the time in that area has stopped.

Adrian realizing that he could be correct in his assumptions could only test the waters. He used Chrono Lag on himself to make him slower, but the magic circle failed to stabilize. He then tried using Chrono Shift to speed himself up, but the magic circle manifested for one a split second before fragmenting.

He did not want to use Rewind because the previous two spells went on cooldown despite not activating. Adrian is now sure that this should be the location of the Sands of Time. He also needs to be quick because there could be other who found a loophole and entered the dungeon.

"Some groups should have managed to enter accidentally or if someone in their group has a special eyesight. If the only way to enter that dungeon is my eyesight, then that should not be possible. Somebody from the western continent should have activated this tomb.

The only question now should be: Are they an ally or an enemy?" Adrian thought as he closely observed the area inside of the spires.

In the middle of the area is a small vortex that is spinning. It is the only thing that is moving despite the other things in the area being frozen in time. Adrian moved closely to the vortex that is only the size of a basketball. When he tried touching it, a system notification suddenly appeared.

[Do you wish to enter the Lost Tomb of the Golden Emperor? Yes or No?]

Adrian immediately answered yes without much thought, but he did not think of the consequences of his actions. His physical form manifested, and the gazes of the guards all went to him. They charged towards Adrian's location, but his figure suddenly vanished into thin air.

The pyramid suddenly glowed and fire spouted from the pillars when Adrian's body disappeared. The guards that saw what happened immediately reported it to their superiors. The archeologists inside the pitched tent nearby witnessed the event and saw unusual things.


Adrian's vision returned and he is sent to a dark hallway with only torches lighting the wall. He touched the walls to feel what it is made of and he discovered it is sand. The only thing he did not understand is how could sand bundle up like that.action

He walked straight because the floor is narrow, and his back is already up against the wall. Fortunately, he sealed his soulbounds or else they will not fit. The path just continued endlessly but Adrian knew that it is not endless.

"I am trapped in an endless corridor. I did not think that it would happen to me because I am a demon after all. I guess this is what the Arch Lich Malus felt being trapped in the Quantum Corridor that we used." Adrian thought as he took off his Glamour so he could focus on finding a way out.

Quantum Corridors like the one Adrian has now can be solved using two options. One option is for him to use pure brute force. The force ten times the strength of the barrier because a Quantum Corridor is considered a barrier.

"I am probably inside a room in the dungeon but if the artifact could control time then it should not be able to control space.  That could only mean that time is being folded so that I will always return to the same spot after a designated time. 

If I do not move, then nothing would happen but if I move then the temporal spell will activate. It is scary that things like this happens to others and if they are not like me then they will suffer for a long. Some demons probably used this tactic against their enemies which made them hate our kind." Adrian thought as he observed the particles of temporal energy in the surroundings.

The temporal energy is swirling in a chaotic fashion made Adrian' eyes hurt because this was not how the Daemos uses this energy. The Daemos weave the origin energy like temporal energy into something like a beautiful garment. 

The weaving of the energies is so intricate that only another Daemos could replicate or enhance that magic. This is the reason why the demons do not fear other people seeing their magic because it is specialized after them. 

"Found it!" Adrian shouted as he saw an odd black space where magic does not flow at all.

This black space is only the size of a coin, but he managed to find it like a needle in a haystack. Adrian applied mana into his finger and inserted it in this black space. Upon doing so, the whole corridor shattered like glass. The sound was so loud that it is even heard outside of the dungeon.

Adrian, who is now free from the Quantum Corridor, saw that he is trapped in a small room that is only five meters. The room did not even have a door installed which means he was caught inside a perpetual trap that sucks on his health every second.

"The one who laid this trap is rather inhumane. He or she is basically sucking the life force of the person trapped in that corridor. That is what that black space is for anyway." Adrian muttered but what he did not know is that he also undid all the corridors for those trapped in it.

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