Omega Summoner

Chapter 416 - What Lies Beyond

Chapter 416 - What Lies Beyond

Numerous eyes peered into the rift as the entity on the other side started to extend a tendril unto the mortal plane. The entity on the other side showed hesitation as if he has done this sort of action before and was damaged.

Once the first tendril managed to emerge from the rift, numerous tendrils then flooded the rift as if the entity is excited to step onto the mortal plane. It was not only tendrils that flooded the rift as an amalgamation of the faces of both human and monster came with it.

The amalgamation of the faces looked like the ones from the visitors of the imperial capital. The dark god has finally arrived in the mortal plane. The Dark God of a Thousand Faces, Nyarlathotep, has arrived at the mortal plane.

The dark god could not believe that he has finally step foot once more in the mortal plane. He relished the moment as he used his thousand changing faces to see the beauty of the mortal realm. 

Nyarlathotep's form could be describe as nightmare personified. His pure form is that of a monster with a humanoid upper half and its lower half is that of a three-legged crustacean. The upper half has arms with claws.

The torso has the faces of people and monsters on it that is ever changing. The head of the dark god is just a long tendril with hole for the nose and mouth with the remaining parts being featureless. The dark god stood in a height of a hundred meters.

The dark god towered over the imperial capital as its large form made even the air stood still. The faceless ones that are present in the imperial capital bowed in reverence of their god. They were created and lived for this very moment.

Nyarlathotep sucked all the air present in the capital in its mouth and released a terrifying roar. The roar echoed out into the world and even managed to reach all the mini-worlds and pocket dimensions. The roar was filled with the intent of boasting as if the dark god is saying that "I am here!".

The roar came with such powerful intent that the kingdoms just outside the capital reported mass fainting of citizens upon hearing a weird sound. The imperial capital is the location that took the hardest hit as everything rumbled with just one roar.

The buildings turned to dust with just one roar from a dark god. Even the faceless ones that is owing in reverence became dust and the dark god did not even felt remorse upon killing it own followers. The dark god Nyarlathotep is about to move when a wounded old man suddenly showed up before it.

This wounded old man is none other than the Great Sage that has been protecting the imperial capital for about four hundred years. He saw everything that happened and how his family members died without him managing to even protect them. 

The Great Sage Mihir used up all his quasi-divinity in order to try and cut off the arm of the dark god responsible for the imperial capital's demise. The great sage burned his own divinity and life force and created a giant flaming sword.

The Great Sage Mihir charged with his giant flaming sword with all his might, but he was swatted just like a mosquito. The dark god did not even notice that it flicked someone from the air. The Great Sage Mihir died without even doing damage upon the dark god.

The other demigods in the world that have observation powers who saw this could only shudder. They are mere flies compared to a real god. The demigods prayed for the first time in a long time and their prayers were answered.

The clouds on the destroyed imperial capital suddenly darkened as lightning rolled. The Gods of Pandemonium decided to act but decided not to descend because if they did then the barrier between the realms will collapse completely.

The Gods of Pandemonium could not kill the dark god from their divine realms, but they could lock the dark god in place for a few days. The lightning came down upon the dark god, but it dealt no damage to it. The lightning containing the magic of the gods bound Nyarlathotep to the ruined imperial capital.

The Dark God of a Thousand Faces rampaged upon being bound to the ruined imperial capital. If the Gods of Pandemonium descended, then the weakened barrier between reals would collapse thereby making other dark gods descend upon the mortal realm.

They decided to let the inhabitant of the mortal realm deal with the dark god since the relics that could seal and kill the dark gods are still in the mortal plane. The gods did not take the god slaying and god sealing relics when they ascended into the divine realm. This was their contingency plan if a dark god manages to descend.

The Gods of Pandemonium sent the mission to every living being in the world to search for a way to kill or seal the dark god. The gods believe that the mortals would band together to help each other. Some of the gods even blamed the demons for not doing their task because they let a dark god breach the realms.

"You dare blame this on the demons when you let your followers condemn them as evil and destructive." The Goddess Gaea stated, and it immediately shut up the gods who were putting blame on the demons.

"If they have done their job correctly then that dark god would have not descended." The Goddess Luminaria rebuked while some gods also voiced the same opinion.

"You say that but is it not in a location where you are mostly worshipped? Did the imperial capital have you as their main religion? If you did a better job in closely observing your followers, then the people of the imperial capital might not have been swapped." The God Abaddon stated in his cold and disinterested voice.

"We can only hope that the champions that some of you chose could actually be of use." The Goddess Gaea stated and it made the other gods clamp up as they know that their champion is nothing compared to the twin god's champion.


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