Omega Summoner

Chapter 424 - Cristobal’s Back Story

Chapter 424 - Cristobal’s Back Story

A boy sold to a wizard that loved to perform experiments on young children. This wizard would always buy children off the parents of peasants. The peasants who get their children sold would always be the envy of others because they thought that the sold children will become a wizard's apprentice.

In reality, this was no ordinary wizard but a Dark Wizard. This certain dark wizard buys off children with magic potential. He would then use the children as a new vessel for his soul as his current body would wither away.

The child did not know of this nefarious plot and would just believe that he or she will become a wizard's apprentice. The dark wizard did raise the child with care and support. He taught the child how magic is cast and all the knowledge that he knows because it would be his new vessel after a few years.

This was not the first time that the dark wizard has done this. Cristobal is his thirteenth vessel and each vessel he transferred to makes him more powerful. He has mastered the Soul Transference spell to its peak.

With each body transfer, will be a new source of his power. He would get the ability of each of his vessel as his soul will devour the soul of his next vessel. He found this out when he got the elemental affinity of his first real apprentice.

After the dark wizard has gotten all the elemental affinities, he started to look for vessels with different innate powers. The first one that this dark wizard got was a child with the All Seeing Demon Eyes. It was basically an appraisal type skill.

The dark wizard got lucky with this one as normal children born with demon eyes are blind until they learn to awaken its powers. He got the child when she was blind and transferred his soul and awakened her demon eyes.

The dark wizard scoured the continent in order to find children with unique magical constitutions. Cristobal fit that bill because he had a unique constitution as he had the blood of a demon coursing through him. Cristobal got this because his great grandfather was a Daemonio. 

Unknown to the dark mage that he raised his would be killer. Cristobal learned a great deal from the dark wizard as his new apprentice. He learned a lot and loved to study in order to become someone of renown.

Cristobal's passion is what drove him to become one of the youngest wizards. The dark wizard might have praised his apprentice, but his plan was still in motion. He craved for Cristobal's body even more as he saw how powerful his apprentice has become.josei

The dark wizard prepared everything for the Soul Transference while he sent his apprentice to the dungeon where he always sends his apprentices to become fatally injured. This was a dungeon that the dark wizard has yet to even conquer.

Cristobal was eager to conquer the dungeon for his master as he was told that even his master has yet to conquer it. He managed to get to the depths of this dungeon but was critically injured. The talisman that his master gave hive activated and created a protective barrier.

The talisman would also send a signal to his master that he was in danger. The dark wizard gladly went to his apprentice's location expecting a critically injured Cristobal. One requirement of the Soul Transference spell is that both parties must be at death's door.

They needed to be at death's door in order for the soul to leave the body and transfer to another. Cristobal who was critically injured took shelter in a small hole inside the dungeon. It was then he saw an idol hidden inside that hole.

This is none other than an idol of the fallen dark god Eihort. The dark god of the labyrinth. The idol served as way to communicate with the dark god, but it was already dead. Yet, gods do not die easily as there could be remnants of their wills inside anything that venerated them.

This idol had a miniscule remnant consciousness of the dark god. It possessed Cristobal and acted like an entity that whispers on his ears telling him that his master is out to kill him. Cristobal did not believe that his master that saved him from the slums would such a thing.

The voice kept feeding him a mixture of lies and truth that made Cristobal even weaker. His body was already injured but his mind is also being tortured due to the continuous whispers. The remnant will of the dark god tried possessing the body of Cristobal, but his constitution made it difficult.

The blood of a demon is specifically a sort of vaccine against the influences of the dark gods. His blood is also what made him turn mad as his head became jumbled with thoughts. Cristobal tried to fight the whispers in his ear, but he succumbed due to his body condition.

The remnant will did not possess Cristobal's mind, but it did stick to him like a tumor. It twisted his perception of the world to a more cruel and cunning view. He even smiled as he is all wounded and waited for his master to save him from the dungeon.

Just like the voice whispered in his head, his master did save him from the dungeon. He was brought to their place and is laid down on the bed. Cristobal, who was now paranoid, used all his might to see if there was anything strange in his room.

He forcefully moved his injured body and saw that his whole room is inside a magic circle. He did not know this type of magic circle despite being an apprentice for a long time. It was at this time that he finally believed the whispers that he was hearing. The tumor like entity in his brain grew in size until his whole brain has become something else.

Cristobal might have thought it was his idea to consume the soul of his master, but it was actually planted by the remnant will of the dark god. Cristobal made preparations until the time for the transference happened.

When the soul of his master left his body, he overcame the soul of his master by devouring it. The Wizard Cristobal changed his profession to that of a warlock by offering his soul as a payment. Cristobal was not the only reason that he overpowered his master.

The remnant will of the dark god strengthened the power of Cristobal's soul. Due to losing the fight between souls, Cristobal got all of his master's abilities and powers. This made him become a powerful being that could devour a dead god's body.

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