Omega Summoner

Chapter 437 - So This Is What Power Feels Like!

Chapter 437 - So This Is What Power Feels Like!


"I will help you stop time and grant you the ability to move while time is stopped. It would only last for a few seconds, so you have to incapacitate my sibling." The sphinx weakly stated weakly.

"Why does it have a time limit if you can freeze time?" Levin Cloud curiously asked while still using his crowd control spells.

"Will undead be affected by your magic?" Creepysoo asked with beaming eyes as he continued casting his crowd control spells as well.

"Can you please focus!?" Peridot shouted.

"Your friends are weird, Equinox. I will start the spell right now. I can only maintain it for 45 seconds so beat him in that short amount of time. This is free of charge as my sibling needs help." The sphinx stated as it weakly tried to stand up. One of the feet of the sphinx also turned purple which signifies that the corruption has started.

The sphinx conjured up a magic circle that enveloped everyone in Adrian's party. An ankh then appeared on each of their foreheads. The sphinx then made time stop as it was the only way to damage its sibling.

The race to incapacitate the corrupted sphinx has now started. At first, the corrupted sphinx tried to escape as it knew it could get hurt but it was trapped. The sphinx also thought of that when he stopped time.

Seeing that it cannot escape, the corrupted sphinx opted for the other way. It aimed for the weakened sphinx that stopped time and preventing its escape. The tanks did not let it get near the sphinx as they knew it would be the end once the other one is skilled.

When the tanks blocked the charge of the corrupted sphinx, they could finally see it receiving damage. They found a sense of relief from seeing the opponent that only took one damage finally getting its health reduced. 

"It can finally be damaged!" One of the tanks exclaimed with joy.

They are enthusiastically attacking the corrupted sphinx with all their might. They are pressed for time, so they need to incapacitate the corrupted sphinx immediately. Vayu is the receiver of all the buffs as he is the hardest hitter among them.

"Chrono Lag!" Adrian tried using the spell and it worked.

[The Corrupted Sphinx has been slowed significantly.]

"Chance! Chrono Shift." Adrian uttered as he buffed himself.

He noticed that the sphinx managed to make time in the area stable. It seems that it knew of Adrian's struggles and decided to aid him albeit still weakened. Adrian did not let this chance go as he hurled himself to the corrupted sphinx.

"Whirlwind Axe!" Adrian chanted and even buffed the axe with nether energy. He is like a three colored tornado ramming himself against the corrupted sphinx. 

The corrupted sphinx tried to dodge but Sirius showed up behind it and bit the former's back neck. Kanlaon also helped my morphing his body to become smaller and constricting the corrupted sphinx. 

[Your soulbound, Sirius, has been affected by miasma.]

[Your soulbound, Kanlaon, has been affected by miasma.]

Adrian had no time to read the notifications as he clashed head on with the corrupted sphinx. Soleil then enchanted Adrian's attack with the fire attribute which burned the corrupted sphinx. Adrian's skill ended and the corrupted sphinx managed to counterattack.

Adrian is sent flying and his soulbounds were also shaken off due to weaking from the miasma. Sirius and Kanlaon plopped to the ground. Two of Adrian's soulbound was about to get killed when he activated Invigorate that healed them back to full health.

Despite regenerating back to full health, a direct attack from the corrupted sphinx still damaged them greatly. When the corrupted sphinx is about to use a deadly move, Kabrakan swooped in and blocked the attack. A crack could he heard from his shield as its durability decreased by a lot.

"Elfin Sniper!" Alder stated as he used one of his more powerful skill. He used it because the corrupted sphinx is finally at 40% health. The time left before time moves again is ten seconds though.

Alder drew his bow and an arrow made of three different elements appeared. The elements are wind, fire and earth. It seems that the longer he charges the arrow, the stronger it becomes. Once he deems the arrow fully charged, Alder fired the arrow directly at the corrupted sphinx.

The elements are mixed harmoniously so that they will not erase each other. To even achieve this by pure skill alone is testament that Alder has talent in understanding the elements. If he picked a mage then he would have become the best elementalist.

The arrow filled with three different elements hit the corrupted skill with complete accuracy. The first element that affected it is the wind element as it gave the piercing effect. The next element to hit it is the fire element which scorched the corrupted sphinx.

The last element that afflicted it was earth which made its body heavier thereby reducing its speed greatly. They used the remaining time to bash the corrupted sphinx. Time finally moved again but the corrupted sphinx looked battered to the extreme. It tried reversing time on itself to recover but the other sphinx foiled its attempt.

"That would be enough, my sibling. You are far too corrupted and injured to control time. I am shocked that you could still stand." The sphinx stated as it used some type of spell to lock the corrupted sphinx in place.

"Is it over? That was refreshing. Never knew time magic is awesome. So that it what it feels to wield phenomenal cosmic power." Creepysoo stated as he was tired mentally because undead have unlimited stamina.

"We have been fighting the corrupted sphinx for two hours. We need to reach Cristobal or else we are doomed." Anastacia stated but the whole party was affected by the miasma. Some were even poisoned by the stinger.

Adrian, seeing ordinary potions will not work, looked at Saena. He then ordered her to use her latest skill.

"Saena use Final Sacrifice." Adrian commanded and his soulbound looked at him with extreme dedication.

Saena flew to the air and radiated a blinding holy light that cleansed all their status ailments and healed their health by 50%.

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