Omega Summoner

Chapter 445 - Getting Stronger Repeatedly

Chapter 445 - Getting Stronger Repeatedly

The raid group managed to decrease the abomination's health to 50% and it increased in size once more. The asmodian abomination would also lose its reasoning every time it increased in size. It started becoming more of a monster. 

The Asmodian Abomination is starting to follow instinct and reasoning of an intelligent being. Everyone is starting to notice this as the Asmodian Abomination would dodge attacks it would not normally do. 

The thing about intellect is that it would be beneficial to those who are weaker, but it is a burden to those who has superior body and level in terms of bosses. Great intellect would have been preferrable for boss monsters with low health pool in defense as they would need to plan three steps ahead to avoid taking damage.

The Asmodian Abomination is different as it views intellect as an obstacle. It had difficulty dodging because it viewed attacks from all angles and even tried to predict the attacks of its opponents. This indecisiveness became a weakness because it factored everything in its plan when something much simpler could override it.

The Asmodian Abomination is still in its growth phase and it is slowly shedding its weaknesses. This means that it deemed its high level of intellect as a weakness. That is the reason it becomes more instinctual with every shedding. It even gained slight immunities to the debuffs but the good thing is that its defenses does not increase.

The problem is that the tanks are getting decreased by 10% to 15% maximum health per attack. The Asmodian Abomination is also getting more tenacious as the provocation skills only lasts about 80% of its duration. The abomination is getting stronger with each increase in size.

It came to the point where it dealt half the Anubis' health with one hit of its trunk like arms. The stingers of the bees still dealt the same damage, but the poison no longer affects the abomination. It could also kill a swarm of bees with a swing of its trunk.

The increase in size and power is not the only thing new because the abomination gains a new ability each time it grows. The first growth gave it the ability to control gravity, but the second growth gave it healing properties. Its health is now at 70% which means it is closer to its third growth should there be one.

"Champion Equinox, the gate of Limbo is calling for me. I shall unleash my ultimate skill. Tie the monster down as I cannot stop its channeling while I use it." The Anubis stated and Adrian disseminated it to his friends.

The raid party immediately utilized the chance when the tanks were blown away by the strength of the abomination. Everyone that had a root, stun or slow casted it in order for the abomination to stop moving. 

"Deadly Grip!"

"Chrono Lag!"

"Holy Shackles!"

"Earth's Embrace!"

"Thorn's Embrace!"

"Restraining Arrow!"

Each of the team member's crowd control skill piled up and made the abomination unmovable. The Anubis also pitched in as it shot out bandages from its wrist to bind the abomination in place. The Anubis then started to float in mid-air and its gaze started to spark red lightning. 

"Death's Gaze!" The Anubis stated in a deep dak voice.

A red laser like beam shot out from the Anubis that is filled with the energy of death. The skill even penetrated the defenses of the abomination which made it lose 5% health per second. Unfortunately, the skill only lasted for five seconds as the Anubis is called back to Limbo.josei

The third growth stage once again came to be. A shockwave ensued that blasted all the players near the abomination away. The Asmodian Abomination started to grow and its sentences that it spoke became phrases instead. It was getting dumber, but the monster felt more powerful and ferocious.

Its third growth period, its rocky body started to change into spikes. It could even pop the spike in and out through its thoughts. The tanks cautiously moved towards it in order to attract its attention, but the abomination suddenly curled up into a ball.

Once the abomination curled into a ball, it started to cover itself with a rocky layer. The rock spikes suddenly came out and the rain of rock shards started. Everybody started evasive maneuvers in order to not get hit with the rock spikes. Each rock spike would shave off 1% of the total health of a tank if they do not block it.

Mariposa made use of her bees and her giant beetle's protection. Peridot created a dome of earth to protect her from the rock shards. Creepysoo created bone shields to protect himself with some taking shelter behind him. Adrian used the Charon and Dodu combo while he hid inside the coffin using Soul Lock.

After ten seconds of continuous rapid fire of stone shards, the abomination looked rather tired. The raid party used this chance to rain attacks once more, but the prolonged battle is taking a toll on their supplies and skill cooldowns.

"How much more before we can kill it? It already grew three times. This boss is unfair." Creepysoo grumbled as prolonged battles without bodies to raise is not ideal for a necromancer.

"I am guessing it will grow up to five times." Adrian uttered.

"What makes you say that?" Anastacia asked as she is curious, and Adrian is much more informed about Asmodians than her.

"It gains an Asmodian's descendant skills with each growth. It already displayed Daemos, Faekin, and Jotunn. All that is left is Selvaggian and Erebian. I fear those two the most as they are a deadly combination." Adrian replied.

The reason Adrian is fearful of the Selvaggian and Erebian skills is the signature abilities the two races have. The one ability that all Selvaggian's have is Ferocity that stacks up and increases the longer they are in battle. It also increases all their stats depending on the number of stacks.

The reason Adrian is afraid of the Erebian skills is the inherent skill of werewolves "Night Child". The skill increases the strength of the Erebian's exponentially during or when it is dark. In a realm that is always dark then that would be a death sentence. Sadly, one of Adrian's fear turned into a reality.

"It gained Ferocity!" Kabrakan shouted as he suddenly felt he was in the presence of another Selvaggian. 

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