Omega Summoner

Chapter 474 - Collapsing Pocket Dimension

Chapter 474 - Collapsing Pocket Dimension

"We have an immediate problem." Adrian stated as he read the message that he just received from Creepysoo.

"What did he say?" Levin Cloud asked as Adrian's face is filled with worry.

"It seems that the pocket dimension is collapsing. The Prophet of Life is still trapped in there." Adrian replied which also made Levin Cloud somewhat panic.

"What would happen to those inside if the pocket dimension totally collapses?" Anastacia asked.

"I do not know exactly because even the demons do not stay in a collapsing dimension to see the aftermath. Those that tried are said to be lost in the vast space freely floating somewhere in between dimensions or they probably just died. No one could certainly say for sure." Adrian replied which made him concerned of going inside the pocket dimension.

"Take these." Adrian stated as he handed out teleportation scrolls to Levin Cloud and Anastacia.

"These are teleportation scrolls." Anastacia gasped in shock.

"Those two scrolls are my last one. It should be able to get you guys out of the dimension should we get separated. Even I do not know how a collapsing dimension looks like. The elders only described it as a distorted land where universal laws could barely apply or are reversed." Adrian warned the two.

"So basically, this is insurance. If we ever get separated once we entered, we should still continue the mission. The safety of the Prophet of Life is our top priority. If she dies, then the Prophet of Death dies as well." Levin Cloud stated in a serious tone.

Anastacia nodded in agreement as she would bet her life to save the Prophet of Life. Thankfully, Levin Cloud managed to take a picture of the prophet so Anastacia could see what she looked like. They resolved themselves to carry out the mission even if it gets them killed. They will respawn in a town they previously visited anyway.

"Do you not need scrolls to ensure that you can get out?" Anastacia asked as the scrolls seemed to be a top tier item.

"I could just breach the portal by tearing the space itself." Adrian stated but deep inside even he is not sure if he could. 

The Daemos elders often warned him that a collapsing dimension is a doomed dimension. They explicitly warned him to stay away from it and immediately report it. Adrian had no time to report back as the life of the Prophet hangs on the balance.

"Let us go inside. Be careful." Adrian stated as he entered first.

The rest followed and Adrian's soulbounds entered last. They lost their sight upon entering the portal as if all they see is total darkness.


Adrian regained his vision and noticed that the beautiful Grove of Vitaemortem is no longer intact. Rivers were flowing backwards while numerous small islands floated in the air. The small islands seem to be from the land that has been torn apart. 

Adrian looked behind him to see if the other two are with him, but they were not. The only one behind his is his soulbound, Saena. He waited a few more minutes to see if they just took their time but that is not the case. Adrian's hunch came true, and it was a good call from him to hand them the remaining teleportation scrolls that he had.

Adrian opened the messaging function, but it only said unavailable. Thankfully, Adrian could feel his other soulbounds but they are in a peculiar range. This is the first time for Adrian to feel like his soulbounds are near yet far at the same time.

His soul link with his soulbounds is often used by him to locate his summons. He uses it like a beacon to locate them when inside a difficult area like an underground dungeon. 

"Is this the effect of the collapsing dimension? Even my spatial perception is messed up." Adrian stated to himself as he told Saena to come with him and explore. They might find the others if they start early to find them.


Levin Cloud opened his eyes and he noticed that his two other companions are not with him. The most intriguing part about his location is the fact that he is standing on an inverted island. He got weirded out at first because he thought he was upside down but that is not the case.

His hair did not freely fall downwards but stayed fix in a position as if he is normally standing. He immediately thought that gravity has shifted in his area. At first, he thought it was cool but erased that fact because he was separated from his teammates.

He tried to call the others, but the messaging function is disabled. He cursed the devs out loud because they were making it hard for him to regroup with the others. Fortuately, he is not really alone because two of Adrian's soulbounds are with him.

He got stranded in this location with Kanlaon and Charon. He awkwardly smiled at the two soulbounds as he ever really interacts much with them. He has always seen his best friend cuddle his virtual pets but never really tried it himself. He did not even possess a pet or a mount.

He is not much of a leader himself and more of a follower. He steps up from time to time because of necessity but he rarely leads because he thinks it is a hassle sometimes. He then remembered that Adrian told him that summoners could command their soulbounds via a special mental link.

"Kanlaon, can you find your master?" Levin Cloud asked the dragon as he knew that it could talk. Or at least, he can from his memory of it being able to transform into a small boy.

"Master is inside the dimension, but I cannot pinpoint what location. This place is weird. Everything is reversed." Kanlaon commented as dragons are perceptive of the area that they are in. Dragons make the area around them bend to them not the other way around.

"This whole place is wonky. What about Charon? Can he speak?" Levin Cloud asked as he wanted to know just in case.

"Charon is quite shy and rarely speaks using his mouth. He only speaks to master." Kanlaon replied which made Charon transform into its chibi form.

Kanlaon also transformed into his human form because he started to get dizzy upon trying to fly in a dimension with unstable forces. Kanlaon would sometimes fly backwards or sidewards suddenly without even meaning to.

"If that is the case then we should head out and find the Prophet. Your master should be doing the same as well. You might even hear his voice if we act quickly." Levin Cloud stated as he wanted an answer from his best friend's soulbounds. 

Levin Cloud knew that he cannot control the two soulbounds but they could still listen to reason. They are still in the same party which means they are treated as allied. He actually thanked the almighty for sending him the one who can talk.

He thought of two different things while they are traversing this collapsing pocket dimension. The first thing he thought up is that they could have all split up. The second is that it could only be him, Sirius and Charon that are split up from the group.

"Will you be able to sense your master if he is really close? If yes, what is the maximum distance." Levin Cloud asked.

"We can find out our master's location as long as it is within a fifty-meter radius. But I am assured that master is with us in this pocket dimension. I can feel his faint connection with me." Kanlaon stated.

"If that is the case then we better move. We are in a mission to find the prophet anyway. Find the prophet will make us reunite." Levin Cloud stated as his group started to march in a certain direction.


Anastacia opened her eyes and noticed that Equinox and Levin Cloud are missing in action. She already experiences traps like these as they are common in a dungeon they once dived. The only difference is that they have their chat functions open during that crisis. This situation is vastly different.

She checked her surrounding for enemies and are fortunate that the area seemed to be fine. The only ones she saw is two of Equinox' soulbounds which is the large wolf and giant slime monster. She may not look like it, but Anastacia liked cute things and her definition of cute is cool looking monsters.

She wanted to pet Sirius so badly or pinch Dodu to see if it really is soft but resisted. She is in a dangerous situation right now and needs her full concentration to survive. She wanted to tear the scroll but remembered that Sirius and Dodu are still in this dimension.

"If Equinox' soulbounds are not unsummoned then he is still in this pocket dimension. Can you two speak?" Anastacia asked as she wanted to know if the two soulbounds could converse. She always sees Mariposa talk with her soulbounds but she uses her antennae.

Sirius waved his head sideways signaling that he cannot. Dodu on the other hand only jiggled his body. It seems that the slime does not even have vocal cords to say anything.

While we search for your master, can you protect me from danger? In turn, I will heal you if you both sustain injuries." Anastacia stated as she at least confirmed that the two soulbounds could understand her.

"Let us find that prophet. They are probably thinking the same thing." Anastacia stated as they exited the cave they are in. 


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