Omega Summoner

Chapter 507 - Trial Of The Steep

Chapter 507 - Trial Of The Steep

Scarlet led Adrian to the Aeromorph village, and the latter marveled at the fact that the houses are of unique architecture. The houses that the aeromorphs built is located on top of the sturdy trees and are made of twigs and branches. 

The houses are basically just for eating, sleeping and resting as their cooking area is outside. There is also no town hall as their meeting place is the largest tree in the area. The aeromorphs are of different colors as if Adrian is in a Carnaval.

The colorful array of feathers is a beautiful sight for the eyes. Adrian is also at the center of attention as he did not apply Glamour. He is basically in his full demon form which made the Aeromorphs give him curious stares.

"You do know that the bindings are not needed. I will not run away or anything because you are already escorting me to the place that I need to be." Adrian stated.

"The vines binding you is more of a formality so that the others will not be alerted. I know that you could easily break those vines if you want to as I felt you gain strength when your clothes suddenly changed. Also, some people in the village are not fond of visitors because of certain reasons. 

This is a symbol of you respecting our customs. You can feel that their stares are only filled with curiosity and not hostility. Demons are really elusive after all which is the reason for their looks." Scarlet explained as they finally reached the large tree where the elders of their species hang out.

The large tree that is currently in front of Adrian is similar to that of a Narra tree that is an extremely durable tree. The scent that the tree is giving off is also very calming as it smells like morning dew. The calming effect of the tree must be the reason why the elders of the aeromorphs are holding the meetings here.

What Adrian want to know is how do the aeromorphs fly because he cannot see wings on their backs. Adrian has yet to see a flying aeromorph as it seems that flying is prohibited in the village unless they are in a hurry. He could see some flying in the distance, but he wants to know how they sprout their wings.

"It seems that you have brought a guest, little red." One of the elders that is perched on top of one of the branches of the three stated.

"A very unique guest if I do say so myself. The last demon that we have encountered is an old man, but he only came in contact with Elder Sparrow. The offer to help them get rid of a dark god that sprouted in the main world was what he said to the King." Another elder stated.

"Why have you brought a demon here, Scarlet?" Another elder asked.

There are currently four elders that are perched on the tall tree which looked like they are from four different bird species. The first elder that spoke is taller than the other elders despite being the oldest looking. She has dirty white feather with streaks of black feathers as her hair.

Despite being the eldest, Adrian could feel that she is the most powerful of the elders but also the calmest looking. The next elder has gray feathers with beady black eyes and also small in stature. He is small but that is what makes him dangerous as you might let your guard down if you underestimate him.

The next elder is plumper than the others and have strong feather eyebrows. He has a reddish hair that has streaks of brown and a big build that would make him huggable. This elder also has big eyes like that of an owl and his head could also turn all the way to the back.

The last elder perched is a fierce looking female that has a mane looking hair style. She also has this fierce ad sharp aura that radiates her dignity. She also has the sharpest talons among the four perched elders as she scratched the tree that looked very sturdy.

"I am sorry for the intrusion elders. I found him wandering inside our territory. When I questioned him, he said that he has come to participate in the trial as he need an audience with the Great Western Overlord.He even studied and knows of our traditions which is why I brought him while being bound by the constricting vines. 

Since the constricting vines did not tighten while on his way here, I could say that what he desires is true. If he is lying, then he would have struggled and try to break the constricting vines. He has passed my test." Scarlet answered.

Adrian shuddered upon hearing the name constricting vines because he knows what those are. They are vines that will bind its target tighter if the one bound resist more. Adrian did not recognize the vines as it looked different from the ones being sold in the auction house. He could be seeing a different species of the same plant. 

"Is this true?" The elder that looked like an owl asked Adrian.

"It is true. I need to speak with the western overlord so that I could ask it for help against the Wolf of Disaster. I plan to undergo the trial so that I may be considered worthy." Adrian replied which made the other elders talk with themselves while mumbling the words 'Wolf of Disaster'.

"For you to ask the Great Western Overlord help in subjugating that natural disaster, I do not know if you are brave or stupid. You will never pass the trial anyways. Not at this time of year anyway." The elder that looked like an eagle scoffed.

"Why do you seek the help of the western overlord with regards to the Wolf of Disaster? You should know that the great overlord will not help you even if you beg." The oldest looking elder caringly stated.

"I seek the Western Overlord's aid in battle as I need to help the fox clan and I want to kill the Wolf of Disaster. Our interests align which is why I want to help them, and the fox princess said that I do not stand a chance alone with the Wolf of Disaster." Adrian replied.

"If you are asking the help of the western overlord then did you ask the other overlords?" The small elder asked.

"Currently, only the eastern overlord has promised me his aid in battle. I am hoping for the western overlord's help as well after I pass the trial." Adria replied which shocked the aeromorph elders.

The elders of the aeromorph species did not expect that Adrian has already recruited one of the overlords to his cause. They did not believe it at first, but Adrian showed them the golden frog trinket as legitimate proof. They started to see that he demon in front of them might be young but certainly very impressive.

"You can only try your best though. Only the trail passers could have an audience with the western overlord. He only values the best fliers as he believes that those that rule the sky have the utmost advantage and are the destined ruler of the world. I will allow you to partake in the trial." The oldest of the elders stated.

"I may not believe that you could succeed but I will allow it." The eagle looking elder stated to ensure her approval.

"I also allow it. I want to see if the demon race has what it takes to overcome our trial." The small elder stated.

"I concur. He has been nothing but courteous which is why I also extend mine to him." The owl looking elder stated.

"Thank you. That is all that I could ask for. I am humbled by the elders of this village by letting me participate in what you have considered as sacred." Adrian spoke the words that could flatter anyone. He is trying to squeeze out some hints for the trial.

"Since everyone has agreed, I will tell you the rules of the trial. The rule is very simple. Using your own strength, climb the Savage Steep. For our younglings, ascending a kilometer is already an achievement but you need to climb to the top to gain an audience with the western overlord." The oldest of the elders stated.

"In other words, you just need to reach the top with all you got. Using your own ability without relying on others. Anything goes as long as you do not receive external help. For example, you cannot get help from the soulbound hiding in your shadow." The owl elder stated as he noticed Sirius hiding in Adrian's shadow which even Scarlet did not detect.

"Does that mean I could use magic to traverse the Savage Steep?" Adrian asked.

"You can if you can cast it. I doubt you will though. The Savage Steep is covered with stone with anti-magic properties. Magic barely works while you are near it, and it is also one of the reasons why only those of strong physique could ascend." The eagle elder stated which made Adrian frown.


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