Omega Summoner

Chapter 510 - The Elusive Overlord

Chapter 510 - The Elusive Overlord

"Challenger Equinox. I, the Western Overlord, has heard your wish. As tradition of this trial, I will respect your wish. I will be with you in your fight against the Wolf of Disaster. Not only me but also ten of my finest warriors will be with you in this battle." Scarlet stated as all the elders of the aeromorph race bowed to her.

Adrian became speechless as he was actually welcome by the overlord into the village. The eyes full of curiosity was not directed at him because he was a demon. The eyes were directed at the person that the western overlord herself personally invited inside the village. It now makes sense why no one dared to come to them or say hi.

"It seems that you are quite shocked that I am the western overlord. You did not think that I would be in this form. Did you think that I will be in this form when you meet me?" Scarlet stated as she transformed into a large vulture that looked so menacing up close.


Monster: Storm Vulture (Boss Monster)

Titles: Western Overlord, Storm Bringer, One who brings Typhoons

Level: 230

Description: One of the final evolutions of the vulture monster species. It is said to have been born due to the unrelenting storm that ravaged The Wilde from a long time ago. It is caring to its followers and allies but merciless to its enemies. It is said that a Storm Vulture could even make a dessert flourish with the rain that it brings on its flight.


As soon as the western overlord returned to her original form, storm clouds suddenly brewed on top of the Savage Steep. It seems that her title of Storm Bringer is not for show as she really could bring the storm with just her presence.

The western overlord is basically a vulture with black and white feathers for the body while her neck and head are covered with red storm clouds. The red storm clouds also act like a defensive mechanism for those who aim for her neck. Even Adrian could feel the enormous amount of energy present in the red storm clouds.

"Thank you, western overlord. I thank you for your generous heart. If you come with us, then victory would surely more probable. I do not want to be assured as I am not one to underestimate my enemies." Adrian stated as he bowed.

"You do not have to be so stiff. You have proven yourself with my trial, but I am curious on how you managed to conquer it. Even with my keen eyesight, I was not able to see how you broke the speed of sound." The Storm Vulture stated as she turned to her human form again.

"I guess it would be better to answer to clear any doubts of cheating or if you have any suspicion. I basically froze time and boosted my body to the max. It made me surpass the speed of sound." Adrian answered to which Scarlet's eyes sparkle.

"Such a shame. I would have wanted to see how you did that. The glorious blaze of your fast flight would have made my heart race. I am such a speed demon myself. Oh! Excuse the pun." Scarlet stated as she laughed but the elders of the aeromorphs all looked tired when she said that.

From Adrian's observation, the western overlord is not troublesome because of her attitude but her constant need for speed or adrenaline. It seems that the elders of he aeromorphs have been troubled by her in one way or another.

"If the old toad trusts you then he might have seen potential in you. He would not have given you his trinket if he thought that you had no chance in a battle against the Wolf of Disaster. But just to be sure, you are bringing an army, correct?" Scarlet asked with a serious expression.

"Yes. It would be foolish not to. The fox clan will help and also the ox clan as I have a friend who is a member of the latter. Some of my friends will also come and my soulbounds will also be there." Adrian stated as he summoned all his soulbounds which caught the eye of the elders and the western overlord.

The western overlord looked satisfied with Adrian's soulbounds, but her gaze stopped at Saena. She seemed to stop for a second before smiling to Adrian. Adrian did not catch her slight pause as he is busy reading the messages that Kabrakan has given him.

"I see then I can rest at ease that my subjects will not needlessly sacrifice themselves. It is finally time for our revenge against the Wolf of Disaster." Scarlet stated which made Adrian curious why she said the word 'revenge'.

"Did the Wolf of Disaster do something to you? You said revenge so I assumed that something happened with the wolf of disaster." Adrian asked as he is curious.

"That good for nothing dog managed to harm my wings which took a decade to heal. It only managed to heal a year ago which is why I am still not straining myself or else I would have been flying the endless skies of this world." Scarlet stated as she boiled with rage.

"It seems that her human form is what she took on in order to recover. I guess it is true that intelligent monsters that can transform will revert to a more suitable form to recover." Arian thought as Scarlet plucked one of the feathers and gave it to Adrian.josei

"Take this. In order to call me, you just need to release my feather to the wind. I will come straight away with the warriors that I chose. I will personally end the life of that blasted wolf." Scarlet stated with incredible resolution.

"Thank you. Any tips on the last overlord? The overlord of the east did not tell me that much about the overlord of the south." Adrian asked as he will now head south in record time. 

"Even I do not know as that individual is very fickle about things. All I can say is that the southern overlord is the laziest and careful among us three overlords. You should appeal to the overlord if you want to recruit the southern overlord. That individual is literally cold blooded." Scarlet stated.

Adrian then bid farewell to the western overlord. He did not expect that the western overlord is easier to handle than he thought. In reality, Scarlet got enamored by Adrian's wings which is why she let him undergo the trial immediately to test its durability and strength.

Adrian has five days left to recruit the remaining overlord, but something tells him that it would not be easy. Unlike the overlords of the east and west, the southern overlord is a loner. It does not mind other monsters living in its territory as long as they do not make a mess of it.

One thing is for sure and that is the Wolf of Disaster attacked the southern overlord back then. The wolf of Disaster is said to have been repelled by the southern overlord but that is already when Fenris had an injury prior to the battle with the First Selvaggian King.

The fox clan elders managed to see the miserable state of the Wolf of Disaster back then, but it was not damaged to a degree where they can finish the boss monster off. They did see something like a tail being bitten by the Wolf of Disaster like a trophy of victory despite being repelled.


Adrian arrived at the southern part of the Wilde easily by flying on Kanlaon. The odd thing is that no flying monsters dared to come near him not because he was stronger but because of the feather given to him. It seems that a feather of the western overlord could already stop any hostile attempts from the flying monsters.

The southern part of The Wilde is also a forest area, but it has a mixture of volcanoes with it. The trees looked like they are charred black but is still full of life. It seems that the surrounding plants also evolved with their surroundings as the heat that Adrian felt is not immediately combusting branches that fallen off.

"From Scarlet's decription, the southern overlord is cold blooded. With the stories of the fox clan elders that Ashana told me, the southern overlord also has a tail. It could only be a reptile like creature that needs heat in order to function. 

A reptile will not live in an area like this unless it needs a heat source for its cold blood. I suddenly feel like one of those nature explorers on the hunt for rare wild animals." Adrian thought as he entered the southern territory inner border.

The moment that Adrian stepped on the inner border, he suddenly felt a piercing gaze directed at him. The gaze is not hostile but more of a scrutinizing one. He did get information that the southern overlord could detect others from faraway. Adrian suddenly got curious of the elusive overlord.

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