Omega Summoner

Chapter 523 - The King Commands You

Chapter 523 - The King Commands You

The Selvaggian Race could be called a dwindling race due to their numbers being very low. Since a lot of the beastkins are long lived, the challenge of procreation is also in effect like what other long lived races experience.

In fact, their low numbers are due to other species not getting along with each other as they do not proactively help each other. Even the royalty only act as mediators and not as official leaders because their race likes freedom above all else. This is also the reason for their demise as a race.

Unlike the Daemos that is hunted for centuries, the Selvaggians should have been able to expand their numbers. They are in a suitable environment, and they are safe but the nature of the beastkins that wanted freedom held this back. 

When the beastkin royal family have noticed this problem, it is already too late as their numbers dwindles to three thousand in a short amount of time. Coupled with the appearance of the Wolf of Disaster that keeps terrorizing them, the numbers of the beastkins became stuck at five thousand.josei

The hydromorph species of the Selvaggians might be faring better but they rarely interact with the land dwellers in the main world. The current king of the Selvaggian race, Leonidas, is one of the best and charismatic kings to have ever graced the throne of the beastkins.

He managed to unite every terramorph species to his cause and even have an understanding with the aeromorph species. He staked his throne to whoever finds the Will of the Wilde and that the next ruler will be the one that brings back their most precious item.

Leonidas, the current Selvaggian King, is now sitting on his throne with the princess of the fox clan and the hero of the ox clan having an audience with him. The princess of the fox clan and the hero of the ox clan is currently asking for help with the subjugation of the Wolf of Disaster.

Leonidas admits that they are brave for even thinking of the idea but foolish to even execute it. Even he, though he might not admit it, fears the Wolf of Disaster as it managed to injure the first king greatly. In the tales that was told, the first king ascended to godhood but that is only partially true as the royal family hid the entire truth.

The First King of the Selvaggians actually suffered a great injury that made him weaken when he managed to injure the Wolf of Disaster. It was only the use of a divine herb that the first king managed to ascend. The divine herb was gifted by the will of the world for the great help of the First Selvaggian King.

The First King decreed that the royal family must vanquish the Wolf of Disaster but every one that tried died. Each Selvaggian King could only have a term of five decades since they are a long-lived race. After their term, the kings would then be tasked to kill the Wolf of Disaster, but no one has yet to succeed.

Leonidas is about to brush off the idea of giving them aid as he does not like sending people to their deaths. He then heard something that should be impossible at least from his understanding.

"We have tasked someone to gain the participation of the three overlords." Ashana, the princess of the fox clan, stated.

"How sure are you that the one you tasked with gaining the support of the overlords will succeed?" Leonidas asked.

"I am pretty sure that he will succeed no matter what. I have been told that he already finished recruiting the east and west overlord. It is only a matter of time before he also gains the support of the southern overlord." Kabrakan, the hero of the ox clan, replied with great confidence.

In his view, Adrian might seem like a person that skips the difficult parts, but he does not give up even if he fails. He always tries his best even though he does not look like he is trying his best. He knows that his childhood friend does not have the word 'forfeit' in his vocabulary.

"Plus, Adrian gets really irritating if he fails. I remember one time when we failed to clear a dungeon in a past game and he made us repeat it until we succeeded. My hands got sore, and I was not able to go to the restroom because of him." Kabrakan thought as he remembered the grinding days.

"For the hero of the ox clan to be this confident about your friend, what clan is he from?" Leonidas asked and then Kabrakan suddenly received a message from Adrian that he gained the support of the southern overlord. Even he was shocked by this revelation as it was just a day ago that Adrian reported to recruit the west overlord.

As Kabrakan is reading the message, a tiger beastkin suddenly barged in and reported something to King Leonidas. The tiger beastkin apologized for his sudden intrusion but the message is really important.

"My liege, the southern overlord is currently fighting with one of the Child of Disasters." The tiger beastkin stated as the report from the scouts have just arrived.

"Are you fighting the Child of Disaster?" Kabrakan asked Adrian via the messaging function.

"Oh! We already defeated the Child of Disaster a few minutes ago, but the glory should be towards the southern overlord. The overlords are really strong but what fears me is the strength of the Wolf of Disaster. If we need the overlords to defeat it then it will be an uphill battle." Adrian replied.

If Kabrakan is drinking right now, then he might have spit out his drink but thankfully he is not. He deliberated if he should tell the Selvaggian King of what he found out or not. The next sentence that the tiger beastkin stated made him intervene.

"Should we mobilize the army, my liege? The southern overlord would not be able to kill the Child of Disaster as the one who attacked her is Alphus, the eldest of the three and closest to the strength of the Wolf of Disaster." The tiger beastkin stated.

"We should help the southern overlord and send word to the other overlords as well. Also, see if the other overlords are being attacked as well. If all the overlords fall then we will be doomed." King Leonidas stated.

"Uhmm…Can I speak?" Kabrakan stated as he raised his hand like an obedient child.

"I am sorry but there is an urgent matter now." Leonidas stated but Kabrakan insisted.

"It is actually about the southern overlord." Kabrakan meekly stated which made King Leonidas raise his brow.

"If it is then I will permit you to speak." King Leonidas stated as it might be vital information about the southern overlord.

"My friend, the one that the fox princess tasked with gaining the support of the overlords, told me that this Child of Disaster has been beaten." Kabrakan stated but the room suddenly fell silent. Even the ministers that are looking at him with disdain are shocked.

"Can you repeat what you just said?" King Leonidas stated as he thought that he heard incorrectly.

"The Child of Disaster is already killed by the southern overlord with the help of my friend. You should have met him once as he is the student of the three Daemos Elders. He is not a Selvaggian but a Daemos." Kabrakan stated as the whole room is still silent from the shock.

"Are you sure about this information!?" Ashana asked Kabrakan as she does not know that players could chat with each other.

As Kabraka is about to answer her, another beastkin someone from the cheetah line burst from door. The cheetah beastkin looked extremely exhausted as if she used everything to reach her destination in record time.

"The Child of Disaster, Alphus, has been killed by the Southern Overlord and a giant demonic being with six arms." The cheetah beastkin reported which made the court of ministers exclaim in shock.

"Quiet! Everyone please calm down. Is this news true?" King Leonidas asked the cheetah beastkin as misinformation is not to be taken lightly. If that the news is not true, then she would be sent to prison for lying to the king.

"Yes, your majesty. I came from the area myself and rushed here as soon as I saw the death of the Child of Disaster. I stake my life and I will never lie to you, my king." The cheetah beastkin stated with great determination.

King Leonidas carefully observed the behaviors of the cheetah beastkin and found out that she is not lying. She is unwavering in her resolution which means she is not falsifying reports. Leonidas thought that she escaped or avoided her duty, but she would not be exhausted from running if she did not do her duty.

"Everyone, assemble all the Clan heads!" King Leonidas commanded using his ability Absolute Authority.

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