Omega Summoner

Chapter 536 - Solstice Maiden

Chapter 536 - Solstice Maiden


Adrian issued every command that he could. He can only wait for the spells that Peridot is channeling to take effect. He can feel the energy she is accumulating though as she also sucked in some of the wind element from the Winds of Protection cast around her. 

She also sucked in some of the water element from the ice dome protecting her. Whatever spell that she is using, it will surely pack a punch that can blow away groups of enemies. The intensity of the mana around her is enough to send anyone flying.

Peridot is currently using two advance magic spells at the same time. She could do it because of her special skill called Draconic Tongue. It is a passive skill that makes people capable of casting two spells at the same time and it is only available to a select few of dragonkin.


Skill: Draconic Tongue

Tier: Racial

Type: Passive

Effect: Able to shorten the length of chants by half. Decrease Mana Cost by half and gives the skill bearer the ability to chant two spells at the same time as long as they know the Draconic Language.

Cooldown: 1 hour

Mana Cost: None

Cast Time: Instant

Restriction: Can only be used when using the Draconic Language


The two magic spells that she used are area spells that can change the terrain. The wind type spell called 'Storm' and the water type spell called 'La Nina'. The two spells basically change the weather and their mana cost astronomical.

She would have not been able to pull it off if she casted normally which makes the passive skills of dragon's cheat class. She is now flexing even more since she felt lacking with her previous demonstrations. The two lesser fenrirs in their area are basically a world boss equivalent when combined.

"Storm!" Peridot finally stated as the clouds around them changed and became dark. Thunder started to roll and even lightning flashes are seen up above the clouds.

Adrian did not let this chance go by and threw the red feather up in the air. The red feather floated up in the air and soon became enveloped in a sphere of compressed air with dark clouds. The feather started crackling with red lightning that looked so fearsome.

"La Nina!" Peridot shouted and the heavy storm clouds that she summoned started to pour rain. The rain fell so hard that it even damaged the enemies while it actually healed their allies.

Adrian used this chance to bring out the golden toad and he dropped in on the ground. The golden toad then started to seep into the muddy ground. This all happened quickly as they were focused on Peridot that was casting the spell. 

Peridot floated to the ground and two of her floating stones lost their color. Her floating stones are now four in number and represented the four basic elements. The stones that lost color pertained to the wind and water elements.

She also entered a state of exhaustion as she dropped on the ground. It seems that she has yet to fully get used to using that ability of hers as she said that a lot of her stamina got consumed. She did not expect that much stamina to get consumed but she also noticed that her mana bar is completely empty.

"You are lucky that you did not faint since that is usually the case for players that recklessly empty their mana bars." Adrian stated as he worried but he is actually smiling. He could tell that the summoning is actually going well since a large amount of energy is swirling in their location.

The two lesser fenrirs saw this and immediately detected the danger. They could feel that something is being summoned in the location, but they also fear their father more. If they retreat from this location, then they might get eaten by their own father since they are failures.

In truth, the Wolf of Disaster, Fenris, is not sad that his eldest sone died but sad because he did not consume his dead son. He would have become more powerful if he did so, but he also walked carefully when it comes to his children. Even a ruler needs pawns when battling the gods themselves.



Two simultaneous howls came from both Skoll and Hati. Their physical forms that are covered with fur started to shift into forms that are not completely physical. Skoll and Hati are not only recognized as future sun and moon devours but also deception and hate.

Skoll, who is the twin sister of Hati, symbolized deception which is why she started to conjure up mirror images of herself. Each mirror image looked like an exact copy of herself that even Adrian's Evil Eyes could not distinguish. Without Adrian's evil eye, they would have to find the real one by fighting each mirror image.

Hati, the twin brother of Skoll, symbolized Hate and grows powerful the more the battle takes longer to finish. He is basically increasing his stats per minute as seen by the increasing damage that the southern overlord is getting by tanking his attacks. If they do not finish him up soon then they might get swallowed by the beast's jaws.

"You said we are only getting to battle one world boss but why does it feel that we are actually battling three." Levin Cloud grumbled as he is now out of mana from healing their constantly injured allies. The demon wolves seem to be getting powered up as well ever since Skoll and Hati used their signature skills.

[Each demon wolf will have an increased small chance of evading attacks.]

[Each demon wolf is now gaining more damage until they can double their attack power.]

Scary system notifications are starting to pop up ever since the aura of Skoll and Hati changed. The twin lesser fenrirs are now actively participating in the battle which worries Adrian a lot. The summoning of the eastern and western overlord is taking so long.

He is starting to fear that Skoll and Hati are attempting to eat the two tokens. The twin lesser fenrirs have been trying to reach the location of the two tokens but King Leonidas and the Sacred Snake are blocking the two from ever reaching it. The downside is that both of them are also getting damaged more than before.

"I guess, I should step up my game as well. If little Peridot is going all out here, then so shall I. I will not get this chance later anyway." Solstice stated as the heavy armor that covered all her body is finally starting to turn abyss and way sexier.

Solstice is currently wearing a golden armor that covered her entire body since being exposed to direct sunlight is weakening her stats. Although she does not get damaged by sunlight, the weakening effect is very prevalent and a huge nuisance to her.

She circumvented this weakness by clearing a very difficult solo mission that even she thought that she cannot do. Her reward for her mission is called the "Solstice Maiden". The moment she heard the name of this armor, she immediately screamed that it was designed just for her as it perfectly matches her personality that has duality.

The Solstice Maiden is basically a golden plated living armor that becomes stronger by feeding armors to it. It also makes the user immune to the harmful effects of sunlight which is why she did not have decreased stats when she is walking in broad daylight. 

The armor is basically like a fully sealed box that does not let even a tiny amount of light pass through. The usefulness of this armor is not limited to the light sealing function but also its Night mode. The Solstice armor changes in aesthetic with the time of day.

At morning or where light is present, it is like a large tin can that is heavy but extremely durable. At night, it is different as it looks like it is a very sexy dress made of shadows that wrap around perfectly on a woman's body. Even the beastkin warriors were captivated by the sight of Solstice's dominatrix looking armor made of shadows.

The most important part of this armor is not the sexiness but the special effect. It increases the user's agility at night while it increases the user's endurance at morning. The suit of armor is basically tailor made for the vampire species that is shy and weakened during the day.

"Blood Queen has been fully charged. It is time that I can finally rampage to my hearts content." Solstice stated with her pretty face but that face also sent shivers down Adrian's spine. That is the face of her sister when she is completely serious and would devastate any enemy in her wake.

He has only seen that face a couple of times and that is when bullies tried to take advantage of Adrian. She did not spare them and thoroughly enjoyed beating them up. 

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