Omega Summoner

Chapter 539 - Strange Blooming Flower

Chapter 539 - Strange Blooming Flower

The Grand Toad made a giant mud wall that separated the far north with the area they are now. To add even more security, the Storm Vulture added strong winds that would block those that will attempt to jump the hundred-meter mud walls.

"Move away old man." Skoll stated in an angry feminine voice which greatly shocked everyone.

"You too birdbrain unless you want to get plucked from the sky." Hati stated which added to the shock of everyone in the area.

"You finally decided to speak. I thought that you two have already become mindless wolves like the first of your siblings." The Storm Vulture stated.

What the Storm Vulture is implying is that the Wolf of Disaster did not only have three children but also others. The thing that separated the three Child of Disasters is that they were sentient and did not rampage just because they cannot handle their strengths.

The early children of the Wolf of Disaster are like this which is why they were often easily killed by the overlords when they rampage in their territories. The Wolf of Disaster also culled the mindless children by eating them as their stupidity led the demon wolf pack to be easily decimated by their enemies.

"It is better if you do not go to our father's location. The Southern overlord and the Selvaggian King will not be able to defeat him. They are only marching to their doom." Skoll stated but the overlords did not believe them.

"You think that we are fools that will do as you say? Why would you try so hard in keeping them away if your father is strong enough? That arrogant puppy would have marched towards us by now if he really became stronger than all of us." The Storm Vulture stated.

The two lesser fenrirs could not sway the overlords to step away which is why they need to kill them before the southern overlord reach their father. The Wolf of Disaster specifically ordered them to keep the invaders away from his location. If the Wolf of Disaster knew that they failed, then they would would be punished or worse…get eaten.

The Grand Toad and his servants attacked Skoll at the same time. The giant frog with a bubble smoking pipe created a flurry of bubbles that spread across the area. The one with two swords dove towards the ground and emerged behind Skoll.

The giant toad with two swords kicked Skoll towards the sky. When Skoll hit the bubbles suspended in the air, a loud explosion of steam could be seen that damaged her. The remaining warriors focused on culling the demon wolves as they are using everything, they have to protect the two lesser fenrirs.

Solstice and Lycan also used the chance to come close to Skoll as the unique boss is more focused on the eastern overlord. Before the two could come close, a pack of ten high level demon wolves surrounded them. Countless wind blades then came to their location as Peridot provided them support so that they could regroup.

On the other side, the western overlord is basically making use of the Storm that Peridot summoned to add more power in her attacks. She already repelled Hati from climbing the mud wall more than once as the latter is determined to chase Adrian's group.

The western overlord does not want Hati to touch the wall or else the water attribute that is holding it together might nullify. She is also immensely shocked by the half elemental that she is battling with as he provided clear support that would mistake them as battling for years due to their synergy.

Vayu would use the air currents that the Storm Vulture to swing his attacks back towards Hati. The lesser fenrir has been caught off guard a bunch of times which made it take some heavy damage. Despite the obvious advantage, the battle does not seem to end soon which is their greatest fear.

If Adrian's group perishes because they could not follow them then this world is doomed. Although they have an overlord and the Selvaggian King, something inside them is telling them that it is not enough. This heavy looming feeling that something bad will happen has been present ever since the energy wave hit them.


Adrian's group that advanced further into the northern territory is met with five or ten demon wolves, but they were easily dispatched by the southern overlord with King Leonidas and his royal knights. Adrian is now focused on getting to the area of the Wilde Flower since the eastern and western overlord created an unbreachable wall just to stop any pursuers.

"Is the area where the source of that energy wave near?" King Leonidas asked the southern overlord as he is also getting impatient.

"We are almost there. It should be just behind this cliff." The Southern Overlord stated, and she was not mistaken.josei

Pass the snowy cliff is a huge open area with a small land with grass. The area covered with green lush grass is only about a meter in diameter with an odd flower growing in the middle of it. Every individual present could tell that this flower must be extraordinary for it to be able to bloom in such a desolate place as the north.

The group cautiously went towards the flower as the Southern Overlord stated that it is the Wilde Flower, but something is strange about its aura. She could not tell from this far which is why they needed to get closer. They moved with each other's back touching against one another as they do not know where the Wolf of Disaster might attack.

When the group is about to reach the fifty-meter mark, their surroundings suddenly got shrouded in complete darkness. Even Adrian's vision is completely dark which has never happened before. This is the first time that he experienced this since he could even see in the darkness of space.

"Everyone r.." The Sacred Snake shouted followed by her loud shriek as she got attacked by something.

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