Omega Summoner

Chapter 542 - Grand Toad Versus Skoll

Chapter 542 - Grand Toad Versus Skoll

The eastern overlord versus Skoll is something that can only be stated as not fair. The eastern overlord with his two subordinates is battling Skoll with Solstice, Lycan, and the beastkin warriors. The eastern overlord might have been winning but there are many beastkins that are already dead on their side.

The beastkins are now half the number that they have. Some died while some got critically injured and are no longer able to battle. Even with Levin Cloud's support, they could not et back to battle as the attacks of the unique boss is preventing healing effects. 

Everyone damaged by Skoll will get the reduced healing status debuff due to her skill Cauterize. The heat of her attacks basically immediately burns the wounds thereby immediately closing it. The closed wounds would then slow down in healing as it is still burning their skin layer.

Even Solstice and Lycan could barely give great support as they still wanted to keep some of their skills in order to kill the final boss. They must not use all their cards here or else they will be useless when it comes to fighting the World Boss.

The Sword Toad which carries two swords is currently using his great agility and jumping power in order to damage Skoll. The only problem is that the Sword Toad is already tired as it is breathing heavier than before. Giant beads of sweat could also be seen rolling down its moist skin.

The Bubble Toad could not provide great support as its bubbles are no longer effective against Skoll. The unique boss is now burning so hot that she melted the snow around her. The temperature is rising rapidly that even the beastkins with great stamina is showing signs of immense exhaustion.

The Grand Toad used his mud abilities but the ground below him is already too dry to be shaped. The Grand Toad could only use skills that used the earth in creating weapons or tombs. Needless to say, the situation is turning dire. 

The Grand Toad then heard the shriek of the Storm Vulture which made him lose focus on the battle for a split second. That split second was all it took for Skoll to launch a counterattack. Skoll suddenly vanished as the sword of the Sword Toad passed through air.

Skoll reappeared beside the Grand Toad as she aimed for the latter's neck. The unique boss' fangs became shrouded in flames as she aimed towards the neck of the Grand Toad. The Grand Toad is about to try and evade but he could not jump immediately as he was caught unaware.

As Skoll's jaws near the Grand Toad's neck, a smoking pipe suddenly greeted her jaws. The smoking pipe got bitten by Skoll, but it immediately broke into two. This shocked even the Grand Toad that is now a few meters away from Skoll as the former managed to jump back.

The Bubble Toad suddenly noticed the killing intent poured towards itself, but it was too late. The enmity that it got from blocking Skoll's attack is transferred to her. A ring of fire suddenly enveloped the Bubble Toad as it screamed in pain. Skoll's eyes became a blazing inferno as fire came out of it.josei

The Sword Toad saw that its partner is in trouble which is why it recklessly aimed his swords towards Skoll's neck. The burning gaze that Skoll had suddenly shifted towards the Sword Toad as the latter started to combust. The Bubble toad that was on fire is no longer burning but his body is still charred.

Fortunately, the Bubble Toad is still alive, but its body is now pitch black due to being burned. Its skin is also dry due to losing moisture which is dangerous for it as frog or toad monsters breath using their skin. The Bubble Frog could be seen struggling to even stand up as its started to shudder.

The Grand Toad, who saw his underling in great pain, used a skill to preserve the Bubble Toad.

"Rejuvenating Mud!" The Grand Toad Stated as the muddy area around the Bubble Toad swallowed the latter's charred body.

Not only that, Levin Cloud also applied a blessing on the mud in order to heal the Bubble Toad faster. Seeing that the gaze of the unique boss is dangerous, Solstice and Lycan attacked from two different side. Solstice and Lycan flanked the left and right sides, respectively.

Solstice formed a large array of blood swords around her as she collected them from the dead demon wolves that the beastkins are still fighting. Lycan transformed his claws into werewolf claws and even used a buff on it as it radiated a bloody red aura.

As soon as the Grand Toad managed to heal his subordinate, it looked at Skoll with sharp killing intent. The Grand Toad suddenly dove towards the ground and vanished from sight. The ground below Skoll suddenly started cracking unusually as it sunk the unique boss' feet.

The uneven standing ground made Skoll trip due to the uneven ground but that is not all that the Grand Toad has done. The cracks on the ground suddenly became bigger and the Grand Toad used his head to strike Skoll. The unique boss emitted a pained growl as it got attacked by a hundred blood swords and her left eye got scratched.

The burning Sword Toad plopped onto the ground with it charred body. The Grand Toad used the same skill that he used on the Bubble Toad. The Sword Toad got swallowed by the ground and is now unable to battle. Skoll's killing intent suddenly became strong as the sun as her left eye is throbbing in pain while bleeding.

Seeing as they angered the unique boss, Solstice and Lycan is extremely happy. They are happy because an intelligent boss monster that is full of rage cannot focus on thinking about the battle. Boss monsters like that will rely on their instincts in order to fight. 

What they did not know is that they went too far as Skoll is now using her ultimate ability. Skoll's body is suddenly absorbing the light and heat from her surroundings. She now looks like a radiating sun in the middle of the dark stormy night.

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