Omega Summoner

Chapter 559 - Void Demolition

Chapter 559 - Void Demolition

Due to the Wilde Flower being a special quest item that will dictate the flow of the events in the world, it cannot be hidden in the special space of players called the inventory. Solstice also got notifications as soon as Ashana managed to scoop the soil where the Wilde Flower grew.

[The NPC Ashana has uprooted the Wilde Flower.]

[You must protect her or else the Wilde Flower will fall under the possession of the Wolf of Disaster.]

[You can either kill the Wolf of Disaster or escape the northern territory in order to successfully carry out your mission.]

[If Ashana dies then the wolf clan will no longer have any favorability towards any of your group members.]

All of them received the last notification but Solstice received all of them which means the pressure is on her. Ashana and Solstice are now running away from the battlefield. The direction that they are heading towards is Adrian and Levin Cloud's location.

Solstice knew that the world boss is now targeting them, and the safest place would be the place with the strongest amount of energy. It is also the most strategic location to get defended as Adrian and Levin Cloud are also getting protected by the team. It would do them better to group up than spread out and split up the resources of the team.

Solstice summoned her yeti and grabbed Ashana on top of him as they rode towards the location of Adrian and Levin Cloud. Fenris stood up as he shook his head in order to shake off the blood of his face as his eye started to slowly recover. The fact that Fenris started to heal worried everyone because he is now below 20% health, but it is rising steadily.

The Grand Toad decided that Fenris must fall now and that they could not wait for the attack of both Adrian and Levin Cloud. The Grand Toad and the Storm Vulture decided to do what needs to be done even if they start burning their life. Should they fall, another overlord will be chosen in their place which is why they have decided to get rough.

The Storm Vulture coated her body with wind elemental attribute magic and started ramming the world boss. She kept ramming Fenris until the world boss retaliated by jumping and slashing at her back. The Storm Vulture crashed towards the ground and Fenris is about to finish her off, but the Grand Toad kicked the world boss away.

Despite the huge body of the world boss, Fenris managed to maneuver its body in mid air and land on its four feet. It did not have a breather though as Dodu once again showed up from the mist and clung on the world boss' face.

Fenris could not easily shake off the giant nether slime as it is immune to physical damage. Fenris had to use its energy and release a burst of darkness attribute magic so that Dodu would retreat. The howl of a wolf is heard inside the mist as the mist itself started to grasp at the limbs of the world boss. Sirius is using the nether mist like what he would of his shadows.

The nether mist grasping at the limbs of the world boss is accompanied by lightning chains. A spontaneous burst of lightning is also added to that as Kimat is supporting Sirius. Fenris is easily taking in the damage of the skills as it barely decreases his health.

Fenris already knew that his enemies are not planning to utterly kill him but buy some time. If the Wilde Flower is out of his grasp, then he would ultimately lose in due time. With the help of Solstice' companion, they managed to reach the location of the two large existences that are Adrian and Levin Cloud.

Saena appeared from the mist and covered the Storm Vulture with nether mist in order to heal her. Fenris saw this but did not bother as the Wilde Flower is now slipping away from his grasps. If he does not eat it now, then he will surely die in due time.

Fenris is not running away from the attack of both Adrian and Levin Cloud because he is confident that he could dodge it. He is only having difficulty getting close to both Adrian and Levin Cloud as they are protected by numerous posies.

"It seems like all of you have a death wish. I should aid all of you then." Fenris stated.

Fenris absorbed something in the surroundings and released a giant explosion of miasma hat inflicted different status ailments towards of his enemies in the area. The status ailments are all random as it differs depending on the individual.

[Vayu has been paralyzed for ten seconds.]

[Soleil has been silenced for 1 minute.]

[Kabrakan has been poisoned. He will lose 1% health every 10 seconds.]

[Peridot has been afflicted by slumber. If she gets attacked, she will be awoken.]

[Lycan has been afflicted by the weakened status ailment. All of his stats will be reduced by 10% for five minutes.]action

[Creepysoo has resisted the paralyzing status ailment.]

[Levin Cloud has resisted the status ailment.]

[Sirius has been paralyzed for one minute.]

[Saena has resisted the status ailment as she absorbed it.]

[Dodu got infected with poison. Dodu will lose 2% health every ten seconds.]

[Kimat got put to sleep. Getting attacked by an enemy will be able to awaken him.]

Charon has resisted the status ailment as he cannot be put to sleep.]

[You have resisted the status ailment.]

"Saena! Absorb all the status ailments from the others!" Adrian commanded via their soul link.

Saena carried on with the task that she was given as her figure can be seen flying inside the nether mist. She started getting the status ailments of the soulbounds first before she went to the others. She first absorbed the poisoned individuals as they will die from poison if they do not get cured.

The only way that Adrian and Levin Cloud resisted the status ailments is that they cannot be stopped when casting the spell Void Demolition. They could still die if they get damaged since they will be vulnerable to damage despite being immune to status ailments.

The Grand Toad got poisoned and paralyzed as he was near Fenris when he cast that wide area curse. The Storm Vulture got weakened and could not get up since she is heavily injured. Saena had to pause her healing because she also got poisoned.

King Leonidas and the royal knights also got two status ailments since they were close to Fenris. The ones that are not affected because they are out of reach are Ashana and Solstice while those that resisted have natural immunities to status ailments.

"Robin Hood now! Death Piercer!" Creepysoo shouted as he wanted to attack Fenris immediately after it released a skill.

The most common tactic in fighting a world boss is to attack it immediately after it casts a spell or ability. He is waiting for this chance as the skill Death Piercer is a skill that trades the current life of his undead knight for a special effect.


Skill: Death Piercer

Tier: Legendary

Type: Active Special

Effect: Using the life of the caster, the arrow pierces the soul of the target and separates a copy of it. The separated copy of the soul is sent out of the target's body. The separated copy will then be able to be attacked by allies to deal damage towards the target. 

Duration: 10 minutes

Mana Cost: None

Cost: -1 level

Cooldown: None

Cast Time: Instant


[The world boss, Fenris, got hit by the Death Piercer skill.]

[You can deal damage to the boss by attacking the copied soul of the target.]

[The effect of this skill will dissipate of Creepysoo dies.]

Fenris got hit by the Death Piercer and a copy of its soul got separated from its body. The soul looked exactly like Fenris but more ghostly. It is also connected with a ghoulish chain that goes towards Fenris' chest where his heart is located.

"Everyone go and attack the soul copy!" Creepysoo shouted as he activated a skill that turned himself invisible since the effect will dissipate if he dies. An important skill like this must not be wasted since it cost a whole level for Creepysoo's undead knight.

Fenris saw this and already tried its skill to cancel all skills afflicting it. Fenris howled but the chain connecting him, and the soul copy did not disappear. The laugh of Creepysoo could be heard all around as his giggle filled the area since he knew what Fenri tried to do.

The others believed Creepysoo and started attacking the soul copy. All the damage that the soul copy got is transferred towards Fenris. The damage transferred is not a one-to-one ratio though. The damage that they deal towards the soul copy will only deal 50% towards Fenris but that made the world boss become more violent.

"May you be returned to nothingness! Void Demolition!" Both Adrian and Levin Cloud stated.

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