Omega Summoner

Chapter 563 - Fox Marble

Chapter 563 - Fox Marble

"I want to thank you, Champion Equinox. Thanks to your help in convincing the overlords, we managed to become victorious against the Wolf of Disaster." King Leonidas stated as he bowed in front of Adrian which his ministers did not like. 

The ministers believed that a king should not bow to anyone unless they are the gods themselves. They may not like it but even they admit that the threat to the beastkins is no more since Fenris has been erased from existence. The ministers also bowed before Adrian in order to express their gratitude.

"No need to thank me too much as we just faced a common enemy. We both helped each other but sadly not all of us emerged victorious." Adrian stated as he remembered the Sacred Snake. She might have overly praised him, but she was a good-natured individual.

"We are really grateful to you because we managed to retrieve the lost treasure that will restore the Selvaggian race. We finally have it in our hands thanks to you. Who knew that the Wolf of Disaster actually ate this treasure? No wonder we could not find it because it has been in the possession of our greatest enemy." King Leonidas stated as he held something like a lotus flower that has yet to blossom.

"Is it working? I have not seen any new beastkins though?" Adrian asked.

"Alas. It has been drained of energy. Fenris must have used its energy in order to recover from his past wounds. Even I do not know how to fill up the Will of the Wilde with energy once again. I will consult the overlords once they have recovered as they are the only ones who have lived long enough to know of the secret behind it." King Leonidas stated while Adrian internally celebrated.

Adrian thought that he would be the one getting assigned with the restoration of the Will of the Wilde, but he is thankful that he is not. He is done with grueling tasks as he needs to level up more and evolve his soulbounds. He still needs to help deal with the dark god and has no clues on what to do with it.

"Champion Equinox, we the Selvaggian Race thank you for your assistance. In your time of need, we will be at your side like brother at arms. We will not turn our back when you are in need of our assistance." King Leonidas stated as Adrian is given the promise of the beastkin.

[You have been given the Promise of the Beast King.]

[You can ask aide from the Selvaggian King once and he will help you without fail.]

"Thank you for the generous gift your majesty." Adrian bowed.josei

"Grandmother, please wait!" The voice of Ashana sounded outside of the throne room.

"You do not order me child. I need to see the face of my benefactor." A voice of a rather old woman stated but she still sounded firm and domineering.

The doors of the throne room are flung open as a girl that looked like she is about fifteen years old entered like a boss. She wore a priestesses' kimono and headed straight towards Adrian. She then looked at Adrian from his head to his toe and bowed towards the floor.

"I thank you for your help, great benefactor. The fox clan will be forever grateful to you as you have saved my life from succumbing to a curse. You will forever be the friend of the fox clan." The fifteen-year-old looking girl stated.

[You have received the title 'Friend of the Fox Clan'.]

"Grandmother! I told you that you should not intrude." Ashana stated as she stood behind the fifteen-year-old girl looking really tired.

"You really do not change, Ahra. It seems that your stunted growth also stunted your personality." King Leonidas stated.

"The king is right, Clan Head Ahra. There are proper manners and etiquette that must be observed in the palace of the king." One of the ministers stated while the other's voiced their opinions as well.

"I never realized that I would actually miss berating me for my manners once again. Screw off lame old men. I am expressing my gratitude to the one who helped me. I do not care if you are the king, but you still must respect your elders. You old brats have yet to be born when I was already the head of the fox clan." Ahra, the Head of the Fox Clan, stated with her domineering attitude.

"So Aernas is a shota while Ahra is a loli. Whoever designed them must have some sort of eight grade syndrome or something." Adrian muttered to himself.

"I,Ahra the Head of the Fox Clan, reward the Champion Equinox with our greatest treasure. The Fox Marble that has been passed down since the founding our clan." Ahra stated as she handed Adrian an old looking chest.

"Clan head! That is the most important treasure of the fox clan. Giving it to an outsider should not be this easy." One of the ministers that is a member of the fox clan stated while the other ministers got shocked.

"I am giving it to him because he might have better chances of finding its use. It has been thousands of years yet none of us knows how to use the Fox Marble. It is better in the hands of someone worthy than ours. A rotting treasure is just garbage anyway." Ahra stated but that also made Adrian frown a little.

"Does that mean that I have been handed trash? I mean its name is Fox Marble for a reason so it might be related to fox type monsters. It is their greatest treasure so the value must be really great." Adrian thought.

"Well, are you not going to get it sonny boy?" Ahra stated as she handed Adrian the chest.

"I thank the Clan head of the Fox Clan, but can I ask about the history of the Fox Marble?" Adrian asked.

"This treasure has been handed down to us by the divine creature called the Celestial Fox. One of our ancestors are said to have nurtured it back to health when it was immensely wounded. The Fox Marble is the symbol of its sincerity and a way to pay us back.

We thought that we can summon the Celestial Fox if we use it, but the divine creature did not come in our time of need. Nevertheless, we still considered it as a treasure as it is a family heirloom that has been passed down since ages ago." Ahra explained.

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