Omega Summoner

Chapter 569 - Unique Faceless One II

Chapter 569 - Unique Faceless One II

Lime could not believe what she just saw with her own eyes. The lovely young boy that she always played with managed to kill a monster in one shot. She then remembered something that day when she rescued Imiter and his playmate back then. 

The blood that covered both of them are not just red in color but also smelled of the blood of beasts. Even if she did not come then they would have been safe but that thinking is wrong. Regardless of what Imiter is, he is still a little boy in his eyes.

Lime stood up and wiped the blood that spilled on Imiter's face. The little boy got shocked because he thought that Lime would get scared of what she just witnessed. Imiter is glad from the bottom of his heart that she is safe, but he could feel more of them coming towards the village.

"Hurry, we must protect the village and lead everyone to the safe house in the village chief's house. We must save them. I can feel more coming from every direction." Imiter stated as he pulled Lime to go back to the village.

Lime snapped out of what she is thinking and received a quest stating to kill or banish the dark god in the capital. She flung the quest notification away and ran with Imiter inside the village. The village became a wreck as the monsters that should not come out of the forest came to town.

Thankfully, the players and guards in the village protected the village folk. Imiter became worried and ran straight to his house as his family might be in danger. Lime, who bowed never to fight again, is in a dilemma as she did not want to experience war again, but she changed her mind as protecting is different from destruction.

The True Saint armor that is rusting inside her inventory is equipped by her. The armor looked like a cross between what a nun and a paladin would wear. The armor looked sturdy and heavy but soft and light at the same time. It also had the runic letter of 'people' as a stigma and the colors are black and white.

Her preferred choice of weapon is also very different from what people think as she carried a bayonet. She is actually originally a gunslinger, but she became a True Saint thinking that she will erase her aggressive character. She did not pick a priest back then because she is not really the religious type but that does not mean that she undermines those who are.

[You have equipped the True Saint Armata Set.]

[You have equipped the True Saint Bayonet.]

"This territory is for the people! Protective Sanctuary!" Lime stated as she activated the exclusive skill available to the True Saint that no class could ever get. It is a variation of Sanctuary but in a wide area that can cover a whole village.

[You have indicated Sonata Village as the area of the Protective Sanctuary.]

[All allies inside the village will have 50% chance to cancel the damage that they will receive for the duration of the skill.]

[All allies will have their health regeneration doubled inside the Protective Sanctuary.]

[The duration of the Protective Sanctuary is increased due to the True Saint Pendant.]

[Protective Sanctuary will last for about an hour.]


Skill: Protective Sanctuary

Tier: Transcendent

Type: True Saint Exclusive Domain

Effect: Designate an area that will activate Protective Sanctuary. All allies in the area will gain bonus health regeneration and the passive ability to instantly block 50% of the damage they will receive. 

The True Saint must not leave the area in order for the effect to continue. The skill will automatically cancel itself if the True Saint leaves the area.

Cooldown: 2 months

Mana Cost: Nonejosei

Cast Time: 5 seconds to 30 seconds depending on how vast the designated area is.


The skill that is exclusive to the hidden class of True Saint because of the difficulty of getting it. Becoming a True Saint could also be taken away if Lime's special stat called Karma drops to zero. The special stat Karma is exclusive to the True Saint as this stat judge if she is worthy of being one.

She also gains experience just by doing good deeds which is why she is already above level 100 despite not going into battle against monsters. She has enough strength to help the village that is in trouble. The players and every inhabitant in the village wondered where the wonderous aura came from as it made the damage from monsters lesser.

The monsters that entered the village soon started getting pushed back from the previous stalemate. Lime headed to the house of the little boy Imiter first as she needed to check if he is fine. On the way, she blew the heads of any monster that she will come across.

The players and guards did not mind if their prey is killed by others as there are still a lot pouring in from the forest. She caught up to Imiter and saw that he is battling a number of monsters that surrounded his home. Lime came to her support so that they could kill the monsters faster because she though that the monsters were acting different.

She blasted the head of a bear monster that has fur that is blazing like it is constantly on fire. It is a monster that is called the Flaming Bear. She released her attack and aimed directly at the head of the Flaming Bear. She managed to get the attention but not kill the Flaming Bear because of the high defense and health of the monster.

When the Flaming Bear turned towards Lime, Imiter did not lose that chance and sliced the neck of the defenseless Flaming Bear. He did not cut of the head but the neck sprayed blood that scared the monsters that are weak which made them run away since their instinct told them that they are facing a predator.

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