Omega Summoner

Chapter 590 - Cain

Chapter 590 - Cain

"Ah!" The Asmodian screamed as the pain from the spikes in his back could no longer be tolerated.

Bishop Bright continued pushing the spikes further into the back of the Asmodian until he was satisfied. The spikes did not move much but the pain that the Asmodian felt is so great that Adrian could feel it just by watching.

"Pathetic. You resort to things that pathetic humans cannot make. The things that bind me in this place were all made by the God of Craft whom your Goddess hate." The Asmodian stated as he recollected himself.

"If you do not give us the details of a teleportation gate then you are better off dying with your blood being of use. The defeat of the dark god in the imperial capital will be the evidence that this world only needs the Church of Light.

We worked hard to bring a dark god to this world as attaining help from those heretics was not easy. The fact that they were foolish enough to do it was very laughable. They thought that they will receive riches when they summon the dark god, but they did not know that we used them as payment." Bishop Bright stated.

Adrian and the Asmodian suddenly got shocked with the revelation that the Bishop of the Church of Light stated because they did not expect that they will go that far. The fact that they would rather sacrifice a lot of people just to deviate their beliefs to the Goddess of Light is already something a traitor to the world or the universe can only do.josei

"Have you gone mad!? To summon a dark god when even that bitch never fought one." The Asmodian suddenly yelled which prompted the bishop to slap the former again.

"I told you to watch your words filthy demon. Her Eminence, Pope Pristina, is the most beautiful person in the world or rather the universe. She is basically the Envoy of the Goddess of Light. You must respect her demon!" Bishop Bright state as he slapped the Asmodian once more.

"You actually doomed humanity just because you think that your belief should stand on top. The fact that your believers are following such flawed people will make them turn to evil as well. You will doom the world just because of your selfish desires to be on top of everyone." The Asmodian stated but the bishop did not hear anything or rather did not care to listen.

"I had my fun. See you in a few hours. Those few hours will be your last after all." Bishop Bright stated as he walked out of the room and activated the magic circle.

Adrian saw that Bishop Bright used some of his mana to activate the magic circle but most of the magic needed is sucked from the Asmodian. The chains that bound him glowed in a pale white light and transferred all the collected magic to the teleportation magic circle.

The Asmodian looked tired and haggard after the bishop left but he still looked resilient. Adrian is about to cancel his skill when he suddenly saw that the Asmodian is looking directly at him. He thought that the Asmodian is just randomly staring at a wall, so he moved but the latter's eyesight followed him.

"You can see me?" Adrian uttered.

"I might be chained and weakened but my eyes can still see the truth of the world." The Asmodian stated.

"Sorry that I did not help you earlier when you were being tortured." Adrian stated as he cancelled his skill.

"You do not need to be sorry, young one. Even with your strength, it would be difficult to fight Bishop Bright without him managing to escape. You did the right thing by not escalating the problem and bided your time." The Asmodian stated which made Adrian glad as the former does not hold a grudge against him.

"Are you really an Asmodian?" Adrian asked as he could not read the information about the Asmodian in front of him. 

All that is popping up in the status boards are question marks. Adrian wanted to at least have a name or a general idea, but he could not get anything. He looked at the Asmodian with a look of pity as he could see that he must have suffered for a long time.

"If it is not too much to ask, young one. Can you kill me?" The Asmodian asked which made Adrian shocked.

"You are probably the last Asmodian that is alive. Do you not want to restore your race?" Adrian asked but the Asmodian smiled at him.

"I am not the only one because there is one that is in front of me right now." The Asmodian stated.

"How did you?" Adrian asked but he is suddenly cut off.

"I can sense it. I am pretty sure that you could sense me the moment that you arrived on this floor. That sudden feeling of attachment is what all Asmodians feel when they are near one another. We share a bond that can only be described as family." The Asmodian stated.

"If that is the case then why not help me revive our lost race. I am not even fully Asmodian because I am only like 60% Asmodian because of drinking the blood of the others." Adrian stated as he never considered himself as an Asmodian. He always considered himself as a Daemos.

"You do not need to worry, young one as the first Asmodians were not really brother and sister. They were more like brother and sisters that are bound by blood. Different individuals that were only bonded through a blood pact. More importantly, what is your name, young one? I can feel the blessings of the twin gods in you." The Asmodian told him.

"My name is Equinox. I am the current Champion of the Twin Gods that hails from the Daemos race. You also look like you are a demon but then again, I never saw a pure blooded Asmodian before. I only know that we have beautiful white hair as an indicator of our race." Adrian stated.

"Hello, young Equinox. You can call me Cain. An Asmodian that killed his own brother." Cain stated as he looked at Adrian.

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